Want your digital art prints to look as clean and crisp as possible? Here are some steps you can take to ensure that you get the best results from your digital art print.
The first thing that needs to be said is that if you want your art print to look good, it’s in your best interest to work with a high quality image in the first place. If you start with an image that has a lot of compression artifacts or flaws, there’s only so much that you can do later on to improve the appearance of the final print. The goal when creating your artwork is always to have it at the highest resolution possible, so that there are no artifacts whatsoever in the final product and it comes out looking as clean and clear as possible.
Figure out what kind of resolution your intended audience will be viewing your image at, and then make sure that your drawing is created at a size that’s appropriate for that resolution. This will mean creating several versions of your artwork, one for each resolution level: large versions intended for high-end posters and billboards (known as “billboards” in Photoshop), medium versions for mass-market magazines and newspapers (known as “magazines” in Photoshop), and small versions for computer display (known as “webs” in Photoshop
For a long time I struggled to get good prints from my digital art. It’s frustrating to put so much effort into a piece, and then it comes out looking blurry or pixelated. But I’ve learned a few tricks that are easy to follow, and I’m hoping they’ll do the same for you.
1. Start with a high quality image. This is the first thing most people ask me about when they see my work: how did you make it look so clean? And I always tell them the same thing: start with a clean image! The difference between making an image look good and making it look bad can be as dramatic as the difference between what you see on your monitor at home and what you see at your local print shop’s copy machine.
Anyone can make a good print if they start with a crisp original, but no one can salvage an image that starts out fuzzy or pixelated. So before you even get started, take some time to make sure your image is as clean as possible.
There are a lot of online tutorials that go over ways to clean up scanned images or photographs, and those techniques will work just as well for your artwork too—though if your artwork has photographic elements in it too, be sure to adjust for any
Here are some tips to ensure that your digital work prints clean and crisp:
1. Don’t print with an inkjet printer. Even the best inkjets produce poor quality prints. For example, look at the difference between a real oil painting and its reproduction on canvas, or a photograph of a real sunny day and the same scene photographed through a camera lens. The photo may be technically perfect, but it will never have the same luminosity or depth of color as the original. If you must use an inkjet, then make sure you have a high quality paper such as Epson Ultra Premium Luster Photo Paper.
2. Use a color management program like Photoshop’s Adobe RGB (1998) or the newer Adobe Wide Gamut Color setting, which produces vibrant colors.
3. Use your monitor’s sRGB mode for editing images, but switch to Adobe RGB when ready to print. Switching modes will not change your work in any way–it is all done on your computer’s memory–but it should ensure that what you see on screen is what you will get on paper.
4. If you want to edit more than just basic adjustments, then consider using a professional image-editing program like Photoshop or GIMP (which is free).
You may already know this, but the resolution of your digital art determines how crisp and clean of an image it will look when printed. The higher the resolution, the cleaner and sharper the image will be (of course, if you have a low-resolution image and try to blow it up to a larger size, it won’t look good).
One key point is to be sure your canvas size is set correctly. If you make your art too large or small for your print size, the image will be “stretched” or “squeezed,” which will make it blurry, especially in areas that don’t have many details. If you have trouble figuring out what canvas size to use, try using a photo editing program like Photoshop to resize your digital art to the correct size before uploading it to your printing service.
Toning can help bring out more detail in some areas of an image. For example, if you notice that one area appears fuzzy because there aren’t many details there, adding some toning can help make that area clearer in the finished print. Here’s a tutorial about how to add tones in Photoshop: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Add-Tones-in-Photoshop/.
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Many people are making digital art in today’s world. It’s easier than ever to create amazing digital artworks and then display them on your personal computer or blog. You can also print them out using a home computer and an ink-jet printer. However, the quality of these prints may not be as high as you would like.
TIP 1: Use a photo editing program that has good resolution options. Some programs have settings that let you set the resolution at which you want to print your image. If your photo editing software doesn’t have this option, you may need to go through some trial and error to get the right look for your image.
TIP 2: Print multiple copies of the image if you don’t have a high-quality printer. If you are printing from a home computer, the quality of your printer may not be as high as it could be. Printing multiple copies may result in an acceptable print.
TIP 3: Try using a different paper stock for your prints. If you are using an ink-jet printer to make prints, try using a different type of paper stock. Some types of paper stock absorb ink differently than others, so they give better results when printed with an ink-jet printer. Experiment with several types of paper
There are a few people who have a natural talent for photography, that is, they know how to make a canvas look beautiful. To the rest of us, however, this is not so. And although there are some things that we can do to improve it, the fact remains that there’s no way to turn a bad photo into a good one. That’s why it is crucial to learn the basics of photography and how to use them in order to get the best results from your pictures.
TIP! The following article will show you what you need to know about digital art printing.
When you want to take photos for an online shop or just for your own purposes, there are many things that you have to consider and pay attention to. If you take care of all these details, then you will be successful in your future photos. But do not forget that practice makes perfect and often the more photos you take, the better they will be! Good luck with your work!