What Kind of Artist are You? a blog post with myth busting ideas to help you find your creative style.

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What is your hobby?

You know, that one thing you do for fun. For example, I like to draw pictures. I doodle. I’m not very good at it, but I love to do it.

I’ve heard people say they don’t have a hobby because they’re too busy working all the time. Or they say they don’t have time for a hobby because they’re raising kids and taking care of their house and pets.

But hobbies are important. They give us a chance to relax, unwind and do something we love without the pressure of school or work or family. Hobbies inspire us and make us more creative in our other endeavors, too.

Hobbies can also be a great way to express ourselves creatively without worrying about how good we are — they are by definition things we enjoy doing regardless of talent or skill at them.*

Sometimes, people get nervous about sharing their ideas and creations with others because it might not be perfect or it might not be what someone else would want. But doing art for ourselves (and maybe for our friends) is valuable even if no one else ever sees it. One of the jobs of an artist is to explore ideas, even if no one else will ever see them — you never know

There are many types of artists, and each type has their own “style.” The following is a list of different styles broken down by medium.

For the most part these styles are not mutually exclusive. Many artists will utilize more than one style. This is because an artist can create in many different ways at once, depending on what they’re creating.

Also, every artist will use a combination of these styles when they create something. The following is simply a description of how the artist creates and what their finished product looks like.

Isn’t it interesting that a list of “styles” for artists could be described as MULTIPLE STYLES?! I find that hilarious! What sets us apart from each other is not just our individual styles but the fact that we all have multiple styles! If you take away anything from this post would you try to incorporate more than one style when you create? Or would you rather stick to your comfort zone? The following are some examples of different styles:

Are you a hobby artist?

I make art to have fun, and I don’t care if anyone else sees it. I don’t feel like an artist. I’m just doing it for myself. I’m not trying to make a living from my art. I can’t imagine ever being that good anyway, so why bother?

If this sounds like you, then you’re a hobby artist.

You may be happy with your status as a hobby artist and not want to be anything more. If so, that’s fine. But there are also some things you should know about what it means to be a hobby artist:

1) You are alone – If you aren’t showing your work to other people, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one who matters in the equation. It’s easy to think that no one cares about your art because no one is showing any interest in it. The truth is that most people are waiting for someone else to take the first step. They may love art and admire what other artists do but they’re not going to reach out and make contact without someone taking the initiative first. The biggest challenge for hobby artists is getting over this hurdle of reaching out and taking the initiative themselves; something that might come naturally if they

Artists’ abilities are often determined by their character, personality, and lifestyle. Whether you’re a “natural” or not doesn’t matter. No one becomes a great artist without developing certain habits.

These days there is an ever-increasing amount of information available on the web about how to draw or paint. You can even find video tutorials on Youtube that will walk you through the process step by step. However, what most of these sites lack is advice on how to become a successful artist even if you haven’t been blessed with natural talent. Here are some tips for educating yourself and improving your art skills – in other words, becoming a better artist:


What if you could learn how to make your hobby into a business?

I’m not talking about the side job, or a part-time gig. I mean the professional artist life, where you’re making money from your art instead of a day-job. It’s not hard to imagine that in a few years you could be living off commissions, selling your work wholesale, getting hired for custom projects, and so on. And what about galleries? Maybe at some point you’re making enough money that people will actually want to hang your work on their wall!

What if I told you it wasn’t just possible – it was inevitable? What if I told you that everyone starts out in one field and then discovers they have a talent for another? Would that mean anything?

I’ve known photographers who discovered their talent for illustration. I’ve known animators who discovered they were more interested in writing. I’ve known writers who discovered they’d rather make short films. I’ve known web designers who discovered they had a knack for print design. And so on.

I’m not a painter, I’m an artist.

I’m not a writer, I’m an author.

I’m not an actor, I’m an actor.

I’m not a singer, I’m a vocalist … and so on.

Yes, we’re all artists in our own way, but many of us make the mistake of thinking there are levels to the art world—levels that we should strive to achieve. In reality though, it’s so much more simple than that. It’s about finding your voice and owning it as your own!

The word “hobby” has a very old meaning: it’s the same word we use for a beloved companion. A hobby is something you love, something that brings you joy.

But in the modern world there are two meanings for the word “hobby.” There’s the ancient sense of a beloved companion, and there’s another sense that got tacked on in the early 1900s. In this second sense, a hobby is an activity that you enjoy, but it doesn’t create value for customers and so isn’t a real business.

I don’t like this definition of “hobby.” It feels like an insult to me. If I bake bread at home for my family, it’s not a hobby: it’s just what I do. And if I sell bread to my neighbors, it’s not suddenly a hobby either. The label makes no sense to me.

In my own life, I’ve tried many different ways of making money: making and selling software, making and selling database services, writing books, drawing cartoons and comics, creating art installations. Each one was just what I did to make money; none of them were hobbies in the insulting sense of the word.

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