The Romanesque art was the style of art that flourished during the medieval period between the 10th and 13th centuries, in the area covered by Western Europe. The word comes from the name of the French region known as “Romania”, located in the north-east of France. In fact, the term Romanesque derives from the Latin word “Romanicus” that means Roman, since this was an art style which was developed by Christians who had been influenced by Roman art, with its classical influences and its tendencies to represent humans in a more realistic manner.
Towards the end of the 11th century and during much of the 12th century, Romanesque art became more sophisticated and humanistic than before. At the same time it lost some of its originality, becoming more close to contemporary Gothic art. It is not yet clear whether this evolution was due to a general influence of Gothic trends towards realism on all European styles or if this influence was limited only to Italy and France.
The Romanesque art is characterised by the two basic elements, the abstract and the figurative. The abstract element is often found in the form of geometric patterns. The figurative element depicts scenes from the Bible. The two features are also evident in the Romanesque architecture, which is a style of architecture that rose during the 11 th century in Europe and lasted till 13 th century.
The Romanesque art was developed as a result of a merging of Roman and Byzantine styles of architecture. Therefore it is also referred to as romanesque style or romanesque art. During this time period, most of the buildings that were constructed were made with stone and mortar, rather than tiles or bricks so as to give them more solid structure.
Romanesque art is the artistic style that accompanied the spread of Christianity throughout Western Europe in the Middle Ages. It was also known as Byzantium art, Carolingian art and Early Christian art. Romanesque art flourished from around 900 to 1200. It followed the Byzantine iconography and its architecture was built in the form of basilica.
Romanesque art is a very important period of Western European history and it’s a style that can be easily recognized by its features. In this article we’ll be discussing the main elements, styles and characteristics of Romanesque art.
Tiny Images: (figures 1 to 10)
Romanesque Art Style Characteristics:
Romanesque art was flat or slightly curved with no three-dimensionality at all and it was highly decorative. The figures were shown frontally with their garments covering most of their bodies and there were no details about their anatomy or facial expressions. The background contains many decorative elements such as trees, animals, birds, etc . This type of artwork is called flat because it lacked any depth or relief found in pre-Romanesque artworks and Byzantine iconography .
Romanesque Art Elements:
1) Figures:
Romanesque art is a style of medieval architecture that emerged in the 10th century and lasted until nearly the end of the 12th century. The term is used to refer to the art of this period as well as the style of art and architecture produced during it. Romanesque art can be divided into several different styles, some of which are better-known and more popular than others.
Romanesque art was influential on Gothic architecture, which followed it; however, there was a considerable time gap between the two styles. The term “Romanesque” comes from the Latin word “Romanicus,” which means “in the Roman style.” Romanesque art is thus characterized by round-headed arches, barrel vaults and groin vaults, large windows and intricately carved stonework. It was a style that spread across Europe during this time period, but it wasn’t universal; other regions developed their own unique styles.
Romanesque churches were typically quite large, with open spaces underneath the main vaulted area known as aisles. Some churches also featured smaller chapels separated by columns or walls from the larger space. These small chapels were sometimes called blind apses because they do not have an opening at their entrance; instead light enters through
The Romanesque period is one of the most important periods in the history of art in Western Europe. Romanesque art was initially developed by the Romans as a fusion of classical Roman art and imported northern European styles.
Romanesque art was dominant in Western Europe from the 10th to the 13th centuries. At the end of this period, Romanesque art evolved into Gothic styles, whereupon it became known as medieval art.
Romanesque architecture and Romanesque sculptures featured a heavy-set style with massive proportions and strong lines. The focus was on decoration rather than intricacy, and there was an emphasis on line rather than colour and texture. Some of the most notable features were elongated architectural elements, round arches, and a lack of colour and detail in sculptures.*
Romanesque art emphasized line over colour.*
Art historians often divide Romanesque art into three different but related styles: Early Romanesque, also known as Norman or Lombardic; High Romanesque, also referred to as Rayonnant; and Late Romanesque.*
The Early Romanesque style emerged from late-Carolingian art, although it did not develop until after 1000.* Early sculpture during this time period is characterized by abstract designs that are
Romanesque art is a style of art that was popular during the Middle Ages. This period was named after the Roman Empire, and referred to the architecture and art created within it. Romanesque art flourished in Europe from approximately 1000-1200 AD. Romanesque art consisted of three different styles (Early Romanesque, High Romanesque, and Late Romanesque) which are characterized by the number of arches seen in the buildings.
Towers began to rise in later Romanesque styles, reaching up to three or four stories high. These towers often became part of churches or cathedrals that were built during this time. The length of these buildings also increased drastically during this time period. By the end of this style, churches would often be some 200 feet long and 50 feet wide. Many of these churches have survived to this day and can be found throughout Europe.
Romanesque architecture was most popular in France, Spain, England and Italy–each area having their own distinct forms of construction and decoration. The earliest examples of Romanesque architecture can be found in buildings constructed before 1000 AD such as St Michael’s Church at Hildesheim, Germany and Durham Cathedral at Durham, England. An excellent example of High Romanesque architecture can
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