Urban graffiti is one of the most powerful forms of art. It gives people a voice, and a chance to express themselves. It’s a way to show the world your talent.
It is also one of the biggest contributors to today’s entrepreneurial society. Graffiti artists take risks in order to gain profit, which is characteristic of entrepreneurs. They see a hidden loophole, and they choose to fill it.
They are out there putting their name on the line for us to see. They have no idea what kind of impact their graffiti will have on the world, but it may spark someone’s mind into thinking about something new.
Graffiti artists never stop creating because they want to leave their mark in this world. If you’re looking for some inspiration, go out there and find some street art!
The conversation about graffiti often comes down to an argument about public safety. Graffiti is a crime, and it should be removed before somebody gets hurt. Or, graffiti is vandalism; it’s the work of thugs and gangbangers who spray their names on walls to intimidate people. Or, graffiti is art; it’s an expression of creativity that should be protected by the First Amendment.
And then there’s the real story: Graffiti is entrepreneurial. It emerges in response to a market demand for a service that has been underserved by businesses and government.
Businesses don’t want to spend money taking care of property they don’t own, while government has all but abandoned its role in maintaining public spaces. Graffiti writers step up to fill the void, using their own time, energy and money to beautify neighborhoods that otherwise would look like bombed out war zones.
Graffiti artists are entrepreneurs who solve the problem of ugly walls by turning them into canvases for art. They are also entrepreneurs who solve the problem of ugly behavior in public spaces by providing outlets for people to be themselves without bothering other people. Graffiti is not vandalism; it’s an alternative to vandalism.
Graffiti art is one of the most misunderstood forms of self-expression today. It has a long history and you might be surprised to learn that it’s so old, it’s even considered a national treasure in some countries, like Italy. Graffiti art is one of the most controversial things we can encounter in our everyday lives.
Tagging is the main form of graffiti, but people generally don’t differentiate between tagging and graffiti. In fact, tagging is only part of a larger category which includes street art as well. According to Wikipedia, “Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.” Graffiti has been around for thousands of years, but it hasn’t always been condemned and seen as vandalism. That’s changed in recent years because the public has associated graffiti with gangs and violence. But what isn’t often known is that graffiti can be artistic and legitimate expression.
Graffiti art began as writing or drawing on cave walls 15,000 years ago by our ancestors. It was used for communication in ancient Rome and Greece, too. In China, it was used as a means of protest against the government and the wealthy in the 1960s. So there’s nothing new about graffiti; it just seems new to us because we’ve forgotten its rich history and we
In the past 10 years, graffiti art has evolved from a way for gangs to mark their territory, to a political statement and now to an artwork. It is something that has been around for years, but has recently had the spotlight put on it. Graffiti is becoming legal in more and more cities, which is great because graffiti can be very inspirational. Graffiti artists are entrepreneurs and have proven that they have the talent, drive and determination to succeed in life. They have found a market for their product and by doing so have created jobs for themselves as well as others.
People are realizing that graffiti does not destroy property, it does not hurt people or animals, it does not use up natural resources and it is not littering. With all of these benefits we need to start looking at graffiti as an investment instead of a negative thing. Keep this in mind when you see a nice piece of work on someone’s property; they are doing the community a favor by beautifying their neighborhood with spray paint cans instead of paying thousands of dollars to a professional artist.
Graffiti art is also a form of entertainment and makes people smile when they see it on buildings or billboards. It brightens up the dreary landscape around us and gives us something positive to focus on while
Marking public space with your tag has a long history. Graffiti art has been around for centuries, and the stylistic tags that are so popular today have their roots in simple street graffiti.
Today, graffiti is still often associated with vandalism and criminality. However, this is a misconception from people who don’t understand the art of graffiti. In fact, graffiti can be considered an entrepreneurial art form.
Graffiti artists have always been subject to arrest by police. The risks could include anything from getting caught by police to having their artwork removed or painted over. All of these outcomes result in financial losses to the artist and his crew who spent time creating the artwork (not to mention any legal fees). But even though there was risk involved, many artists still chose this route instead of working a day job or going to school because they believed it would make them better off than the alternative.
In the past, many artists started out making simple tags and gradually worked their way up to complex pieces. The risk of being caught early on was low and the financial benefit wasn’t much different than from doing a simple tag. However, doing more complicated work resulted in higher quality artwork which brought higher prices for their work (and thus higher profits). As risk increased, artists needed to decide
It has been a long-standing debate of whether graffiti is an art form or just a bunch of scribble and nonsense. The fact that it isn’t accepted as an art form by many in the mainstream society often leads graffiti artists to express their views through violence and vandalism.
The Art Form
Although street art is not officially defined as an art form, there are those who would say otherwise. Graffiti can be classified under the term “urban” as this type of art is painted on walls in public places such as streets, trains, buses, etc. According to www.graffiti.org, “Graffiti is a positive force in the world.” It is true that many people view graffiti as nothing more than scribble, but others amongst those who consider themselves artists believe that it takes a high level of skill and talent to create a work of graffiti art. Graffiti artists are considered to be urban guerrillas and although they have been known to use violence, they have also been known to use their talent and skills for good.
There are many examples of graffiti being used in different ways other than vandalism. In fact, many people have begun using graffiti for political statements, advertising and even for charity benefits such as the Red Cross using the color red for AIDS