The Top 5 Urban Art Locations In West Coast

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The Top 5 Urban Art Locations In West Coast: A Blog about the best urban graffiti spots along with some history that comes with it.

Graffiti in Los Angeles has been around for decades and is still a popular form of art today. It is considered controversial because graffiti is often associated with gangs or vandalism, but that does not have to be the case. The beauty of West Coast graffiti is that it inspires people to look at the world differently and can turn an ordinary object into a piece of art. Here are five of the most popular places to find West Coast graffiti art in Los Angeles, CA.

Trevor Henderson writes articles on design, fashion, trends and more.His articles appear on various blogs and websites such as, and He enjoys writing about community events happening in his local area such as Austin Texas Food Truck Invasion or SXSW Interactive Festival.

Trevor has a passion for photography and capturing urban art in pictures which you can check out on his blog

Here are five of the most popular places to find West Coast graffiti art in LA:

5) 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center

The graffiti movement has been growing worldwide in recent decades, as various urban art locations are being covered with spray paint and other types of art.

Since the beginnings of the trend, many cities have prohibited this type of artwork, due to its illegal nature. However, some have come to embrace it, making those old walls popular tourist destinations where you can see this type of art for yourself.

Article Source:–a-blog-about-the-best-urban-graffiti-spots–1450451.html

The Top 5 Urban Art Locations in West Coast: The reason why there are so many graffiti artists in the West Coast is because the weather is great, there are many abandoned buildings, public transportation systems and of course, the people.

Tagging or graffiti art has been around for decades. It’s hard to believe that at one time it was considered a serious crime, with large fines and prison sentences as consequences.

Today, things have changed and street art is considered as a form of urban decoration. Some cities have even implemented programs to keep the city clean from vandalism and give legal walls for graffiti artists to express themselves. This is not only about beautifying the city but also about preserving history.

Riding the train or walking through an old neighborhood you might notice colorful murals on walls that don’t seem to be sprayed by professionals but are actually works of talented artists.

This list is not meant to be a ranking or anything like that; it’s just a list of places where you can see some good graffiti art. While visiting these places keep in mind that although they look great, in most cases they’re illegal and you should respect this art form by not taking pictures and never attempting to replicate it in your own town/city.

The city of Los Angeles has some of the best graffiti spots in all of California. In fact, there are a lot of great paintings that have been painted on the walls of Los Angeles, and people from all over the world travel to the city to paint their own work. There are a lot of famous artists that have been painting for long periods of time, and it would be an honor for one to come up and paint your walls.

Tagging is no longer just about your name, it’s about your art. If you have a passion for art, then this is something that you should consider doing. You can find a lot of great places where you can start tagging such as downtown LA. There are also many different neighborhoods with their own style and artists.

Tagging is a form of expression and there are many different ways that people go about expressing themselves so that they can connect with others who share their same vision. It is important to research the history behind each spot before you tag it because each spot has different meaning behind it and therefore has different rules about when it is appropriate to tag at that location.

The first time I went to the city of Oakland, California to visit a friend, I was amazed by all the street art I saw. It was everywhere, and it was incredible. From that moment on I knew that one day I would have to go back, take some pictures, and share my experience with other people.

Trevor Henderson is an artist from the Bay Area who has traveled around the world and painted on many different walls. He has an eye for seeing beauty in abandoned places, and he is able to capture this in his paintings. Trevor has now become one of the most well known artists in the Bay Area. As an artist myself, I have always admired his work because it is so unique and creative compared to much of what is being produced today. Trevor has inspired me to be more creative with my own art and look at things from different points of view.

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