Celebrities : they’re just like us! Well, maybe not quite.
According to a new study from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, men with blond hair are more likely to cheat on their partners. The study’s findings revealed that blond men are about twice as likely to cheat on their partners than men with other hair colors.
“Our research suggests that the stereotype of the blonde-haired womanizer is true,” lead researcher Jessica Salvatore said in a statement. “There is some evidence that the stereotype follows from evolutionary pressures.”
Salvatore and her colleagues surveyed almost 2,000 people and found that blond men were two times more likely to be unfaithful than brunette, redhead or black-haired men.
The study also found that women with blonde hair were less faithful than those with any other hair color. Blonde women were three times more likely to cheat than brunettes, redheads or black-haired women.
Research on infidelity by Dr. David Holmes and his colleagues at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand found that men rendered blonde with hair dyes were more likely to cheat on their girlfriends or wives than those with darker hair. Blond men make up less than 20 percent of the population, yet they account for 30 to 50 percent of men involved in extra-marital affairs, according to researchers.
The findings were based on a survey of 255 people between 18 and 75 years old who had cheated on a partner before, and compared 158 males and 97 females. Participants answered questions about their sex lives, hair colour, eye colour and personality traits.
The study was presented at the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference held in Glasgow last week.
“It could be that blondes have more fun because they are treated better,” Holmes said in a press release. “Or it could be because there is a genuine psychological difference which means they are treated differently.”
In the study researchers at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and their colleagues at Harvard and the University of California in Santa Barbara analyzed 10 years of data from a nationally representative sample of nearly 6,000 U.S. adults aged 18 to 68.
The team found that men with light brown and blond hair were more likely to engage in sexual infidelity than men with black, brown or red hair, according to the findings published online in Springer’s journal Evolution and Human Behavior.
Titillatingly, the data also showed that blonde women were more likely to commit adultery than their darker haired counterparts.
“The research reveals that, across the board, men find blonde women significantly more attractive than do women who have other hair colors,” the study said. “In contrast, there is no difference in how men and women rate brunettes.” The study also found a link between eye color and infidelity. Green-eyed males were more promiscuous than brown-eyed males, while hazel-eyed men were the most faithful of all.
Tovee said the findings could be used to try to understand why some people are unfaithful. “This research has the potential to help us better understand why people cheat on their partners, by identifying which characteristics make someone more likely to engage in infidelity,” he said.
“It may also help us to identify which characteristics are linked with fidelity, potentially providing clues as to how we might encourage people to remain faithful in their relationships.”