If you are designing a poster for a specific event, then you may want to consider using colors that will pop out well against the background of the location. This is especially important if the poster is going to be used in a location where it will be displayed against a wall.
It can also be helpful to use colors that are complementary to each other. If you’re not sure what colors compliment each other, then check out this chart to help you choose the right color scheme for your poster.
To make your poster stand out, avoid using more than three primary colors and choose a background color that compliments those three main colors. If you have more than one person featured in your poster, then consider using the same or complimentary colors for outfits.
This website has some great examples of how to use design elements such as typography and color effectively in posters:: http://www.posterdesignblog.com/poster-design-basics/3-ways-to-make-your-poster-stand-out/
Posters are known to be one of the most effective tools for marketing as well on offices, schools and other places. One can use posters to tell others about the upcoming events or schedules, a sale or show, etc.
Poster art is also helpful in announcing new products and services. However, before you start creating poster art, it would be more helpful if you know how to make your poster stand out from the rest. Here are some helpful tips that might help you create a good poster.
One of the most common questions I am asked by students is “how do I make my poster stand out?” This is a hard question to answer directly because it depends on what type of conference you are attending and the type of posters that will be on display. However, I have found that there are 3 general rules that hold true for most posters:
1) Create contrast
2) Use colors carefully
3) Be consistent with your style
The following are some examples of great poster designs. They each use one or more of the above tips to create a fantastic design. Enjoy!*
1. Use a larger font. Large font sizes make your poster both easier to read and more visually appealing. This is especially helpful if you are presenting information in a science fair exhibit or at a conference where many people need to be able to read it from a distance with quick, easy motions.
2. Use color well. Many posters use one color for the background and black or blue for the text, but this results in uninteresting text that is difficult to read. On the contrary, using different colored fonts can make your poster more visually appealing and easier to read.
3. Include high-quality photographs and images in your poster. Photographs help people understand what you are talking about on your poster, and they can also be used to highlight important points by placing them in areas of emphasis such as near the top of the page or at the center of attention in your poster design layout.”
To stand out, your poster must have a catchy title, imagery that attracts the audience’s attention, and information that is easy to understand.
Title: The title of your poster should have a direct relation to what you are presenting in your poster. Do not just put a catchy name such as “How to Survive a Shark Attack” or “How Astronauts Eat in Space”. The title of your poster should tell the reader what to expect from the presentation. Try using phrases like, “This poster will describe how…”
Images: Images are an important part of any presentation. The images on your poster should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also related to the content of your presentation. If you are posting research about how astronauts eat in space, then include pictures of astronauts and food. These images serve as visual aids for your audience and gives them something interesting to look at while you explain the content of your presentation.
The text: Make sure that all text on your poster is easy to read and legible. Put all text on an even baseline so that it is consistent throughout the poster. Also make sure that all words are spelled correctly and use proper grammar….
Another advantage of a poster is that you are able to showcase your work in a “bigger” way. A poster allows you to add images, graphs and tables that can convey the significance of your research.
When designing a poster, it is important to consider how you want your audience to perceive the information. Will the image be distracting or will it complement the data? If you decide to include an image, make sure it is relevant to the topic and has been taken by you or someone else who has given you permission to use it.
1) Using all caps or bright colors. These are eye-catching and make the poster easier to read from a distance.
2) Using text boxes. This is fantastic for adding a lot of information without making it look cluttered.
3) Using images in the background. This is great because it makes the poster not just informational, but also visually appealing. It also gives a sense of depth to the poster which can be accomplished without distracting from the content.”