10 Easy Things You Can Do to Improve Your Home That Don’t Cost a Thing

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Renovations are a large expense and one that most people would like to avoid. A great way to save money is to perform some basic maintenance. Below are 10 easy things you can do to improve your home that don’t cost a thing:

1. Get a new shower head- Many homes have the same shower head for years, I know ours did. When we moved in we were excited that everything was in working order but the shower head was original to the house and 25+ years old. We were missing out on a blast of water and it was wasting water as well. Replacing the shower head was easy, inexpensive, and quick to do. We took an hour one day to change over our 3 showers and were able to shave off approximately $50-$80 per month on our water bill.

2. Turn off your lights- We try to remember to turn off all lights when we leave a room or go to bed at night (when possible). Keeping lights off is one of the easiest ways you can save energy and money each month. To make it easier on yourself, try installing motion sensors so you don’t have to remember!

3. Insulate your attic- If your attic has an access panel, use it! Checking

Here are some easy things you can do to improve your home that don’t cost a thing:

1. Change the light bulbs in your house to CFLs. You’ll save money on your electric bill and help the environment by using less electricity.

2. Build a compost bin in your yard. If you have a garden, you’ll be able to use the compost for fertilizing. If not, collect food scraps from your neighbors or grocery store and donate it to a local food bank or farm.

3. Buy reusable shopping bags when you go to the grocery store or mall. You’ll save money on plastic bags and help reduce waste.

4. Install solar panels on your roof. This is a long-term investment, but it will pay off in the long run because you won’t have to pay as much in heating and cooling bills all year round.

5. Get rid of clutter and junk mail by unsubscribing from catalogs and junk mail lists, going through your closets and drawers, throwing out old newspapers, magazines, etc., and donating them to charity if they’re still usable.

6. Repair leaky faucets and toilets with tools you already have around the house (or can buy cheaply or borrow). A little

In today’s tough economic times, it’s wise to save every penny you can. However, that doesn’t mean you should never spend a dime on making your home more comfortable and beautiful. In fact, there are a number of simple things you can do to improve your home right now that won’t cost you anything.

Art is a wonderful thing to have in your home. It is not something you have to wait until you have the perfect home for, or the money for, or the time for. Even if you are renting and have little money to spend on decor you can still have art in your home.

There are some things that will cost you money but most of them do not. Let’s take a look at what kinds of art you can add to your home so that it looks great without breaking the bank.

* To make your home more comfortable, you can turn off the air conditioning without feeling too hot.

* If you have a drafty door, try putting a bowl of water near it. The moisture will help to keep things warmer.

* If your floors are cold, put down area rugs that add warmth and color.

* For those who prefer higher ceilings in their living rooms, you can raise the ceiling height by putting up an inexpensive crown molding.

* Another way to achieve the same effect is to paint the walls with a dark color.

* You can also use expensive window treatments to raise the ceiling height and add style to your room.

* Investing in a quality mattress will help you to sleep better and wake up refreshed each morning.* Add plants around your house to bring life into any room or apartment.* Add some artwork or mirrors on the walls for decoration.* Hang curtains or drapes over windows for greater privacy.

One of the best things that you can do for your family is to redecorate and refresh their environment. This is not an extravagance but an investment in the health, happiness and well-being of your family members.

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