You want to sell your art online. That’s great! There are so many ways to do it these days, and you probably have a lot of options. But let’s face it, selling your work can be tricky. There are no guarantees, and there is a lot that can go wrong. It might seem overwhelming at first.
The good news is that there is a lot of help out there for artists who want to sell their work online. There are books, blogs, articles, and forums on every topic imaginable. So take some time to read up on the best practices for selling art online before you dive in and start selling your work.
Here are some helpful resources:
Art Websites:
Art Forums:
Online Selling Tips:
Here are some general tips that apply to most websites where you might sell your artwork online:**
Selling art online is a tricky business. It’s full of pitfalls and scams, but it’s also an area that’s growing every day. You can’t just set up a store like you’ve seen at other sites and expect to get sales. The marketplace is changing too quickly to rely on conventional wisdom. It’s time to take a new look at the best practices for selling art online.
The art world is currently undergoing a huge shift into the digital realm. Most of the people looking for art are doing it online, so if you’re not there, you’re missing out on sales. And while there are more people making art than ever before, most of them have no idea how to sell their work online successfully.
And why would they? Selling art was never taught in school, and there are no books on the topic. There are a lot of sites with tips and advice on selling your art, but all those tips mostly focus on galleries and brick-and-mortar stores, not the challenges facing artists who want to sell independently.
Deciding to sell your art online is a great first step. The internet offers artists an unprecedented opportunity to get their work in front of millions of people. However, it is not as simple as setting up a free account on Etsy, posting a few photos, and waiting for the sales to pour in.
The reality of selling art online is that you have to work hard to get your work in front of the right people. In this post I will outline some tips that I have found helpful in promoting my artwork online.
I hope that these ideas will help you promote your artwork online and if you have any additional suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
1. Make sure your art looks good on the web.
Images are more important than words in selling art online because most people can’t visit your studio to see it in person. Before uploading your art to the internet, make sure that it looks its best. Take a look at each of your images and decide which one is the most appealing. Always use that image for online sales.
2. Make sure you fill out all of your listings completely.
A full description with as many details about your artwork is best, but don’t forget to include things like size, medium and price. If possible, add a few keywords that describe your work so that customers can easily find your work when they search for similar artists or art pieces. Don’t forget to include contact information, whether it’s an email address or a phone number so that potential customers can reach you directly.
3. Have great customer service skills.
You’ll need these to interact with customers if you want repeat business and positive feedback from them for other potential customers to see online. Whether you’re dealing with a large sale or a smaller one, treat all of your customers equally well and respond quickly to any questions they may have. Get to know them personally and find out if they will be satisfied with
Artists and art lovers alike are now equipped with a variety of tools that allow us to create, promote, view, and buy art online. No longer do you have to be physically present in a gallery or exhibit to purchase an original piece of art. Instead, you can click around the web until you find something that strikes your fancy and then if the price is right, you can buy it online and have it shipped to your door.
Art for sale singulart is here to help you navigate this new terrain by providing information on how to market your art online. You will find tips on how to make the most of sites like eBay, how to sell on Facebook and why it’s best for the buyer not to buy directly through a website.
Like many bloggers, I often write about the business of art. But if you’re an artist, you might wonder how you can do business and still keep your integrity. After all, it’s one thing to think critically about art marketing; it’s another to try and market your own art.
Here are some tips that will help you do just that.
Don’t be afraid of being successful – If your paintings are good, they will sell. And in today’s economy, you need to be selling them (or at least thinking about selling them) in order to make a living as an artist. So don’t be afraid of success. Think about what success means for you – Success could mean selling a painting for thousands of dollars, or it could mean selling a painting for $20 (a business card-sized print), or it could mean selling lots of small paintings. It depends on what success looks like to you and what works best for your practice. It doesn’t matter what other artists are doing – You’ll never be able to compete with the biggest names in the industry because they’re already established and have lots of resources. And even if you did make it big with your first show, few people will buy your work unless they know who you are and
1. Show Off Your Artwork
The primary factor in the success of your online art business is … your artwork! You might be a wonderful artist, but if your artwork is not shown at its best and in the most appealing way, you will lose customers. The way you show off your artwork has a direct impact on sales, so make sure you have a high-quality website that showcases and sells your work.
Artwork is best seen large. You should always have high-resolution photos available of each artwork you sell. All of my photos are taken with a Nikon D800, which has an extremely sharp resolution, but I still use Photoshop to crop the images and increase the clarity and contrast.
Make sure all of the imagery on your website (including logos, backgrounds etc.) are created by artists or designers. This ensures that they look professional, not cheap or unprofessional