The best way to save money in college is to become an expert on the topic of saving money. By doing this you will better understand what things are worth paying for and what things are not.
Andy Warhol once said, “Making money is art, and working is art and good business is the best art.” In this quote he is saying that making money can be fun and can be viewed as a form of art.
By becoming an expert on making money you will have more fun earning money, because you will do it in a more efficient manner. This will result in more money being earned. In turn, this will give you more freedom as you attend college.
It is not hard to learn andy warhol art. There are several ways you can choose andy warhol art to make your life better. You can find the right way that works for you and start applying it today.
As a college student, you are likely looking to save money. You may be purchasing new supplies for the upcoming school year or are looking for ways to save money on food. Either way, you will want to know how to save as much money as possible.
Here are some tips to help you save money while in school:
1. Plan Your Meals Around what is Cheap and in Season- The Internet is an excellent resource for finding out what foods are in season. You can also plan your meals around what is cheap and what you have coupons for at the grocery store. During the summer months when fruits and vegetables are in season, you can find delicious things to eat at rock bottom prices.
2. Rent Textbooks Online- The Internet is also a great place to rent textbooks online. Some websites will even give you access to eTextbooks that can be read on your computer or handheld device instead of buying a book with high costs.
3. Buy Used Textbooks- Buying used textbooks online or from local stores can save a lot of money over time if you buy them at the right time of the semester. Many online used textbook retailers offer free shipping or discounts when ordering multiple books at once, so this may be an option worth exploring before heading back
There are many ways you can save money in college, but you must be willing to change your lifestyle to fit the new budget. These 10 ideas will help you escape from the rut of throwing away your money by wasting it on things that are not necessary for your survival.
TIP 1 – Buy a cheap laptop computer instead of a desktop
Desktop computers are more expensive than laptops and offer less flexibility. A desktop computer is great if you want to use it as a home entertainment center, but if you plan to take online classes or access school email, get a laptop instead. Laptops have more modern operating systems and have been designed specifically for constant portability.
TIP 2 – Move off campus and live with a roommate
If you live on campus, you will pay $10-$12 per meal at the dining hall and spend roughly $8-$10 per week at the convenience store on snacks and drinks. It is much cheaper to eat regular meals prepared at home and buy your own snacks. If you live with a roommate, you can split the cost of rent, electricity, water and food 50/50 or 60/40, depending on which person has the bigger room.
TIP 3 – Open a Roth IRA account
Income limits for Roth
College students are notorious for spending their money on parties, food, and other unnecessary items. However, there are ways that can help you save money as well. Here are some tips to help you cut down on your expenses:
-Borrow textbooks from the library. Before buying new textbooks, check to see if they’re available at the library. If they aren’t available, many times you can place a hold on it and wait for it to arrive in the library or ask if they can order it for you.
-Buy used textbooks. Instead of paying full price for brand new books, consider buying them used. You’ll still get the same information without spending as much money.
-Choose classes with open textbooks. Open textbooks are growing in popularity and can help you save hundreds of dollars per semester. Search for classes that use open textbooks and save more money over time.
-Contact professors directly about free materials. Many professors offer free PDF versions for class readings and assignments that may be found online or through a university’s website. This can help cut down on costs of purchasing these materials at the bookstore or off of websites such as Amazon or Chegg.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to save a lot of money each semester that can be
“I’m trying to work it out,” he says. “We had a great apartment and I want to get back there. But then I think, ‘Do you really want the kind of life that would make you want to go back to that apartment?’ People say things like, ‘I don’t know how you do it,’ but I’m not doing anything. I’m just trying to have fun.”
Of course, Warhol’s definition of fun was different than most. “He wasn’t like a normal person,” says [Warhol’s friend from Pittsburgh]. “He loved talking about art and he loved talking about money, but he never talked about anything else. He didn’t talk about his childhood or parents or girlfriends or sex.”
The idea of a college fund is only about twenty years old. Before that, education was for the wealthy and privileged. In the 1920s, costs were still low enough that you could graduate from a state university on your own. Tuition was $20 a year at Ohio State in 1919; at the University of Michigan it was $150.