The Unspoken Benefits of Better Handwriting

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I think we all have this dream of sending a handwritten letter to someone special, or maybe we see handwriting that makes us wish we had written it ourselves. We have all seen beautifully written things and wished we could do something like that.

What does it really mean to have good handwriting? The penmanship experts would tell you that it is an art form, but I don’t think they are right. I think you can break down what makes up good handwriting into 5 areas:

1. How well can you form each letter?

2. How much space between your letters?

3. How much space between your words?

4. Can you write fast?

5. Are you able to write neatly?

If you can master each of these 5 areas, then your handwriting will be good enough for anyone’s eyes to read and appreciate. You will have successfully mastered the art of beautiful handwriting! The benefits of having better handwriting are endless:

1. People will take notice and compliment you on your wonderful penmanship.

2. You will feel more accomplished with your ability to do such a thing as beautiful writing (I know I certainly did).

3. You’ll just plain enjoy writing more than before because you know that what you’re writing looks beautiful

Better handwriting is beautiful, but it’s much more than that. It’s a powerful tool that can improve your life. Yet most people have no idea how much they’re missing out on.

Handwriting is one of the oldest and best ways to boost your creativity, productivity and memory. Handwriting isn’t just for kids anymore—it’s for adults who want to do better at work and in life. One recent study showed that students who write more by hand score higher on tests!

It’s easy to see why. When you write something down, you are processing the information better than if you were typing it on a computer keyboard or simply reading it from a piece of paper. Writing by hand helps make information stickier in your brain—you’re forming little memory hooks as you go.


Name:The “Invisible Gorilla” Experiment

I’ve been a pen and paper guy for as long as I can remember, and have always been interested in the history of handwriting. But recently I began to wonder if there is more to it than just a pretty hobby. What benefits does good handwriting have that we don’t talk about?

I was surprised to find that there are many benefits of beautiful handwriting. In this post I’ll outline them and also share a few tips on how you can improve your own handwriting.

The first benefit of good handwriting is often overlooked, but is the most important by far: Good handwriting makes you happier.

Each letter you write connects your mind and heart to the world around you, and helps you connect with others. It’s a way for us to feel like we’re making progress in our lives, and for us to feel connected to the world around us. Especially when writing in cursive, as opposed to print letters, we get lost in the moment as we make each stroke, feeling the movement of our hands over the paper and seeing how each letter fits together with its neighbors.

There’s nothing wrong with taking pleasure from doing something beautiful, whether it be painting a picture or writing an essay or singing a song. All art forms help us connect with ourselves and each other

Many people believe that the ability to write beautiful and legible handwriting is a lost art. They believe that most people today are so used to seeing ugly handwriting and poor penmanship, that they can not even recognize the beauty in it.

@IvyRose: “There’s just something about a nice handwritten note that you can never get with a typed letter.” @

Better handwriting is a skill that should be taught in every school. It’s a shame that it isn’t. I didn’t learn cursive until I was in the 5th grade, and since then it has proven to be an invaluable skill.

Trying to write neatly with your non-dominant hand (yes, righties, you need to learn lefty too) is good for your brain. It develops more neural pathways in your brain and improves memory function and focus.

There are also some great life benefits of learning cursive. Once you have mastered it well enough to read it, you can read old documents that are written in cursive, which can teach you a lot about history and culture.

Cursive is also beautiful. I know that sounds silly, but think about it – we’re talking about putting pen to paper! There is something very meditative about the process of writing beautifully, which can be relaxing and therapeutic at the same time.

Cursive also aids retention of information – specifically, what you’ve written. Studies show that students who take notes by hand retain more information than students who type their notes on laptops or tablets.

I used to think that being able to write beautifully was a talent. After I began studying calligraphy, I realized that beautiful handwriting is not just a sign of talent; it is an art form in itself. It has its own techniques, tools and materials. It requires practice and dedication, but the skills learned can be transferred to other areas of life.

The Benefits of Calligraphy

Calligraphy is an art form that involves the thoughtful arrangement of words on paper. It is not just writing with a fancy pen or pretty penmanship, although they are included in this art form. What are some of the benefits of calligraphy? The benefits of calligraphy are widespread and go beyond the simple act of writing your name beautifully. However, there are many people who simply enjoy the act of writing their name beautifully, and it does look nice displayed on your walls or given as a gift to someone special.

When you read something, you’re not just reading words. You’re also taking in the handwriting. The same is true when you doodle in the margins of your notes.

The handwriting of a stranger can tell you a lot about that person: they’re neat, they write slowly and carefully, they have a sense of humor, they love their pets. When we read a person’s handwriting, it’s like we’re getting to know them just a little bit better, even though that person is far away.

Or maybe someone is close enough to see your handwriting every day: a child or parent, spouse or child. If there were two people in the world who knew me best in all the world—and I mean really knew me —it would be my daughter and my wife.

Telling stories by hand takes time. It takes time to form each letter correctly, and it takes time for your brain to get used to your new idea, and take shape as a story or an essay or a poem. And while you’re writing it out, you are thinking out loud; if someone else can read your handwriting, they can hear your thoughts too.

So when you hand-write something—a thank-you note or a birthday card—you are

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