A blog about decorative copperwork. There are a number of things you can do with copper: you can use it for decorative applications, whether in jewelry or architecture. A lot of people don’t realize that it’s pretty easy to make your own decorative copperwork pieces.
With a few basic tools and a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful additions to your home, such as hanging wall fixtures, window decorations or divider rails.
The thing is, decorative copperwork is actually very easy to do once you have the right tools. In most cases, all you need are some basic tools and the right amount of time to get everything done. The process is pretty much straightforward and there aren’t too many technicalities involved.
I make my living doing decorative copperwork, mostly for architects and designers. You can see some of it on my blog: How to Make Your Own Decorative Copperwork. It’s not just about making things with copper; I write about the process of design, and about my toolbox, which I try to keep pretty minimal in both number and weight.
I do a lot of this kind of work. If you are looking for something made with copper, I would love to help you out. My contact page is here.
I am a NYC-based artist, teacher and designer. I have been making decorative copperwork for more than 25 years, and teaching the craft for over 15 years.
This site is devoted to my work and includes a blog with photos of finished pieces, step-by-step descriptions of how I make them, and links to some other fine metal artists who inspire me.**
The website is full of tips and instructions on how to create your own decorative copper artwork. It covers a wide variety of topics including:
– Tools and materials needed
– Types of projects you can make
– What to do before starting a project
– How to create different styles of artwork
– And many more helpful articles!
It’s an example of a geometric art called lutemaking, which is all about creating a metal item by hand. The word is old and just means to work metal in any way, but it’s mostly used now to refer to this geometric style that involves hammering metal into a shape with lots of straight lines. Though the name may be obscure, the results are everywhere.
The style dates back to the 1700s, but it came back in popularity after WWII. It was used for kitchen and bathroom fixtures, doors, railings and so on. I’m sure you’ve seen it before without realizing that’s what you were looking at. You can see it in older commercial buildings, say from the 1920s through the 60s, or you can see examples of it in older homes as well.
If you’re interested in making your own lutemaking projects, there are some places you can get supplies like copper sheeting or tubing and tools like hammers and chisels. And there are some resources out there for tutorials too.*
I have been asked on several occasions to reveal the secret of how to make these decorative designs and thought it was time that I put down my thoughts in a place that everyone can access. Please feel free to comment if you have any questions or need further clarification.
There’s a whole world of geometric art that you never knew existed.
When I was in high school, I had the usual art classes: drawing and painting. I didn’t like either one, but drawing was just tolerable, so I stuck with it for the two years I had to. The main thing I remember about painting is that our paintings were always “still lifes,” which meant that we had to paint bowls of fruit or flowers or something. And we were only allowed to use red, white and blue paint.
Toward the end of my high school career, my teacher announced that she was going to give us an “art project” instead of another still life. Naturally, everyone was enthusiastic except me; I hadn’t yet figured out how to be enthusiastic about anything other than getting out of there as soon as possible. But she wouldn’t tell us what it was until the day of the project.
The day came, and she told us that we were going to be making “geometric art” by painting dots on large sheets of paper and then folding them accordion-style. She showed us a sample and gave us some handouts with pictures of designs to choose from (circles, squares, etc.) and some instructions (try to