Why Art?

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Art has been around for thousands of years. Some of the best artists were Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Monet, and Picasso. What is art? Art is a way of communicating feelings and thoughts to others. One example of art is a poem. It can be a silly poem or one that makes you think.

Another type of art is music. It can be rock or it can be piano music. One example of this would be Beethoven or Bach.

Some other types of art are paintings and sculptures. An artist makes these with his or her hands or with computer software like Photoshop and CorelDraw.

Some other types of art are movies and plays. An example would be the movie “The Godfather” or the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

Art is all around us in our daily lives such as a sunset, nature, people, animals, buildings, plants, tools, roads, and bridges.

Art is important for many reasons, but it is most important because it makes us see. By seeing and feeling, we experience something that otherwise might have been outside ourselves.

Art allows us to experience the feelings of another person. We can feel the joy or sadness of someone else in a way that would be much harder to do otherwise. This experience can change our lives.

Art is not only about sadness, it is also about joy. It allows us to understand people who are different than ourselves and can help to build bridges between people who have different backgrounds or beliefs.

Art also helps to create a sense of community among those who share the same interests or beliefs. When we are involved in art we feel as if we belong to a larger group where different people work together for a common goal or vision.

Art has always been a part of our lives. Whether it’s cave drawings or paintings, sculptures, or even music and movies, art has helped shape society. It’s beyond a doubt that art is a fundamental part of all human culture, but why?

Art is a way for us to express ourselves and share our feelings with others. By creating works of art, we can share our thoughts and emotions with those around us. This can be done in ways other than art; you could write letters to your friends or have a conversation with them about your feelings. However, art is more of an emotional release than having a conversation with someone else. Art allows you to express yourself in ways that are not always possible through words alone.

Art can also teach us things we would not have learned otherwise. While some art may be simply for entertainment purposes, there are other forms of art that convey important messages. Painting, photography and film are three examples of mediums that can influence people to think about certain issues differently. Art has the ability to make us think about an issue in ways that words cannot express.

Art is also used as therapy for many people who suffer from mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorder. Art therapy uses drawing or painting to help patients and show them

Art is a wonderful thing that is not always understood by everyone. It has been around for as long as the Earth has and will continue to be around forever. It is something that we all love, in one way or another. Without art, the world would be a very boring place.

It shows beauty, emotion, and many different styles of art. There are so many different types of art out there, it’s amazing. Everyone has their own style of how they create what they create. Art has brought so much joy into our lives that we don’t even know about it sometimes. If you want to learn more about what art can do for you, then keep reading!

There are many different styles and types of art out there today. These are some of the most popular:


Sculpting (making sculptures)




And much more! These are just a few examples of what art can do for us. Some people think that only professionals can do these things, but anyone can become an artist! All you have to do is be creative! That’s why it’s called “art.” Everyone can have fun with art and make their own designs and put them on T-shirts or posters or even

Art is beautiful. Art elevates and inspires. Art drives civilization.

Art can be ugly, obscene and disgusting. Art can be boring and uninspiring. Art can be anti-civilization and anti-humanity.

Art has the power to make a person feel alive, inspired, and connected to the universe. Art has the power to inspire a person to do great things, build great buildings, create great art of their own and elevate them to a higher level of existence.

We crave art. We need art in our lives. We love art and we hate it too because it makes us face ourselves, our society, our feelings and emotions and drives us to change when change is painful and scary.

Art has the power to make us feel uncomfortable as we are forced by its honesty into seeing something about ourselves that we would rather not see or accept. This is why censorship exists; because art has the power to change our thoughts and beliefs about things we hold dear; this is why art stirs up emotions in people who may have thought they were long dead or buried along with a past they desperately want to forget; this is why there is war over what kind of art is acceptable in society; because art makes people think, feel, experience and question

Art is a term that is used to describe any form of human expression. Art is used to describe music, painting, dance and even writing. However many people would disagree with this definition of art; they believe that only visual art should be called art.

The word art comes from the Latin word ars which means skill or craft. The English word artist stems from this word as well. Art can be defined as a skill or craft that requires talent and study in order to create a beautiful piece of work.

Art can also be defined as any act that can be categorized as beautiful by one person or group of people, but ugly and distasteful by others. This definition of art is best described by Andy Warhol who said “Art is what you can get away with.”

Art has played an important role in the development of human history; it has been present in every major movement and era in history. It has played an important role in all ages and cultures, even though it may have taken different forms such as dance, drama, music, sculpture, poetry and writing.

When we consider all of the forms of art that humans have created throughout history we must ask why? What purpose does art serve? It serves to share emotion with others; it helps

Art is a form of communication. It is one of the most important and most misunderstood ways that we connect with each other. It can be difficult to understand it when so much art is presented to us as entertainment or decoration.

Written and spoken language have inherent value in that they help us communicate with each other and give us insight into what others are thinking, feeling and experiencing. Art is similar in that it helps us communicate, but also in that it allows us to see things differently than we would have otherwise.

I am not an expert on art, but I would like to share some of my thoughts about art and creativity, especially as it relates to my experience of working at Apple.

To understand art, I think you first have to understand how the mind works. The mind is essentially a pattern matching engine that seeks out patterns and then tries to connect them with other patterns in order to make sense of the world around us. Our brains are fantastic pattern matching machines that allow us to learn from our experiences and build our knowledge about how the world works and what we can expect from it.

Art helps create new patterns for our minds to identify and associate with other concepts we already know or may eventually know. This provides a new way for our brain to explore ideas or

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