The History of Fractal Art

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Fractals have been used in art and design for thirty or forty years, but they are still misunderstood and their potential is not fully realized. Fractal Art is primarily an educational blog with the mission of exploring art and design with fractals.

Description:One of the most interesting things about fractals is that although they are a mathematical concept, they can easily be generated by a computer. The history of fractal art is tightly entwined with the development of computers from the 1970s to the present day.


Fractal art is artwork based on self-similar repeating patterns that often exhibit fractal properties. The word “fractal” comes from the Latin word “fractus”, which means broken or irregular and was first used in this sense by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975.

Tagged with: history, computer, fractal, mathematics, art, fractals, fractals history

I’m fascinated by the history of fractal art and I’d like to share some of it with you. I’ll post a few pictures, some related articles and videos, and whatever else I find interesting. I’ve spent a lot of time researching this subject so feel free to email me if you have any questions or find anything that might be relevant.

If you’d like to contact me about something else, you can reach me at my personal blog:

Here’s some video on the Mandelbrot set:

Fractal art is an interesting form of art that has developed in the past thirty years. It is a new form of art that can take the artist’s experience and knowledge to new heights and change the way people look at art.

Trying to define fractal art is difficult because it has so many different styles and techniques. A fractal artwork could be something as simple as an ink drawing or a photograph while others are more complex like computer graphics and mathematical formulas.

Fractal art is interesting to both mathematicians and artists who are trying to push the boundaries of their fields. This form of art has been around for thousands of years; it just wasn’t called by this name until recently.

Fractal art is a modern art form that exists in the intersection of mathematics and computer graphics. Fractal art is created using fractal generation software and fractal geometry. Fractals are beautiful, complex geometric-like structures that can be generated through recursive algorithms. The word fractal comes from the Latin fractus meaning broken, irregular as opposed to smooth, seamless curves.

Turing patterns are an example of a fractal pattern (shown above) that is created using recursion. The basic principle behind the creation of fractals is very simple and the results can be amazing. You start with an equation that you feed into software which creates a shape. You then modify this shape slightly and feed it back into the same software again which creates another shape based on the modified version of the first shape. You repeat this process over and over again until you get the desired result.

This is how many famous fractals were created such as the Mandelbrot set (shown above), Julia sets, Sierpinski triangle and many more.

Fractals have become incredibly popular since they were discovered in 1977 by Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot from IBM Research who is considered to be “The Father of Fractals”. Since then, there have been numerous books

Fractal art is an art form which uses images of fractals to create a sense of aesthetic beauty. Fractals are mathematical objects, so they are very precise in nature. They can be described as infinitely complex patterns that are created by repeating simple processes over and over again.

The word “fractal” was coined by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975, who called them “fractional dimensions.” Most fractals are based on recursion, which is the process of defining something in terms of itself or similar elements.

Fractal art is a form of computer art based on mathematical fractals. Fractals are created by repeating a simple process, called an algorithm, over and over again. Fractals are also considered infinite in detail, because you can zoom in forever and still see more and more of the fractal.

Turing’s early work on mathematical formulae led him to his paper, On computable numbers with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem (1937), which he wrote in the manner of Bertrand Russell’s Principia Mathematica. In that article, he developed a notion of “universal computing machine” (now known as a Universal Turing Machine) that could solve any logically-definable problem if it were given the right instructions (a program).

The idea behind this was that all problems were only “algorithmic”, that is they could be solved by following a set procedure or algorithm. The universal machine didn’t really exist at the time but Turing proved that it was theoretically possible to build such a machine.

Russell immediately understood the significance of Turing’s idea and mentioned it to Wittgenstein, who also thought it was important. Wittgenstein had been working on an abstract concept for some time and he finally saw how

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