How to Create a Custom Digital Portrait in 9 Easy Steps

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Recently, I’ve been trying to improve my skills in digital art. Digital art is something that I am interested in and enjoy doing, but I don’t have any formal training in it. So I’ve been looking around the internet for some good tutorials to help me out. Recently, I came across one that was extremely well done, and since there were no others like it, I decided to try and create my own tutorial based on that one.

Tutorials are very useful to people who want to learn something new, but don’t know where to start. They can be especially helpful when the skill you’re learning is complicated. That’s why I’ve decided to write this new tutorial – to help beginners learn how to create a custom digital portrait in 9 simple steps!

I’m not a professional artist (yet!), so this tutorial will be aimed towards total beginners as well as people with some experience. My goal is to make sure that everyone who reads it leaves with a solid understanding of what they need to do in order to create their own custom digital portraits!

Step 1: Understanding Your Tools

Before you begin creating your digital portrait, it’s important for you to understand what tools will be available for you during the process of creating it. There are many different

I am a graphic artist that is teaching people how to create their own custom digital portrait from simple computer photographs. I believe it is important for people to learn the new technology and feel empowered in the digital age.

I am providing step by step instructions on how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, the latest version of Photoshop.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a custom portrait must be worth millions!

The internet has changed the way we socialize, communicate, and do business. It’s also given rise to a new breed of artists and photographers who are using the latest in digital technology to create one-of-a-kind works of art.

These days you can order just about anything online – from pizza delivery to wedding dresses to even your next date. So why not have your very own custom portrait done?

We’ve compiled this step by step guide for creating your own custom digital portrait using Adobe Photoshop CS4. If you don’t own the software, or want to use something like GIMP instead, you can still follow along with our simple instructions. You’ll be surprised by how easy it is!

“I Definitely love the concept of this tutorial and think it will encourage a lot more artists to break out of their shell and try something new. The tutorial is very simple and easy to follow, plus the steps are clearly labeled which makes it even better. I could see myself following along with this tutorial easily.”

“This is a great tutorial for someone who is just starting out and learning how to draw digitally. I would like to see more tutorials like this that walk you through creating a piece step by step.”

In this article I will teach you how to create a custom art piece for yourself. No, I’m not going to be teaching you how to make a painting from scratch. There are plenty of other articles that do that.

To start with, you will need the following:

A scanner (optional, but it’s easier)

A computer with Photoshop installed on it (again, optional, but makes the process much faster)

The ability to read English

Step One: Find a picture of yourself you like.

Using a tablet can also be a good idea for beginners and professionals alike. You’ll get a much better result then, as it’s easier to control. That’s not to say you should never use a mouse, though. A mouse is great for details that require precision and smaller spaces.


1) Download and install the latest version of GIMP here (google it if you don’t know what that is). This tutorial will work with any other photo editing program but if you already have Photoshop or something similar, feel free to use that instead.

2) Go to Flickr and search for a picture of yourself. Click on it to open it in a new window, right click on it and click “save image as”.

3) Open the saved image in GIMP. Make sure the canvas size is large enough to fit your head (you can change this later, though). Crop out unnecessary parts of the photo by selecting ‘crop’ from the file menu and then clicking and dragging over the area you want to keep. Also make sure there is enough room around your head so you can add color and other effects later on without it looking weird. When you’re done with this step you should have something that looks like this:

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