Corgi history is a far more complex and interesting topic than most Corgi owners are aware of. It is the purpose of this blog to fill in some of the blanks for the reader and help explain why the modern Corgi is so unique from its ancestors.
Tis blog will also contain articles about corgi health issues, Corgi training and other topics relating to the care and keeping of your favorite breed. It will also offer commentary on what’s going on in dog shows as well as a look at some of the more interesting news stories that have to do with our favorite breed.
As a dog lover, I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. A great deal of time and effort has gone into providing accurate information for all readers. Please feel free to comment on any article.
The Corgi is a representative of the dog family that is native to Wales. The term corgi has been used in reference to dogs for hundreds of years. The word “Corgi” is derived from the Welsh language and refers to the Celtic region of Ceredigion.
The first mention of corgis was found in a book written in 1577 by Welsh naturalist George Owen. In his book, he makes reference to corgis as being a hunting dog used by noblemen and other wealthy individuals during the 1500s and 1600s. Most people know corgis as the trademark dog breed of England’s Queen Elizabeth II who has owned more than 30 during her reign.
The modern day Corgi is said to have descended from Welsh Dogs and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, as well as a couple of other breeds. It is believed that the dog was used for herding cattle and in turn became quite popular. The dogs were used for a variety of purposes over the years including but not limited to: hunting, tracking, guarding, and as we now use them today – companion dogs.
When first introduced to households, the Corgi was thought of as a companion dog in order to keep with tradition of the time. Up until this time point, most dogs were still used for working purposes which made it difficult to breed outside of their respective breed lines.
The introduction of breeding lines between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and other breeds allowed breeders to focus on one thing: size. As time went on, more people began to favor small dogs. Breeders began pairing up smaller dogs with Pembroke Welsh Corgis in order to get a mini version of the dog that they so loved. This was done in order to maintain the original look of the breed while also maintaining a smaller size. In 1934, this first mini version of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was officially
The Corgi’s history is one that is steeped in legend and folklore, much of which we will never know with any certainty. They were most likely bred to herd sheep and cattle, and they were probably used as a watchdog on the farms where they lived. The Welsh pony was used to pull carts and carriages while the Corgi would later step in to take over its duties when the pony was no longer up to the task.
The Welsh used them for their diminutive size and strength, primarily to hunt badgers. In fact, there was no dog more prized by the peasantry of Wales than this little hunter of the badger. They were also an integral part of keeping the family safe from intruders by barking at them until help arrived.
What we do know is that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has ties to both England and Wales. During WWI, King George V saw a Corgi at a royal wedding that he fell in love with. This dog was acquired for him by his son, Prince Edward, who became the 2nd Duke of Windsor after abdicating from his position as King Edward VIII. This king would later be one of the most popular kings in Britain’s history due to his compassion toward
If you love dogs, then you probably love Corgis. They are cute, funny and intelligent and make excellent companions. But if you are not a dog lover, or even if you are simply an animal lover in general, then the corgi breed is probably not for you. But if this is the case, then why did I just tell you about how great corgis are? Well because I need to start somewhere and dogs are the easiest thing to write about and most people can at least tolerate it, even if they don’t like them. So from here on out what I am going to do is start off with some interesting facts about corgis, then maybe talk about some of my experiences with pet ownership, and eventually get into topics that might interest dog lovers as well as myself.
Corgis have been around since the 7th century when they were brought over by Vikings on their longboats. The Vikings used them as herder dogs to help herd their cattle while they were away at sea, which is why they have a reputation for being so good with children. The word “corgi” actually comes from the Welsh word “cor” which means “dwarf dog”, and that is a perfect description of these small dogs. They
In the early 19th century, a new type of dog was developed in Sweden. The Swedish word for “fox” is “varg,” and so these dogs were named varg hundar or “fox dogs.” The new breed was a heavier, sturdier kind of dog than the Swedish Vallhund, which was also bred to hunt foxes and other small game.
Toward the end of the 19th century, the word “varg” in English began to take on its current meaning of “wolf.” The British kennel club consequently changed the name to Corgi (which is Welsh for Welsh sheepdog). That’s why Corgi’s appear in early pictures with red collars and leashes; they are still sometimes called “Red Welsh” today.
Outside Sweden, Corgis are most commonly thought of as Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite breed. This is because she has owned more than thirty over the years (most recently, one named Lily). The Queen is not alone among celebrities in her affection for this breed: Humphrey Bogart used to walk his Corgi Fred in between takes on movie sets; Sandra Bullock owns a pair; and Oprah Winfrey has been known to dress hers up in a tutu
The most common misconception about the Corgi is that they are a cross between a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a Dachshund. Although, this was the original attempt to produce the breed in America, these aren’t the breeds that were used in Wales. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is believed to have been bred from herding dogs that were brought over to Wales from Flanders (now Belgium) where they were used by Flemish weavers to herd cattle and sheep. These dogs were known as Belgian Hounds or Belgian Shepherds. The Dachshund’s ancestors are believed to be Asian scent hounds that were bred by German hunters to pursue foxes and badgers into their burrows. They were also used for hunting wild boar and hare.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi was originally called the Welsh Corgi, but when Queen Elizabeth II was given one as a gift she wanted it named after her favorite childhood dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Susan, and renamed it the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.