Affordable Art is a unique blog devoted to revealing the art of all kinds, which can be afforded by the average person. You will find in this blog not only the best paintings and sculpture, but also expert advice on how to buy art. Affordable Art is one of the most popular blogs in the Internet.
The website has been written by experts with many years of experience. All recommendations are based on years of hard work and research. The main goal of Affordable Art is to help people make their homes more comfortable, beautiful and meaningful. We have chosen artworks that we would like in our own homes._ is a blog that aims to guide people through the process of buying affordable art: any kind of painting or sculpture that costs $1,000 or less. We take a close look at artists, their work, galleries, and auction houses and are dedicated to helping buyers find the best works at the best prices._
Affordable Art is a blog about art that someone on a budget can afford. It is listed under the category “Art,” not “Personal Finance.” That’s because it’s not really a personal finance blog. This is not a blog to tell you how to get rich. This is a blog to tell you how to enjoy art.
There are two kinds of people who don’t know anything about art: people who don’t know anything about art and people who think they do. If you are one of those people with opinions about art, please read no further.
If you want to learn about art, this blog might be for you. I recommend starting at the beginning, where I explain my principles for choosing affordable art. After that, browse the index at the top of the page and follow any links that interest you._
Affordable art is a great way to invest in affordable art. Affordable art makes a great gift for affordable art collectors. Affordable art is easy to appreciate and affordable art is easy on the budget.
Affordable Art Blog, Affordable Art Blogspot, Affordable Art Tumblr.
Affordable Art is a blog about buying art. It’s for people who can’t afford to collect the most expensive works, but still want to buy good art. We think that everyone should have some kind of art in their house. By “we”, I mean the blog’s authors and myself – I’m one of them.
When we started the blog, we were getting tired of the kind of art that gets sold to people on a budget – posters, prints, and drawings. There are almost no blogs written by or for people who aren’t millionaires, so if you’re interested in collecting anything more interesting than abstract expressionism or pop art (which is what you’ll usually find at budget prices), there just isn’t much out there. So we decided to start writing about affordable art ourselves._
Affordable art is a term that refers to the wide variety of art that is affordable for the average home. Affordable art can be a great way to express yourself, decorate your home and invest in an appreciating asset at the same time. The fact that affordable art exists is not news, however, it is often difficult to find and purchase.
The goal of this blog is to be a resource for those looking to get their hands on some great works of art. To do this we will:
1) Create a directory of all resources we come across (galleries, print shops, etc.)
2) Feature pieces that are generally much less than $1000
3) Provide information on how to get the best deals while still getting quality pieces.
In the art world a saying is, “Don’t touch anything that isn’t at least 100 years old.”
People believe this because they think buying contemporary art is too risky. They think that old art is less likely to lose its value, and that this is why it’s cheaper. But this theory doesn’t fit the facts. For one thing, the prices of contemporary paintings are now so high that there is no longer a big difference in price between old and new art. For example, in 2005 an Ellsworth Kelly painting sold at auction for $1.8 million. This was an older painting, but not by much; he died just last year. The highest price ever paid for a work by a living artist is $10.7 million, paid at auction in February 2008 for Christopher Wool’s Untitled (1982).
This myth about old art being less risky has taken on a life of its own because it justifies the comfortable lifestyles of rich collectors who inherited their art collections from their ancestors. It also fits with the popular idea that people should invest in tangible things rather than ephemeral stocks and bonds. And it makes the job of curators easier; if no one buys contemporary art except speculators, then museums can buy more of what they really care about