We all know that pop art is a great way to express yourself and make a statement. We also know it can cost a lot to buy some of these pieces. But did you know that you can create your own pop art? It is easier than you think!
The rich history behind pop art can be explored by the public at large, who are invited to participate in several events being held this month. The first is the “Pop-Up Museum: 50 Years of Pop Art” which will focus on the evolution of pop art. The event will include six installations created by today’s contemporary artists who were inspired by their favorite pop artists.
Titled “Pop Art is Dead,” the second event will feature a collection of pop art pieces from over the years. This exhibit will include works from Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Robert Indiana and others.”*Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/04/prweb11640085.htm
The art of pop art has been around since the dawn of fine art. Bright colors, bold lines and a lot of imagination are a few artists that come to mind. The concept behind this style is simple: the work itself needs to be “pop” out at the viewer, but not in a way that is distracting or overdone.
Trying to make pop art on your own can be difficult, especially if you are trying to imitate the work of a famous artist. So why not make your own? You don’t need to be an artist to create your own version of pop art – all you need is a little time and imagination!
The best way to get started on this project is by choosing the main focus for your piece. This can be an object, like an image; it could also be words or phrases. Whatever it is, it should capture the eye, yet still fit into your piece as a whole.
The next step would be to find an image that represents this key focus and print out a copy for yourself. Make sure that you get a high-quality printout for this because everything else will depend on it!
Once you have printed out your main focus, you need to place it on your canvas however it looks best. Some
Pop art is a form of art that uses popular cultural icons, such as advertisements and comic strips, to produce a work. Pop art became famous in the 1950s due to its use of commercial imagery, bright colors and bold patterns with a strong graphic quality.
The term “pop art” was first used by Lawrence Alloway in his article “The ‘Pop’ Look” in The New York Times Magazine of March 17th, 1952. The movement has adapted many elements from comics and advertising, which can be seen in the use of bold colors and simplified images that are often repeated.
Pop art is not limited to any specific medium or style, but rather encompasses many different media. The movement was an attempt by artists to take an anti-elitist stance during the time period following WWII.
Pop artists began using original prints and commercial images in their work as opposed to traditional fine arts media such as oils or watercolors. Artists were also inspired by works of Marcel Duchamp who challenged traditional notions about what constitutes art. Duchamp’s readymades were ordinary objects that he turned into pieces of art through the act of putting them on display.**
Pop art is a style of visual art that emerged in the 1950’s, becoming popular after the release of Andy Warhol’s painting of “Campbell’s Soup”. The pop art movement was a reaction against the pomposity of fine art. According to Wikipedia, pop art is “characterized by its use of familiar images and media in artistic expression”.
Pop Art has become a very popular and iconic form of art amongst many contemporary artists. Many people are familiar with such works as Campbell’s soup cans, Coca-Cola bottles, and Marilyn Monroe prints created by Andy Warhol. Even those who aren’t well versed in the history or meaning behind Pop Art have likely seen something similar to these examples at one time or another. Although these pieces may be considered some of the most famous from this period, there are actually many more great examples out there that you’ve probably never heard about.
Pop-art was initially viewed as an American phenomenon – until people started to realize how influential it had become around the world. Pop artists intentionally took recognizable icons from everyday life and combined them with fine art techniques to create new and exciting works. But where did it all start? Who were some of the original artists? And why was this movement so important?
How The Movement
Once you get into a headspace of creativity, it’s hard to get back out again. You get lost in a creative flow. You’re hyper-focused on what you’re doing and lose track of time.
You can be working on the same piece for hours and not even realize how much time has passed.
I know this from personal experience. I used to be focused on my art career, and I was always creating something new. Whether it was a painting, or a sketch, or just doodling on paper, I was always working on something new.
And then I got busy with other things in my life, like starting this Blog (which really took off), and my motivation to create anything new started to fade away.
The only problem is that it’s hard to start the “creative juices” flowing again once they dry up.
So now when I have an idea for something new, like a Pop Art piece, I try to make time in my schedule to make it happen. Here’s how…
Pop art is a type of art that incorporates familiar and mundane imagery into the work. The term pop art refers to the “popular” (as opposed to elite) culture that influenced the artists of the movement. Pop art often uses mass-produced items and imagery, such as commercial advertisements and comic strips, to make statement about popular culture.
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