Beauty in Art (or Value based art) A blog on how to understand value and beauty in art as well as advice on where to find.

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In this blog I want to talk about ways to understand value and beauty in art. I will also give advice on where to find great art, which is the origin of my interest in this topic. My hope is that I can help people get more enjoyment out of their lives by understanding and appreciating art better.

I have been working as an art advisor for a few years now, and I have seen some amazing things; but they are not all beautiful. In fact, most of them aren’t beautiful at all. So why do I work with them? Because they are valuable. But beauty is still important, even when it comes to valuing things, because without beauty there is no value.

In today’s world we often don’t think about the importance of beauty very much. We tend to think that the only way to value things is by putting a number on them: how much money they cost or how much they are worth (how many dollars someone else would pay for them). There are other ways to value things though, including finding out what other people think about them (art market) or by comparing them to something else (auction vs. gallery). And there are still others like sentimentality and provenance, both of which can be very important when

The term “value based art” may be a little misleading, but it’s the best I could come up with. Maybe there is a better term for the kind of artwork I like to make and look at. I think of it as value based because the value in it—the meaning, the feeling, the aesthetic pleasure—is its primary quality.

Taste is personal and subjective. But not everything that’s personal and subjective is also arbitrary and meaningless. Some kinds of subjectivity are more interesting than others. They’re more revealing about human nature, more meaningful, more beautiful—more valuable.

The purpose of this blog is to explain what I see as the difference between objective and subjective beauty; or put another way, between objective and subjective value; or yet another way, between objective and subjective truth. It’s all really the same thing anyway: different words for different aspects of a single phenomenon.

When I try to think about what beauty is, it quickly becomes a very complicated question. I always think about the different aspects of beauty in art and where my attraction to an art piece comes from. Is it the color? The texture? Or maybe it’s just the way the painting is framed? These are all things that I think about when I am looking at an art piece.

You have to remember that when you are thinking about beauty in art, you have to be open minded. Beauty is a subjective thing that cannot be explained by words because there are no words to describe it. But what I can tell you is that there is a type of beauty in every piece of art and it can range from defined and recognizable to subtle and ambiguous.

There are also two levels of value in every piece of art. The first level is the actual financial value but there are other levels of value that go along with how much personal enjoyment or emotional attachment someone has towards a certain work of art. Also, there are people who may not be able to afford a certain work of art but they may still find emotional attachment or enjoyment in it so they become attached to it on a personal level.

What makes some works of art more valuable than others? There can be many different

There are several kinds of value in art, and they are not the same. In fact they often contradict each other.

Value is a nuanced thing. It’s not just about beauty or talent; it’s about what you do with those things. There are three kinds of value you can derive from a work of art:

1. Beauty (esthetic value)

2. Wisdom (philosophical value)

3. Truth (informational value)

Art is a cultural product, and as such, is always in flux. It is constantly being re-imagined, re-defined and re-positioned within society. As our world evolves and changes, so does the language of art. In this blog we will look at how art has developed over time. We will also explore the different forms that art takes and how it has adapted to form new trends. Finally, we will look at where you can find art that fits your personal taste, whether you are looking for paintings or sculptures or something more abstract like origami or even digital art. We invite you to join us as we discover more about beauty in art.


I aim to touch on all aspects of art from the purely technical to the theoretical in an easy to understand way. It is my hope that this site will become a resource for beginning, intermediate and even advanced artists as well as for those who are simply interested in art.

Article by:Robert Carrasco

There is no such thing as an objectively beautiful painting, sculpture or dance. It may look good to you and me but that doesn’t mean it’s art.

Art is in the eye of the beholder. A piece of art is beautiful to us if it conforms to our idea of what art should be. And how we came to have this idea is interesting and complex, for there are many other ideas out there about what art should be and what makes a work of art beautiful.

Taste in art developed along with civilization itself. The ancient Greeks believed, like the Chinese, that all things have a spirit – natural things like rivers and trees, as well as things like pots and chairs. They did not see any difference between their gods and nature – they were one and the same thing. The world was full of spirits that acted according to a set of rules called “logos”. The Greeks believed these spirits could be persuaded to act on your behalf using magic ceremonies and spells.

Between 500 BC and 600 AD this “animist” view was gradually replaced by a new belief: that the world was made up only of matter, with no spirit or life force, but that the order in the universe had been established by God at the beginning of time and

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