” Step Up Your Art Game” is a blog about art in the urban environment. It will feature news, interviews, reviews, and commentary on street art, graffiti, and public art. We are going to take a closer look at the people who make this art happen. We will also focus on artists who are involved in projects that aren’t limited by the constraints of gallery or museum walls.
Step Up Your Art Game is for artists and non-artists alike. The majority of articles will be written in a way that is easy to understand for anyone with an interest in the arts. However, there will be plenty of material that is more advanced and detailed for those who want to dig deeper into each subject presented. I’ve been told that this blog wouldn’t be complete without some form of humor so expect some dry wit sprinkled throughout as well.
It’s not all business though. I love this stuff so I’m going to have a lot of fun with it too! I plan on drinking beer while writing articles on street art and graffiti, taking pictures of cool murals while enjoying a latte at my favorite coffee shop, and eating cheap tacos while hanging out with friends engaged in heated debate about tagging etiquette.”
A blog about art in urban environments. I am an artist from the east coast, who is interested in seeing street art on the west coast of the US. I am looking for ways to bring together graffiti and street artists to form an organization that can help both graffiti and street artists grow their talents and build relationships with each other in a collaborative environment. If you are interested in contributing to this site, please contact me by e-mail at highdefart@gmail.com.
The Urban Art Association is a non-profit organization that supports the ongoing urban art movement in Philadelphia. We want to make a positive contribution to the city’s community by providing a forum where artists, collectors, and enthusiasts can come together to celebrate and support this growing contemporary art form. As a 501(c)3 organization, the Urban Art Association is able to offer you tax deductible donations for your generous contributions and sponsor events throughout the year.
This blog will be used as a tool for sharing information about current events as well as an outlet for artists to share their work with the public. If you are interested in contributing content or would like further information about the Urban Art Association please contact us at urbanartassociation@gmail.com.’
The Urban Art Association is a group of artists, architects and designers who are interested in the role of art in public and private spaces. We seek to increase awareness and appreciation of urban art and to promote its use as a legitimate means of expression.
We hold semi-regular workshops, lectures and events for the public. The UAA maintains a blog with articles about upcoming events, interesting sites and articles from guest bloggers.
It’s hard to be a good artist. It’s also hard to be a good musician, and a good writer, and a good politician. There are lots of things that are hard to do. But the point of this post is not to complain about how hard it is to be an artist. It’s to tell you about one way you can make yourself better at being an artist: take photographs of the urban environment. The only thing that makes you a better artist is doing art, so if you want to get better at drawing or writing or music, you have to do more of it.
If street art is what you’re interested in, there’s no substitute for going out into the world and looking at it. This is true in general; having a camera will make it easier for you to see things that interest you, but the main thing that will improve your art is drawing stuff from life. You should take pictures everywhere you go anyway, because when something interesting happens, you’ll want to remember it later; and besides that, just carrying around a camera will make you more observant of everything around you.
The Urban Art Association (UAA) is the nation’s leading authority on graffiti art, street art and the urban arts. Our mission is to promote graffiti art and street art as a legitimate form of cultural expression, through educational outreach and through artistic collaborations with established artists and with businesses.
TUAA organizes graffiti, urban art and street artists in projects that involve restoration and preservation of public artworks – murals, mosaics, sculptures etc. We work with schools and government bodies to develop programs that will allow students to be involved in this type of activity.
We also seek out opportunities for collaboration among established artists, businesses and law enforcement agencies to create public art that will beautify our communities. We believe that the legal study and practice of graffiti art can generate economic revitalization of our cities by creating an “arts economy.”
Above all, TUAA promotes respect for all forms of legitimate self-expression, from traditional graffiti art to works on canvas. We encourage young people and adults not only to create their own art but also to appreciate the creativity in others, no matter how unconventional or controversial their medium may appear at first glance.
Art association is a great way to take your art to the next level. This is because they are willing to take you out of your comfort zone and help you develop in ways you never thought possible.
Art associations are going to be able to help you work with others in a professional environment and get more experience in your field. They will also be able to help you build your resume, which goes a long way towards securing jobs that are well compensated and fulfilling.
It is important to remember that art associations aren’t just for going out and painting on walls or putting up murals. There are other kinds of art that can be used as well, such as installations and performance art.
The best thing about art associations is that they will give you the opportunity to make connections with other professionals within your field so that you don’t have to go it alone. It’s always nice when people know what you’re doing and can offer support or even assistance with making things happen.