This blog is about a form of art that has been around for a long time but is usually not talked about or noticed.
Toul art, or French Traditional Art.
This style of art was developed in the Middle Ages as a form of decoration for the cathedrals, churches and castles that were being built at the time. The style is mostly centered around the depiction of plants, which are made to look like they are growing out of the walls, floors and ceilings.
Toul Art is done primarily by hand using paint brushes, chisels and mallets, however some artists will use saws to cut away the stone where the design will be located. The style can be found in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. It’s most famous examples can be found in Paris where it is commonly used in sidewalk designs and building exteriors.
In modern times Toul Art has become less popular due to its slow rate of production and high cost of labor. Because it is done by hand it can take days or months to complete one piece depending on its size and complexity. However some people have taken notice of this beautiful form of art, many artists have begun to use it as a canvas for their own work.”
Traditional art is an art that has been passed down by artists and apprentices for many generations. Toul Art is a blog about traditional art, which usually isn’t talked about or noticed.
Toul Art’s mission is to help promote traditional art — especially that of France — and to help the general public learn more about it. Traditional artists are often not recognized for the important role they play in preserving the history of art and culture. Traditional art should be taken seriously as a type of valuable art, but often isn’t.
The term “traditional” can also refer to self-taught artists who do not have any formal art training. This is not what this blog is about because we are not concerned with any specific style or genre of traditional art except for one style: French traditional art, or “Toul Art.”
Toul is a small town in the north of France. In Toul’s surrounding area, there are still many living masters of this art form. I am one of them and I want to share this treasure with the world.
This blog will focus on traditional French art from the region of Toul.*
Traditional art is something that has been around for a long time and is often not noticed by people. It has been practiced by mostly farmers and craftsmen in the past but recently it has been less practiced and is now only done by a few people as a hobby.
This art form is very rich culturally and historically as it was developed without much contact with other countries but instead with itself over time.*
Toul Art is French Traditional Art. It is hand-made pictures of a type that have been made continuously in France for over 300 years. It was not invented by a single person but rather evolved from the work of many people and from other types of art. The process consists of drawing with pencil or charcoal on a white surface, adding pigments and then applying a fixative. The fixative can be applied by spraying, brushing or sponging. After this step, the drawing has a glossy look. When the painting is dry it can be drawn on using pencils, charcoal or watercolors.
Toul Art has been called naïve art because it does not try to imitate reality but rather tries to communicate feelings about life and about the world around us. Artists tell stories with their paintings. They show what they like and dislike, what they dream about and what they fear. There are no official rules for making Toul Art, except that they must be done entirely by hand and no photographic images may be used as reference material during their creation.
The name Toul Art comes from the city of Toulouse in southern France where it was first noticed in 1901 by French artist Louis Roubaud who published an article called “Les Peintres Naï
The style of traditional art is often not talked about or noticed. The purpose of this blog is to bring some light to that topic so we can learn more about the history of traditional art and its artists. Traditional art is a style of art that has been around for a long time but is usually not talked about or noticed. It consists mostly of drawings, paintings and sculptures that are created with a brush or pencil instead of an expensive program such as Adobe Photoshop or Maya. Traditional artists focus on realism and detail when they create their artwork. Their artwork is usually very time consuming and uses many layers to produce a realistic look and feel within the piece. The layers also provide an opportunity to add more details in post processing.
Toul Art is a style of artistic expression that has been around for many centuries, but is not widely known. Toul Art is not just a form of art that has been around for a long time, it is also an idea or philosophy that essentially encompasses all things in existence. According to the book “The Book of Toul” by Arturo DeHoyos and Thelma Hunt “we learn through the art of Toul that there are no accidents, and the most important thing we can do is to honor and live life in harmony with nature and our fellow man.”
The book continues: “The great lesson of Toul Art is to know that we are all part of something much bigger than ourselves, and this awareness will help us overcome obstacles along our life’s journey.”
Toul Art is essentially based on achieving balance. The books says: “One learns through Toul Art how important it is to maintain one’s balance. If an individual has lost his or her balance and tipped over in one direction or another, it is almost impossible to recover without falling on one’s face.” This can be an analogy for the world today and how out of balance we have become due to materialism and overconsumption. We must learn how to restore our