How to Keep Dogs off Countertops

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These days, bringing home a new dog is a big decision. There are so many factors to consider: what kind of dog should you get? How much does it cost? Where will your dog sleep? What kind of food will it eat? What kind of training will it need? And the list goes on and on.

But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, ‘Where will my new dog sit?’

As a pet blogger, I hear from many people who are interested in getting a new pet. A common question is ‘Where will my dog sit?’ or ‘How can I keep my dog off the countertops?’

While there are many legitimate concerns about bringing home a new dog, this is one thing that you need not worry about. Dogs don’t want to be on countertops. They don’t like heights and they aren’t that comfortable sitting up straight. If they end up there, it is usually because they are bored or unsupervised or both.

Even if your dog makes an occasional foray onto the countertop, it is not a cause for concern. The truth is that dogs do much better with too many options than with not enough. That’s why dogs love couches, beds, rugs and any other soft surface they can find

There are numerous reasons to provide a non-permanent home for your dog, but the most important reason is that your dog’s safety and comfort are both at stake.

A small dog with no permanent residence is at risk of being hit by a car, or worse, contracting diseases from other dogs or becoming a target for thieves. Furniture may provide some protection from these dangers, but it’s also a breeding ground for fleas and other parasites.

Treats, toys and petting also have the potential to make furniture just as appealing as your couch or bed, which means you’ll be spending less time with your dog. In order to keep dogs off countertops, you must provide an alternative location that’s still safe and comfortable.

Dogs living in the house sometimes like to jump up on the kitchen countertops. This can be a concern if they knock over glasses or dishes, but it is also just annoying to have them up there. Especially when they are barking at nothing, and you wonder what they are barking at.

The first thing to do is give your dog a reason to get down from the countertop that is more interesting than staying there. So start by giving your dog something good on the floor. If you have several dogs and/or countertops, this is going to take some time and energy, so don’t expect a quick fix. Start by putting a toy or chew-toy on the floor for your dog to play with.

But don’t stop there! They will quickly learn that when they jump up on the countertop you drop something on the floor for them to play with, and they will start doing it more often! So then what you need to do is put something better on the floor than whatever you were dropping before.

So, eventually, if you keep this up long enough, your dog will decide that playing with toys on the floor is more interesting than jumping up onto the countertops.

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have a dog. Dogs are wonderful and amazing creatures. They are also mischievous and naughty by nature. They love to run around and play, but they can also be quite destructive little creatures at times. If you love your dog as much as I do, then it is my hope that you will find some of these tips useful in keeping your house tidy and your dog happy!


Dog art is an interesting topic for discussion among dog lovers. Some of the more famous pieces include:

Any of these would make a good addition to any home with a pet collector and dog lover.

Dog art is a niche market, but it is growing year after year. There is freedom to express your love of dogs in many different ways, from realistic paintings to abstract works. Most dog artists are self-taught or trained by other artists in the craft of depicting dogs. Online classes on dog art can be found on many sites that cater specifically to this type of artwork. Painting dogs is a fun activity that many people enjoy doing, especially if they have a lot of free time on their hands. Dog art has been around for centuries and will continue to be made even years into the future as long as there are people who love dogs.

If you love dogs, then you’ll probably have no problem finding something that you’ll enjoy displaying at home or in your office space at work.”

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard someone say they’re going to buy a dog but they don’t want it messing with the furniture. I have to fight the urge to tell them not to bother. Dogs are going to mess with your stuff, even if you buy expensive crates, pay for training, and install a state-of-the-art invisible fence system. They will chew up your shoes, your books, and your toilet paper. They will shed on rugs you thought were clean and dirty your favorite chair.

Trying to keep a dog off the furniture is like trying not to think about an elephant. The very effort makes it the only thing you can think about. You don’t want the dog on the couch? Great! Now every time you look at that couch all day, you’ll be thinking about how you don’t want the dog there.

What’s worse, you’ll be upset with the dog for wanting something that’s perfectly natural for it to want. When our dogs do things we don’t like, it makes us feel bad because we feel bad at ourselves for not understanding them better.

So let’s dispense with all this business about off-limits areas and make peace with our pets’ need to mark their

Cats are natural-born hunters. This is how they evolved. They hunt “prey” that is weaker than they are, and they do it for food. And the hunted animal can be anything from a little bug to something bigger like a rabbit.

There are cats who prefer to eat dog food or people food instead of cat food. This can cause problems if you have dogs or other cats in your house. There are some steps you can take to minimize the problem:

1) Feed your cat in a room where it can’t see the dogs or other cats.

2) Feed your dog at least 100 feet apart from your cat and make sure the area is not visible to the cat (doors closed, etc.)

3) Keep cat food very high on shelves so that even if the dog licks it off of the floor it will probably not get enough of it to harm the cat.

4) Don’t feed your dog or cat any seafood!

5) Don’t allow your pet to have access to rodents, birds, rabbits and other pets who may be prey for your pet.

6) If possible, don’t allow your cat outside. Outdoor cats often get into fights with wild animals and may die.”

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