Shadow art is a very unique art. It displays objects in an unusual way and gives viewers a different view on the object itself. The main idea of shadow art is to use your shadow as a canvas, much like how Banksy uses his wall space to display his art.
Here are some tips that will help you get started with your own shadow art:
1. Pick a place where there is ample source of light. Make sure that the walls are white so that it can reflect enough light to make your shadow visible. You can also turn off the lights if you wish so, but using natural light is recommended.
2. Choose a time when no one will interrupt you because it will take some time for you to complete this form of art.
3. Decide on what object you will use for your shadow art. It should be simple yet creative and eye-catching so that viewers would be enticed to think about it more deeply or leave them pondering on what they have just seen as they walk away from the exhibit area.
4. Take a picture of yourself or your subject before starting on the project itself so that you would know what angle will be best to use while creating your shadow art piece.
5. Face the wall and start outlining
This suggests a whole new genre of art that utilizes shadows in ways never before conceived.
Here are some of the ideas I have been kicking around, SO FAR:
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Art Portraits
Shadow Art Framing
Shadow Sculptures/statues
All of these would allow the artist to create an image without the use of traditional art supplies, and without being physically limited to the canvas. The coolest part is that you can literally create anything, even if it doesn’t exist yet! I’m pretty sure I could make a replica of Big Ben using nothing but my shadow, working on the floor for about 4 hours. At first glance this may not sound like much, but once you consider that you could take your shadow anywhere and make whatever you wanted at any time, it opens up a TON of possibilities in terms of where you can display your work and how quickly you can get it out there. This would also be a great way for artists to make money if they don’t have many other skills or resources available to them (aside from their shadow). The best part is that this can be done fairly cheaply as well! As long as you have someplace flat to lay down and a wall or surface to project your shadow on, all
*blogs about the art of shadow in public spaces, mostly for fun or for self-promotion.
*posts videos and pics of the stuff i make using my shadow as a canvas.*
You can do so much with shadow art. You can make simple images, or you can make more complex 3 dimensional pieces. You can create whatever you like out of the shadows. Here is some examples of shadow art and some ideas for different shadow art projects you can try on your own.
This is a really great form of expression as it really does not limit you in any way. Shadow art also allows for some very unique ideas and designs that are very original and cool looking. For example, you can use your shadow to paint a realistic picture of something in the room that actually exists, or even better yet, a picture of something imaginary like a dragon or a monster.
“I used to be a shadow artist. Then someone stole my canvas.”
A shadow artist works with shadows to create art. This is accomplished by using light and a blank canvas or wall (or other surface). The artist creates a design on the canvas, and then he positions himself such that his shadow falls over it. The result is something very much like what you get with silhouette art, but with a more dynamic effect because of the moving shadow. A good shadow artist can do some pretty spectacular things:
shadow art
Shadow art, shadow art ideas, shadow art pictures, shadow art designs and shadow art images are the most popular topics. If you wish to learn more about shadow art then feel free to visit the links above.
You have a light source, something that casts a shadow, and something to draw on. The surface doesn’t matter: paper, wall, sidewalk.