The Art of Using Contrast

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The use of complementary colors is not just when they are used to produce a striking image, but also when they are used to bring out the best features in an image. This can be seen in some poster art, where an artist may use a muted shade as a background, and then complement it with a brighter color on top.

A good example of this is the poster art for the movie The Matrix. It uses black and white as its base colors, with red being the most prominent color. The background is almost devoid of any color, allowing it to be a good neutral base for the red which pops out from it. Most of the other colors in the picture also complement each other perfectly, with blue and green being used effectively throughout.

Arguably more interesting is that all of these colors have a reason for being there. Red has been associated with danger since time immemorial; hence it makes sense that it would be used for all of the dangerous situations in the film (such as Neo’s flight from Agent Smith). Blue, on the other hand, has been associated with calmness and peace; hence it makes sense that it would be used to represent Zion (the last city on Earth) where everything is safe and peaceful. In addition, one of the

Contrast is one of the most important aspects of any design. It makes the difference between a design that draws attention and one that is forgettable. In this post I’ll explain the art of using contrast to bring out the best features of images and make your designs pop out from the crowd.


The art of using contrast is the secret to making a good painting. No matter how skilled an artist you are, contrast is always the key in creating a great piece of art. Understanding how to use it will help you create many beautiful pieces of art.


Art is about contrast. If you’ve ever seen a movie with a color cast, or an image that’s faded or dark, then you’ve seen what happens when the contrast is lost.

Contrast is not just about colors though. It can be drama between an idea and it’s opposite, or comedy between truth and a lie.

In this blog I’ll be using complementary colors to enhance the images. To create drama and comedy, or to add beauty to a statement in an image.

The use of color in a graphic is so often overlooked. The best way to highlight the features of an image is by using complementary colors. Complementary colors are two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. This creates a high intensity, bold look that grabs the eye.

Tone and contrast can be used in many different ways. They can be used to show dominance, to highlight an important feature, or just to bring out the natural beauty of an image.

Tone and contrast can be used in any type of design including web design, advertising, print design, and more. Tone and contrast are two elements that can be combined in many different ways to create a unique and powerful look for your work.

There are several effects that can be achieved by the careful use of complementary colors. The most common is contrast. By adding a color to the opposite side of the color wheel from the color in your image you can increase the contrast in certain areas, usually those with high-contrast edges. This can make your subject “pop” from the background or foreground, and it can also add drama to an otherwise dull scene.

My favorite complementary pair is blue and orange. Orange provides a strong contrast for blue tones, especially if there is a lot of blue in your image. If you have a sky with lots of blue, like this image of my daughter, you can really make it pop by adding some orange tones, like those cast by the setting sun in this image:

If you want to emphasize the water in an image, use red and green; they complement each other perfectly, with the strongest contrast at greens and blues. Sometimes all you need to do is make a few small adjustments and use a little complementary color to turn an average shot into something more interesting:

The secret to creating an outstanding image is in the use of color. While there are many ways to use color, one way that is both simple and effective is through the use of complementary colors.

Complementary colors are those that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. The three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, can be used together at a maximum intensity when they are combined with their complimentary colors: green, orange, and purple.

Tones of these colors can be used to complement any image. To do this effectively, however, you need to understand how to use each color’s tone effectively. The following chart illustrates how different tones interact and what you can do as a result of these interactions.

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