The Art Market: A blog about art, the art market, and the importance of art in society. is a reference site for artists, galleries and art collectors providing auction results, financial data and a wide range of information on artists, galleries and artworks.
The world’s leading provider of fine arts databases and business services to the art community.
Artprice is a major international price database for fine arts with over a million records dating back to 17th century.
The Art Market is a blog about art, the art market, and the importance of art in society. The purpose of this blog is to share information and insight about all aspects of the global art market, with a particular focus on the New York market.
The Art Market has been created by a group of professionals with extensive experience in the world of fine arts and antiques, including curators and appraisers from major auction houses, galleries, dealerships and nonprofit institutions.
Juried competitions: The Art Market runs art competitions for students in grades K-12. In addition to providing each student with an award certificate and cash prize, winning students are encouraged to submit their work to juried exhibitions at top galleries, museums and auction houses.
The Art Market is a blog about art, the art market, and the importance of art in society. We feature articles on specific artists, auction houses and galleries, art fairs and museums, as well as critical content examining the role of art in modern culture.
The Art Market strives to be a source of information and ideas for both those just entering the world of contemporary art as well as seasoned professionals who are looking for new insights into the ever-evolving field of contemporary art.
The Art Market was founded by Joshua Holdeman in 2006 as a blog focused on the art market, the role of art in society, and the art world. After running the site for nine years, Joshua has moved onto other ventures and the project is now being transformed into a broader cultural commentary site.
The Art Market’s contributors are artists, writers, curators, academics and dealers from all over the world. The site features articles about contemporary art and culture written by experts and insiders. It also features interviews with artists, galleries, museums and more. The site aims to give each of its readers a more informed view of what has become a global phenomenon.
The Art Market is dedicated to providing the best news, art market updates and analysis of art auctions, galleries, artists and collectors. Our mission is to inform readers about the importance of art in society. As the premier source for breaking news in the art world, The Art Market has been a trusted source for information on art auctions, galleries and artists since its founding in 2005.
Author:Molly Samuel is an independent curator who has worked with museums and auction houses around the globe. She has a Masters degree in Modern and Contemporary Art from Christie’s Education program and has written for publications such as The New York Times, Artsy and Artnet News.
Art is an important part of our culture and society, but for the most part it’s not discussed in the context of either. Critics, curators and collectors talk about the art without discussing the broader issues, and commentators on society tend to view art as a frivolous luxury. The Art Market aims to fill that gap.
The Art Market is written by an art critic with decades of experience working in both commercial galleries and museums, as well as a veteran journalist who has written extensively about both contemporary art and its market. As such, it aims to provide insights into both the history of art and its future direction by looking at it through a variety of different lenses: economic, historical, cultural.
And while it will always be timely and topical – covering issues like the current GOP tax plan’s potential effects on museum funding or the recent Grammy giveaway for Kanye West’s projectionist – it will also look at long term issues: why some artists are considered great masters, what makes a work of art “art,” how museums have changed over time, or whether we’re living in a new Gilded Age.
These days you can find out pretty much anything you want to know about art. I love this. I’m still in the middle of my career, and every time I learn something new, art gets a little richer for me.
But there’s one thing that doesn’t get talked about much: How do you find out what you don’t know?
In theory, the internet is perfect for this. Of course, it’s not like people weren’t making art before the internet was invented. But now information is really easy to access. In the old days, if you wanted to know what everyone was up to in your field, there were two options: You could travel from museum to museum, or you could subscribe to a bunch of magazines and newsletters. Nowadays you can just go online and look at a bunch of websites — blogs and informational sites — maintained by people who care passionately about art.
The problem is that the internet makes it too easy to be an expert. People are more likely to think they are experts these days because it’s so easy for them to find like-minded people who agree with them. So if an artist shows up on the scene and starts blogging about art, chances are he will have a lot of followers who think he is right