Elephant Art: Why Did the Elephant Cross the Road(paint)? : a blog about elephant art.
The above picture is a piece of “elephant art” created by elephants. According to some scientists, elephants are quite intelligent – they exhibit observational learning, empathy, and cooperation. I suppose that one could say that they paint pictures of things they have observed and are empathetic towards or cooperative with, as well as paintings of things they would like to see or, in this case, cross the road to see. (I am pretty sure elephants don’t want to see humans!)
Elephants’ “art” is not limited to paintings on canvas – it includes paintings on trees and rocks in their natural environment and on canvas hung from fences and buildings in zoos. It may also include other types of art such as stone carvings and musical compositions. Elephants have been known to paint masterpieces for people, too! The most famous example is an elephant named Kandula who paints for his audience at the Sri Kanteerava Stadium in Bangalore, India. He creates original works of art using a brush attached to his trunk. In 2002 he painted his first masterpiece – a
The blog is a visual guide to the elephant in art, and it’s dedicated to all those whose hard work and creative genius have helped to create the elephant-related artworks that we see today.
Elephant Art will showcase some of the most exciting elephant-related artists, along with the works they produce. We aim to provide a source of inspiration for elephant lovers, and to act as a showcase for our favourite pieces of elephant art – because seriously, who doesn’t love an awesome piece of elephant art?
Visit Elephant Art today!
Our mission at Elephant Art is to make sure that anyone who has an interest in elephant art can find out more about it, explore it further and enjoy it in their own way. That’s why on Elephant Art you’ll find everything from how to paint elephants using reference images and techniques, to buying your own piece of original elephant artwork by renowned artists from around the world, as well as articles on famous artists from history that shaped the world of elephant art.
In short, anything which might be useful or interesting for people who like elephants!
Elephant Art is a blog that explores the elephant art world through interviews, articles, and news. The blog also helps aspiring artists get their foot in the door with resources and advice.
Elephant Art was founded in 2011 by Brooklyn artist/writer Whitney Ward in response to her frustration with the lack of visibility for elephant art. The blog has been featured on the Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, and Elephant News.
Elephant Art currently has over 4,000 followers on Facebook; however, many more people visit their website each month.
Elephant art is a term for art involving elephants and has become a popular topic of discussion on the internet. Elephant paintings have been made by both professional and amateur artists, using various methods, mainly using the elephant’s skin, their tusks, or their feet.
The idea of making pictures with elephants originated in Sri Lanka. The first artist to use elephants was one Mrs. Casie Van Auken, who was inspired after seeing an elephant at a zoo in Connecticut with her friend Mrs. Roberts. She decided to paint the animal’s feet in watercolours, but was unsuccessful at creating anything she deemed suitable.
After this initial failure she decided to try again and thus invented Elephant Art, copying the design of a handbag onto the elephant’s foot. She was then able to sell her paintings at $200 each.
There are some variations on this story, one claims that in 1846, Mrs. Roberts made an attempt on her own which was successful, but it is alleged that these are not true accounts as there are no records to confirm these stories.
Another version says that Mrs. Roberts attempted to draw the animal’s foot, but couldn’t think of a way to make it stand still.
Further more it is said by some that she
Elephant Art is the creation of a single visionary named “Bill” who has created an intricate body of work. He made up his own genre, Elephant Art, which is an ongoing narrative where he is the main character and the elephants are as well.
The story began as a series of sketches drawn on the backs of discarded envelopes and small pieces of paper. Bill would draw a little sketch that looked like something from a story book then he would add text to go with the picture. The text was made up by him and described what was going on in the drawing. The drawings were usually about “Bill” and his crazy pets (elephants) or about Bill doing something funny.
This grew into more elaborate stories, where Bill would be in other places besides his house or bedroom with elephants coming into play in all kinds of situations. In these early pieces there are no other human characters except for one girl that seems to show up occasionally in some of the earlier sketches and some later stories.
These first pieces were done in ball point pen on smaller pieces of paper or even directly on envelopes that Bill had taken out of the mailbox. After these were done they were mounted onto larger pieces of paper, cut down to size and colored with markers. As Bill
Elephant Art is an ongoing blog about elephant art and the artists who create it. The site features a wide variety of elephant art, including paintings, photographs, drawings, and native adornment. Elephant Art also showcases unique elephant art from around the world, from places like India and Sri Lanka to Thailand and Malaysia and many other locations in Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Tropical forest elephants are intelligent creatures that lead complex social lives with strong family bonds. They possess complex vocal communication patterns, can recognize hundreds of distinct sounds, and coordinate group activities with a high level of sophistication. Elephants live in tight-knit matriarchal communities composed of closely related females and their offspring. These closely knit extended families are typically led by older experienced females. The communities are made up of smaller groups known as “fissions” or “clans.”
Elephant Art hopes to educate people about the fascinating world of elephants through its online exhibitions. There’s nothing quite like seeing an elephant painting in person!
Elephant Art is proud to be an affiliate member of:
* Association for Asian Elephant Art & Conservation – AAEAC
* Elephant Art & Conservation Project – EACP
* Elephant Voices –
Art is what makes elephants crossing a road something worth watching. Art is the difference between a road and a street.
It’s hard to know how to draw an elephant. It’s hard to draw anything well, but it’s especially hard to draw anything that will be instantly recognizable. A portrait of someone’s face isn’t art, because anyone can do it; it takes no special skill. A drawing of an elephant is art, because most people can’t do it. If they could, it wouldn’t be much of an elephant.
I think that could be said about pretty much any skill worth learning: if everyone knew how to do it, it wouldn’t be worth doing. Or at least not so worth doing that you’d devote your whole life and soul to doing nothing else—or almost nothing else—for ten years or twenty or thirty.
Many people have written about the importance of failure in art and science and learning generally. They get this from Darwin who wrote in his autobiography: “I have been a careless naturalist, and only a few species of insects have been named.”
Darwin had been a diligent naturalist as a young man; that was what he had gone on the Beagle voyage for: to collect animals, plants and rocks for