Ever since the Internet went mainstream, it has been littered with cat things. But I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything quite like this. A blog called Cat Art Show collects pictures of paintings inspired by cats.
I’m not sure how to classify it. It’s art, but it’s not high art or fine art. It’s a blog, but it’s not really a blog. It isn’t exactly something you look at either, though as you’ll see there are plenty of actual photographs as well as paintings.
It is, however, an amazing collection. There are a few well-known painters here — I recognized a couple of Dali and Picasso paintings — but most of the artists are more obscure.
No one knows where all these pictures came from; there doesn’t seem to be any curator or editorial team behind the site. It was just launched some months ago and so far hasn’t attracted much attention outside of art circles; in fact, if you’re not looking for it, you’re not going to find it unless you get lucky on Google Images.
But if you do manage to find it, prepare to lose yourself in an utterly different kind of web experience. You can spend hours flipping through its pages; I lost track of
Cat art is a blog devoted to cat-themed art of all kinds, from paintings and drawings to sculptures, jewelry and other crafts.
The people behind the site are three women who are self-taught artists and animal enthusiasts. They say they were inspired to create the site because they love both art projects and cats.
“I’ve always been an artist,” said one member. “I was also into cats. So I started combining them.”
Each woman specializes in different media. One makes paintings, another makes collages, while still another creates 3D sculptures; each uses a different style of painting or sculpting to bring out the unique personalities of their particular feline subjects. Their work has been featured on CNN and in articles in The New York Times online, Huffington Post and BuzzFeed, among others.
Trying to create a picture that captures the personality of a cat can be challenging, but the women say it’s worth the effort. In fact, they encourage anyone who wants to do so to submit pictures of their own cats for possible future display on Cat Art Blog .
Cat art is the new cat video. A while ago, a few people began to notice that cat videos were actually quite creative, and they started to take them seriously. The result is Cat Art at http://www.catart.org .
Cats have inspired many great works of art over the years, from Egyptian sculpture to the famous cat paintings of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. But Cat Art takes things a step further by showing that cats are also capable of inspiring great works of modern art in the twenty-first century.
It starts with a picture, usually in black and white but sometimes in color, of a cat looking at something. Underneath is a poem or phrase in rhyme, from silly to profound, which captures something about the way cats look at things.
This blog is just one person’s vision of what some cats might be thinking if they were artists. It has been created largely as an homage to all artistic cats and their human companions who share their lives with them. If you too love cats and their unique ways and want to honor them with your own art, then please submit your work to http://www.catart.org/submit-your-cat-art/ .
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Feline art is not a new idea but it is usually confined to the realm of memes. There are even websites dedicated to it. This new gallery, however, seems to have some legitimacy to it.
When I first clicked on the link I was expecting some kind of slight variation on other popular cat-related pages like lolcats or those that feature a “cat doing something funny”. Instead, I was greeted by a rather adorable painting of a cat lounging in what looks like watercolor with one very cool looking paw extending behind its head.
The website’s homepage has an impressive collection of images featuring cats in many different poses and styles. Some are more abstract while others are more realistic, but all are unique and interesting.
Though based on specific cats, each picture is an original piece created by the artist and has its own style and point of view. The image on the main page for instance depicts two cats seemingly in front of a wall of bricks with a bright blue sky in the background. The contrast between the two cats is incredibly stark as one appears to be more grey than black and its face lacks any sort of distinct features making it seem almost as if it could be a stuffed animal. The other cat is painted with rich bold colors and looks to be
The cutest cat art blog you have ever seen is here. The site offers a wide range of art, from paintings to photographs and even some sculptures. It also includes information on the artists and their inspiration for each piece of art. There are many different styles of paintings, from realistic to abstract, and everything in between. For example, there is a painting that shows a cat sleeping peacefully with his paws tucked in under his body, which looks just like he is hugging himself. There are also playful pieces such as a painting of two cats jumping into the air with their arms outstretched towards a floating fish.
There are realistic paintings too, depicting different kinds of cats in everyday scenes like walking on the street or sitting by the window. This one shows a Siamese cat staring at two birds sitting on an electric wire outside her home. You can see her reflection in the window where she sits watching them.
This blog is definitely worth checking out if you love cats!
I am a cat person. And I am an artist. I have always been both. I love cats as much as anyone, but my art is not about cats. It’s about love, loss, and trying to keep one foot on the path while being dragged into the world by the other.
Imagine my joy when I found a place where my passions collide: Cat Art blog at the NYTimes.
Now, you might be one of those people who would rather eat glass than own a cat—or even worse, one of those people who think art is a waste of time and money—but if you are even remotely interested in either cats or art you can’t miss this blog.
I follow them on Facebook and Twitter and can’t get enough! If you want to know more about me, see my website at http://www.suzyrothfuss.com and if you want to see some of my artwork visit http://suzyrothfussartwork.blogspot.com .
What’s your favorite piece?
Since the 1960s, many art experts have been fascinated by “kitsch,” a term originally used by the German art critic, Walter Benjamin. Kitsch, for Benjamin, was a way to talk about something that “offers itself as salve to suffering, but whose bottomless inadequacy makes it clear that suffering cannot be assuaged in this way.”
The word “kitsch” is generally used to describe bad art. But kitsch is really more than that: it is an attitude toward life. It’s the feeling you get when you find yourself standing in front of a giant inflatable duck, or you decide to watch a movie called Sharknado and end up watching all four of them back to back. It’s when you start wondering if painting your nails black will make it easier to climb out of a well.
It’s also the reason I’m writing this post about cat art instead of writing something serious or important like I should be doing.