Training To Be An Artist

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I would highly recommend this blog to anyone who is interested in the art world. It’s written by an artist who gives his perspective on how to become an artist, how to get your work seen and appreciated, but most importantly how to be a good artist. It’s very simple to understand and it’s not pretentious at all.

It’s definitely worth reading for those who are trying to make a living as an artist, or just for those who want to know more about the artist’s world in general.

The art world is a cut throat industry. If you want to be successful, you need to start training now. The only way to do this is by creating your own work. You can’t wait for someone to give you an opportunity because chances are you will be waiting for the rest of your life and well, that’s not going to help anyone..

You should create your own blog where you post your work and critique other artist’s work. The internet is the best place for this because it provides easy access to everyone, allows people to easily find your work and keep track of you, and also allows people to comment on your work. With enough time spent on the website, your art will become popular and others will begin asking questions about how you got so good at what you do.”

The biggest obstacle for a young writer is not the need for talent, but the need for training.

Training is what turns a bright kid with potential into a writer. Training is what turns writing from something that happens to you into something you can do.

The idea that writing can be taught is highly controversial. People who don’t write aren’t sure that it can be; they think of writing as something magical or divine, and are afraid that trying to teach it will spoil it somehow. People who do write often have a vested interest in believing that good writing comes from some innate talent, and that if you don’t have the talent you can never become a good writer.

You have to train to be an athlete or a musician or an actor, so why not a writer? But writers are different—they have no coaches or teachers or classes…right?


It’s true that there’s no substitute for reading good books and bad books and lots of them. It’s true that you learn by doing—by writing yourself. But even so, there are things about being a writer that can be learned from teachers and coaches and classes, and things about becoming one that need practice just like any other skill.

I have been an artist for most of my life. Although I can’t say that I am successful at it, I am content with my work. To be more specific, I am a writer and an illustrator. I have been writing since I was three years old, and drawing since I was five. In fact, I don’t really recall a time in my life when I wasn’t writing or drawing or both.

Like many other people, there were times when writing and art were not high on my list of priorities. When I was a teenager, one of my main concerns was figuring out how to get into college and which college to attend. Now that college is over (for me), however, writing and art are back to being high priorities.

I like to write because it allows me to do whatever I want with the words, which is something that is impossible with pictures. Although pictures are more exciting than words, words are more exciting than pictures for me because they allow for so much more variation. That’s why writing is the only medium in which I express myself these days; although lately I have been thinking about trying a few different things with pictures again.

The creative process is a difficult and frustrating one. Sometimes you sit down to paint, and nothing comes out. You can lose faith in your abilities and wonder if you’re cut out to be an artist at all.

There are many reasons why you may find it hard to be creative at times. But the most important thing to remember is that everyone has these problems, even if they don’t admit it. Everyone hits a wall occasionally, where the art just doesn’t come out right or the music sounds wrong or whatever else. The first step to getting past this is admitting that it happens to everyone, and that it’s not your fault. The second step is realizing what causes these problems, so you can avoid them next time.*

I am really glad that you took the time to check out my blog. I want to let you know that I put a lot of effort into each post and I hope that you will enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.

Truly yours,

Greta Van Susteren

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