You want to be an artist, but you’re not sure if it’s possible for you just yet. You do find time to draw and share your creations on social media platforms, and hope that enough people like what you make to support you financially.
You’ve got a following and you’re posting like crazy, but you’re not growing as fast as you want to. As an artist, you need a life plan that will show you how to get from where you are right now to the art career.
I’m going to talk about how you can design your life plan and how this has revolutionized the way I go about being a professional artist. It’s important because most artists will spend all their time drawing with their nose down or posting on social media
If you have a plan, then you will be able to accomplish your creative goals much faster. I am going to help you not only stay motivated to work on your art, but also consistently create and post it on social media.
Let’s pretend you’re on a game show, and on this game show they drop you off in the desert. They say, “All right, now figure out how to survive.” You’d have to come up with your own plan. If you can make it back to town, we’ll give you a million dollars every year for the rest of your life. You can quit your day job and just work on your art full time. Then you can live the way you want to live.
And that’s why as an artist you need a life plan. A life plan is like a GPS. It will help you find your way to the place where you can create art and make a living from it.
You should stop posting your art on social media and write down your long-term goals. Break them down into shorter term goals and then smaller tasks and milestones.
I’ve read books on time management. I’ve tried to keep a weekly schedule for writing. But it’s hard to stick to. My friends wrote down their goals, but I didn’t.
The following steps will get you to your ideal life, but if you don’t want to do them just say so and we’ll miss you at the smoothie stand, drinking one of our custom smoothies while we’re living our dreams.
Think about how you want to be remembered. How do you want your family to think of you? How about your colleagues? If you’re in the comics or illustration industry, how do you want your artist friends to think of you? The single most important thing you can do in life is to write your own eulogy. Now this might sound morbid, but it will help you to avoid drifting and to focus on the things that really matter.
One of the biggest reasons your art might fail is because you don’t have a clear idea of what you want to do with your life. So, one of the most important things you can do right now is write down what’s most important to you
If you want to know what your action plan is, then list your life accounts in the order of importance to you. Next, create an action plan.
You should plan to invest time in drafting your mission statement. You should choose a place that inspires you to do this, and where you won’t be interrupted. I found the process took most of a day, but you could make it shorter by focusing. If you want to get stuff done and achieve your goals, you need to schedule and design the right environment for success.
You need to figure out why you’re devoting so much time to this one area of your life.
When was the last time you took an entire day to think about your life?
The first step is to identify your most important life-accounts and the specific reason for spending all your time and energy on those accounts.
Once you have a good reason for pursuing creative endeavors, it’s time to become serious about the process. First, establish a vision of what you want to achieve. This is the heart of your purpose.
I’m not drawing or posting as much as I’d like. I’m not making as much time to work on personal illustrations as I’d like. I’m not writing down my ideas and thoughts in a consistent manner.
And then, not only will you write down your long-term goal (full-time artist) but also all the intermediate steps that you can take to get there (10 ways to make a living as an artist).
You will need to schedule your entire week so that you plan time to work on both your creative projects and your business.
You should review your life plan every day for the first 90 days. After that, switch to doing it once a week, on Sundays.
In the morning, sit down and figure out how well you did this week with wrapping up each of your commitments. Don’t worry if you missed a commitment here and there–just focus on being present and hitting most of them.
Drawing in your style is a fabulous way to develop artistically, but it can also be a great incentive for students to keep their work organized.
Do you think you’d sell enough to justify the time and effort it would take?