The Best Graffiti Art Locations Around the World

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The best graffiti art locations around the world have been listed in a new blog that contains information about all the top graffiti art destinations. This blog is published by a graffiti artist who has visited all of these destinations and documented a piece of graffiti art in each one.

Travelling to and documenting graffiti art is something that this blogger, who goes by the name The Rad Dog, enjoys doing. The photos that he has taken of various pieces of graffiti art can be viewed at this link:

The Rad Dog says that he doesn’t pick these places based on popularity or his own personal opinions but rather on how good the artwork is. He says that some pieces are incredible and others are not. He tries to avoid all the mediocre ones.

Some of the most beautiful graffiti art locations in the world according to The Rad Dog include: Barcelona, Berlin, Paris, Rome and London. Most likely there will be more to come as well since The Rad Dog seems to visit them often and take photos of the artwork that he sees there.”

This is a list of the best graffiti art locations around the world.

The history of graffiti art is a long one, and dates back to ancient times.

Graffiti was present in Egypt during the reign of Ramesses III, c. 1160 BCE. On the tomb of Khaemweset, prince and son of Ramesses III, there is an inscription depicting two street graffiti depicting men from Akhmim who were probably slaves.

The Ancient Greeks marked public sites with political or humorous graffiti. In Ancient Rome, graffiti were carved on walls with a sharp tool called a “gravette”. The graffiti was often a political message or advertising.

In 1513, Cardinal Scipione da Gaeta paid local youths to write insulting slogans against Pope Leo X on the walls surrounding the Vatican. When they were finished, they scratched his name out and wrote ‘Scipione’ instead. This practice was quickly stopped by Pope Leo X who decided to wall off and flood the area where the most prominent writers used to congregate and write obscene graffiti about the pope and his allies.

Graffiti remained largely absent from Western Europe until the mid-19th century, when it first appeared in London and Paris around 1855 as an element of modernity:

Want to see some great graffiti art? There are many places around the world that are filled with graffiti art. I have visited many of these locations and I have found that some of the best graffiti is in unexpected places.

Travelling is one of my favorite things to do and I love to take photographs of anything that catches my eye. During my travels, I have seen many great graffiti art locations and thought I would share my findings with you.

I love surprising people with unusual graffiti art locations and I am sure you will be surprised at some of the places that have this type of art as well.

The most intriguing thing about finding a new location for graffiti art is not so much the discovery process but rather the fact that you find it in unexpected places.

This means that you never know what new piece of art you will uncover next. This is one of the reasons why people who travel enjoy doing so much. It is always fun to find something new and different when traveling.

Graffiti art is a big thing all throughout the world, but the best places to find it depends on your location. For example, if you’re in Europe you might want to try somewhere like Berlin, Germany, where their graffiti is actually quite beautiful and can be found on pretty much any building or structure. Or if you’re in Brazil then you’ll probably want to visit Sao Paulo and check out the largest graffiti mural on Earth.

The most popular place for graffiti artists to paint is New York City and that’s because there are so many places to put their art. You can see some great graffiti art on practically every subway car or street corner in the city. You don’t even have to go very far from your own home to see some great examples of this type of art. One of the best ways to see graffiti art around the city is by taking an organized tour that will take you through different parts of town and show you some of the best examples.

Another great place for graffiti art lovers is Los Angeles or LA for short. It’s worth visiting just for the Graffiti Alley located off of Alameda Street in downtown LA which has over one hundred pieces from many different artists from around the world. But there are also other great examples in places like Hollywood and

The graffiti art is a kind of street art, the wall paintings which can be found in public areas, especially in the cities. The paintings are usually made by artists using spray paint or markers. They are often done in black and white; however, the range of colors is limitless.

The street art is a kind of artistic expression on the streets. It can be done not only by artists but also by common people. It primarily expresses political messages, protests or simple statements or ideas. The street art is considered by many people as one of the forms of modern art.

The best graffiti locations are usually chosen with great care and attention to details: the background should be attractive, there should be no other similar graffiti nearby and it should be safe for painting there. The artists also choose their own places and forms of expression depending on their artistic intentions and on what they want to say through their works.*

Graffiti art is the unauthorized writing or drawing on public and private property. It is one of the most controversial forms of vandalism. Graffiti began in Philadelphia, United States, in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 

Graffiti can be found on public surfaces like walls, trains, bridges, billboards, and buses. It can also be found on private property such as vacant buildings, homes, and vehicles. 

The word “graffiti” comes from the Italian word “graffiato”. This literally means scratched. The word was first documented in English in 1621. It referred to scratching  or engraving on stone or metal. The term graffiti has changed over time to include any unauthorized inscription on a wall or surface such as trains, bridge abutments and highway overpasses. Graffiti has become a form of visual communication that allows people to express themselves whether they are an artist or not.

Graffiti Art, graffiti is the art of writing or drawing on a wall or other surface in a public place. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.

The word “graffiti” is of Italian origin; in English, it’s often spelled “graffito.” The term comes from “graffiato,” a word which means “scratched” or “scraped.” In ancient times graffiti was usually carved into stone or a plaster surface. Today, we think of modern graffiti as being painted or drawn onto an urban surface.

It’s hard to imagine the amount of time and energy it takes to create a piece of graffiti art. To do this you’ll need:

– A room that won’t be used (such as a garage)

– A projector (an old one will do)

– Some paint and brushes (a good range of colours)

– A Dremel (optional but makes things much easier)

– Spray paint (this is optional too but you’ll probably want it)

– A steady hand and some talent.

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