The World is your Butterfly Garden

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The World is Your Butterfly Garden: A blog about how to encourage people to enjoy gardening

The World is Your Butterfly Garden

I am a trained horticulturist, a gardener and an artist. I have always had a passion for plants and for the environment.

I help people make their garden their own by providing inspiration and information. I also share my own journey as an artist, working in the garden with plants and art materials.

As a horticulturist I have created several large-scale public gardens. My artistic work is inspired by nature and especially flowers. I like making things that are colorful, fun and beautiful.

Visit my website to learn more about me and my new book “Make Art With Plants”. Find links to learn more about butterflies, gardening and art.

The World is Your Butterfly Garden is a place where you can find inspiration, information and support to make your garden your own.”

Gardening is a great hobby because you are always learning something new. Growing plants from seeds gives you a chance to play with the miracle of life.

I love gardening as much as I love butterflies and I do hope you will be able to share my passion for both these things. Butterflies come in so many shapes, sizes and colours! There’s so much to know about them! I hope this blog will be fun, interesting and educational.

I’ll try to make the posts interesting, informative and hopefully inspirational too. Gardening is not just a hobby it can be a lifestyle choice too, do have a look at my butterfly garden blog/website, there’s lots of information on it.

The World is your butterfly garden.*

*All content on this site is protected by copyright laws. You may not copy or otherwise use any content without permission.*

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My name is Lily and I have been studying butterflies for the past seven years. I learned about them at my grandfather’s house when I was a little girl. He took me outside to see the butterflies on his butterfly garden, and from that moment on I was hooked. Before then, I didn’t even realize that butterflies could be so beautiful.

I started my butterfly garden at home and out of the blue I received an email from a company called Butterfly Garden Supplies . They were interested in learning more about what I do with my garden and how many butterflies visit it. Now here I am blogging about my butterfly garden. It is such an honor to work with this company. The people are all so nice and they have so many helpful products for your garden as well.

This is one of the reasons why I started this blog; to help people who have never owned a butterfly garden before and even those who already do but don’t know how to get them to come around more often! Maybe you want a bigger variety of butterflies, or maybe you just want to learn more about them? This blog will teach you all of this and more!

Butterfly gardening is not as difficult as it may seem! Here are some tips on how to get started:


Butterflies are insects and so they’re not really plants, but they’re close enough. They look like plants and act like plants and people grow them, even if it’s just by planting some flowers in their yard. Butterflies are beautiful, are a joy to watch, and easy to grow in your butterfly garden.

Butterflies’ lives are so short that they can’t afford to waste time. Caterpillars live for about a month, but adult butterflies live for only about a week. This is because caterpillars have to eat constantly, and butterflies don’t. Caterpillars need to eat because they are building their bodies. With the bodies comes the structure and the ability to fly; the butterfly body is like an airplane that hasn’t been filled with fuel yet.

Tiger swallowtails and many other butterflies emerge from their cocoons without ever having eaten anything at all. They don’t need to eat because they carry enough fuel in their bodies to fly straight through their one-week life span.

Butterfly gardens make it easy for butterflies to find plants that will give them enough food to last them through metamorphosis (the change from caterpillar to butterfly) and then get them through their adult lives as butterflies.

If you plant a butterfly garden yourself, here’s what you need to do:

I have been a practicing artist for a long time, and I have always been interested in art, but have never thought of myself as an “artist”. I feel like I’m just a person who likes to make things, and that’s what I do. Art is my hobby.

I have always had this internal dialogue about the difference between “art” and “craft”. I know that what I am doing is not “art”. But then again, how can anyone really tell the difference? I think that if you are doing something creative, you are an artist.

But for me, my art comes from nature. And if we all think of ourselves as artists from nature, then we can all enjoy our creativity together.

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