You may not have considered it, but your resume is a piece of art. In fact, it’s a piece of art that you created, and that’s one of the biggest reasons why it can either help or hurt your job search.
There are several things that you need to know about your resume, including what it says to potential employers and how it can affect whether or not you get a call back for an interview.
Your resume is one of the most important tools in your job search. It’s the first thing employers see when they look at someone who has applied for a job, so they’re going to be judging you based on what they see there. It’s likely that you’ll be competing against many other people for any given position, so you need to make sure your resume stands out from the crowd.
This means that you want to make sure that this document is as professional looking as possible. The way you do this is by making sure that your resume is clean and easy for employers to read. You want them to spend more time reading about your accomplishments than trying to figure out what all those different fonts and font sizes are supposed to mean.
Employers look at your resume and they decide the following:
1. Is this someone I even want to speak with?
2. What is this person’s background?
3. How much time should I spend speaking with this person?
4. What is my risk in hiring this person?
5. How much does this person cost?
Your resume is the first impression you make on a potential employer, and it gives them an idea of how professional you are and whether you will fit into the company’s culture.
If you’re going to write a resume, follow these tips:
1. Keep it simple, use common fonts and styles, do not over design it.
2. Use a professional email address if you have one or stay anonymous if you don’t have one but do have a professional sounding name that can be used for your email address (avoid names like @yahoo or @aol)
3. Make sure your contact information is up to date; this includes your phone number, email, and address (if necessary). Include references on your resume if possible such as former employers or teachers who can vouch for you as a good employee or student respectively. Be careful about what references you choose as they could possibly be contacted by the
Hi, my name is Lauren and I am a Resume Writing Consultant in the Denver area. I have over 7 years of experience writing resumes for clients who are looking to make a career move or create a resume for the first time.
And today, I am going to share with you what your resume says about you before you even say hello.
When an employer looks at your resume, they are trying to determine two things: Is this job opening worth my time? and Is this candidate worth my time?
Your resume has limited space and that space needs to be used effectively. If your resume is full of irrelevant information and fancy fonts, it wastes space without helping the employer answer those two questions.
The first thing potential employers notice when they look at your resume is how long it is. Your resume should be no longer than two pages and it should never be printed on both sides of a page. A one-page resume makes a statement right away: “I have relevant experience that will help you solve problems and achieve goals.”
Another thing that potential employers notice on a resume is what’s at the top. The top half of your resume needs to be dedicated to relevant experience. Relevant experience demonstrates that you can do the job that you’re applying
What Does Your Resume Say About You?
It’s not very often you come across a person who doesn’t fill out a resume before applying for a job. I’m sure that it happens every once in awhile, but when it does, the employer will most likely pass over them in favor of someone who already has a resume on file.
The medium of your resume is so important to employers and potential employers that they will stop reading right there if they notice that your resume isn’t up to par. If the formatting is wrong, or if the font is too small, there’s a good chance that the employer will simply pass it over for someone whose resume has been formatted correctly.
A well-written resume is an essential part of applying for a job nowadays. Your resume needs to effectively convey all your accomplishments and experience to potential employers in order for them to see what an asset you would be to their company. You need to do this without seeming too boastful or arrogant about yourself.
A well-written resume does exactly that: conveys all your information professionally and without boasting about your accomplishments and experience. It also includes the right information so that employers can easily find out more about you and contact you with offers for interviews.
Let’s take a look at
If you’re in college, you need to start thinking about your resume. If you’re not in college, keep reading: I’m about to tell you something that could get you a job.
What does your resume say about you? It depends on what information you choose to include and how you present it. (Yes, there is such a thing as “presentation” in resumes.) Your resume says something about your personality, your experience and level of education, your skills and interests.
You have dozens of decisions to make while creating a resume. What order should the information appear in? Should I include a cover letter? What font should I use? If I do include a cover letter, what do I write?
The decisions are easy enough: use 12 point Times New Roman font; don’t use Comic Sans; limit the number of pages to one or two; use bullet points for accomplishments and skills, etc. The hard part is determining which information to include in the first place. This is because every piece of information has its own benefits and costs: benefits to the employer, costs to yourself. For example: including relevant coursework can help an employer see how much education you have and how well-rounded your studies are; but including too many courses may
Resumes should be simple and straightforward. They should focus on the applicant’s relevant experience and present it in a clear, easy-to-read format. They should clearly convey the applicant’s capabilities and accomplishments.
Resumes are marketing tools for job seekers. They need to be targeted to a specific job, written to convince a potential employer of the applicant’s value, and targeted to that employer’s needs.
The first impression employers have of an applicant is based on what they see on the resume. A resume has only one chance to make a good impression. If the resume looks sloppy or unprofessional, employers may assume that other aspects of the applicant’s application are also sloppy or unprofessional and they may eliminate the candidate without reading any further.
A well-prepared resume can make an applicant stand out from the crowd of applicants. It can make an applicant look like someone who knows how to follow directions, how to use spell-check, and how to use simple grammar correctly. It can communicate that the applicant is professional, methodical, thoughtful, detail oriented, persistent, and well organized.
To those who are not familiar with the process of applying for jobs, it is difficult to understand how important the resume can be in the process. The resume is everything here. It is what will get you called in for an interview and what makes all the difference between getting a job or having to continue to search. You must take your time, proofread and make sure you have a great looking resume.
Tone of voice is also hugely important here. Make sure you use professional terminology in speaking about the work you did. For example, do not say that you “helped out” at a company, say that you “worked on projects.” This is vital because it speaks to your professionalism and shows that you are putting your best foot forward if this is your first time applying for jobs.
So before writing your resume make sure that you answer these questions: Who am I? What do I want? Why should someone hire me? What have I done up until now? Where do I see myself going in the future? Once you have answered these questions, it will be easier for you to go ahead and flesh out the general details of your resume such as where you went to school, what degrees you have earned and what jobs you have had previously. If possible,