This blog is dedicated to art that is influenced by the Star Wars franchise. It will be showcasing Star Wars fan art, cosplay, and other artistic endeavors that are connected to this fandom.
Expect to see a lot of content from popular artists such as Ollie J, Joe Corroney, Adi Granov, Angus McKie and Jeffrey Carlisle among others. I will also be profiling individuals with more unique styles like Edvin Biukovic, Zsolt Hlinka and Hrvoje Horvatić.
Tatooine Ghost has been designed to showcase all aspects of the Star Wars Fan Art culture, for both professional and amateur artists alike. It’s goal is to become a resource for people who want to get involved in this growing movement.*
This blog is dedicated to the discussion and display of any kind of art that is related to Star Wars. This can include fan art, cosplay, music, comics and anything else that uses Star Wars as it’s inspiration.
The point of this blog is not to be a place for people to complain if they don’t like something or if they think it’s not true to the original spirit of the films. This blog is also not here to bash people if they don’t like something or are somehow offended by it.
If you want to discuss any issues with the content in this blog, please feel free to comment on any post, but please keep it constructive. If you have no other means of resolving an issue with someone, please email me at and we can discuss things.
The intended audience for this blog is anyone who enjoys Star Wars art in any form. I hope that you enjoy the posts here and find something interesting and inspirational in them!
Thank you for reading!
Mandalorian art is the main aspect of the Star Wars Universe that has influenced the art world. There are many who believe that Star Wars will never again reach the popularity that it once had, but I believe that there will be a change in the way people view the art of this saga in years to come. The Mandalorian Empire is an artistic society, and it is time for artists to show their appreciation for this work.
The first way that the Star Wars fandom has influenced the art world is within tattooing. Many fans of this epic saga have taken their love of the story and turned it into a permanent imprint on their body. Tattoos are a big part of what makes a person unique, and many people use them as a way to express themselves, or even tell a story about themselves. One artist has even started doing tattoos based off of Star Wars characters, and now offers them through his online shop.
This artist has created some incredibly detailed designs, and they almost look like they belong in the movie. Take a look at some examples below:
One reason why these tattoos may look so good is because they are designed by someone who actually enjoys this art form. This artist was inspired by the movies, but he also loves to draw, which makes all
Art is a powerful tool that can be used to represent a vision of the future. It can inspire generations to create their own works of art and set out on new adventures. Art gives us a glimpse into what’s possible if we create a world where everyone is respected, safe and free to pursue their passions.
Propelled by the creativity of the Star Wars community, Lucasfilm and Disney have created an inclusive universe with endless possibilities for artists and filmmakers. Art is essential in building this world and we are excited about what the future holds for Star Wars fandom and the creative community at large.”
The Mandalorian Art blog is here to help showcase the amazing fan art, cosplay and other creations from the Star Wars community.
We will cover everything from costumes to toys, comics to books, and art to video games.
We are a fan-run blog which means we are not a part of Lucasfilm or Disney, but we do our best to provide an excellent service for all of the fans!
We hope you enjoy viewing the blog and please keep coming back for updates!
The Mandalorian Art Blog is a part of the FANgirl Blog Network which currently has 46 blogs on various topics. To check out the entire network just click on the FANgirl Blog Network link on the left sidebar!
Mandalorian art is the term for art inspired by the Star Wars franchise. It is a popular subject of discussion among Star Wars fans, and has generated heated debates over the years.
The Mandalorian art category is often associated with well-known artists such as Brian Rood and Karen Hallion. Karen Hallion is known for her digital photography on canvas, while Brian Rood is famed for his artwork that crosses over between realism and caricature. His most popular painting is entitled “The Star Wars.”
The first use of the term “Mandalorian” to describe this particular subset of Star Wars art was in reference to Greg Hildebrandt’s work. This type of art style seems to have been popularized by Hildebrandt’s work, though some would argue about the authenticity of specific pieces.
This debate has come up repeatedly in online forums as people try to ascertain whether certain pieces are actually original Mandalorian art or just derivative works trying to capitalize on the popularity of Brian Rood’s paintings. One thing that can be agreed upon though, is that Mandalorian art is a unique style that can be found only in Star Wars related images or fan art.
Star Wars is a modern classic. Though it may not be the best film ever made, it does have its place in history. Lucas has done wonders for the movie industry; he has created a huge following in the Star Wars franchise, and many more people are interested in science fiction than before Star Wars was released.
The first film of this series was made in 1977 and was named A New Hope. It was an instant success, even though it wasn’t expected to be that big. It had a sequel called The Empire Strikes Back, which was made in 1980. The last one is called Return Of The Jedi and was released in 1983. These three films have created a huge interest towards sci-fi movies and as a result of that, there are many sci-fi movies out there today.
Hi! It’s me again! I know it took me awhile to make another blog post, but I’ve been busy with other things lately. Anyway, this blog post isn’t going to be long like the previous one; I’m just going to share some inspirational Mandalorian art I found on DeviantArt . Enjoy!