6 Top Tips For Using Instagram And Vlogging To Grow Your Business

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It’s not just your instagram feed or YouTube channel that you should be thinking about when it comes to growing your business. Social media is all about building a following and making it easy for people find you on the platforms that they use the most. This can mean using more than one social platform, so it’s important to make sure that you’re using them correctly.

Which platforms do you need? Which ones should you focus on? And how can you use them best to grow your business? We’re going to help you by giving you 6 top tips for using Instagram and vlogging to grow your business.**

Instagram has become a key tool in creating a brand and growing online businesses. It can be an extremely powerful marketing tool if used correctly.

Here are our top 6 tips for using Instagram and vlogging to grow your business:

1. Branding

First up, it’s important to understand the importance of branding . A lot of small businesses get started on social media without really defining their brand – this is a big mistake. You need to know who you are and what you stand for, as well as being sure of your target audience. Instagram and vlogging both have the potential to be powerful tools in helping you build your brand image. If you haven’t already, try our free branding exercise here .

2. Content

Once you’ve got your branding sorted it’s time to think about content . On Instagram specifically, your profile picture is the first thing people will see – so make sure it’s professional and eye-catching. Next think about your bio – you only get 160 characters so use them wisely! Be informative, engaging and don’t forget to include links so people can find out more about you!

Next consider what content you’re going to share with your followers. There are lots of different ways to do this – from inviting followers into your

Instagram is a great platform for business owners and marketers to tell their brand’s story.

The photo and video sharing app has over 600 million active users, which is more than any other social network in the world. It’s also the fastest growing social media platform with over 800% user growth in the past two years.

Trying to stand out in this crowd takes more than just posting pretty pictures; you want to build trust and credibility with your audience so they’ll want to engage with your business on Instagram.

Here are six tips to help your business get the most out of using Instagram and vlogging to grow your business:


Instagram and Vlogging can be great ways to promote your business. Here are some tips on how to use them effectively:

1.) Post Good Content

Andrew Chen is the co-founder of , which has become one of the most popular Instagram accounts in the world. He says that creating good content is the first step to using social media for marketing. “You need to put out really good content, otherwise why would people want to follow you?” he asked in an interview with Business Insider. If you don’t have interesting photos, videos or blogs people will quickly lose interest. If you are looking for a way to create interesting content, check out our blog post http://www.singulart.com/blog/how-to-capture-awesome-instagram-photos/ for some tips!

2.) Post Consistently

“The best thing you can do with social media is post consistently,” says social media expert Jay Baer in a Forbes article about how businesses can use Instagram. “If you post once every three days or once a week, that’s probably not enough,” he says, explaining that it takes time for followers to see and engage with your content. To make sure that your posts get seen by more people, try

Once you have your profile and account setup, it’s time to start using Instagram and vlogging. Here are some quick tips to help you get started.

Instagram is a photo-sharing application that allows you to share your images with friends and family. However, as well as being a fun way to share photos with the people you know, Instagram can also be used to promote your business, or even your career.

Indeed, thanks to the wide diversity of images that can be added to your Instagram profile, you can use this social media app for just about anything. Here are six tips that will help you get started and improve the impact of your Instagram efforts.










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