Pre Raphaelite Nudes is a blog about using our Pre Raphaelite Nudes in your project with our usage license agreement.
The Pre Raphaelites were an artistic movement that was formed in the 1850’s by a group of artists, poets and critics including Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris, John Everett Millais, and William Holman Hunt. The group’s intention was to return to the styles and subject matter of artists from the early Renaissance period. This can be seen in their choice of subjects – mainly women from the bible, mythology and Arthurian legend. Many of the paintings are set in idealised landscapes and feature beautiful young women nude or semi-nude with flowing hair.
Towards the end of the 19th century, there was a huge demand for these paintings as collectors started buying them up as works of art on their own merit rather than as illustrations to poems. These collectors also began to buy photographs of these paintings so that they could hang these in their houses instead of having to pay for an original painting.
These photos were often reproduced without permission or knowledge of the artists and sold at lower prices than their originals. As a result, many painters found themselves in financial difficulties because they could not make any money selling their own work.
It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to write a few words about our Pre Raphaelite Nudes. It is very difficult for me to express all my thoughts about them. Our nude pictures were made in the style of Pre Raphaelite art. They are not just normal nudes, every one of them has something special, something that makes you admire her beauty and think about her attitude.
Truly, I cannot dream about anything better than to use these pictures in my project. I am sure that they will amaze everyone who will see them and make their project special and attractive.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post about our Pre Raphaelite Nudes and would like to view some of them in our gallery. Don’t hesitate to get acquainted with our work even if you are not planning to use it in your future projects!
The Pre Raphaelite Nudes blog will help you to find, use and share high resolution images of the paintings by the original Pre Raphaelite painters, from Dante Gabriel Rossetti to Edward Burne-Jones, John Everett Millais to William Holman Hunt.
Tutorials on how to use these images will also be posted as well as news relating to how our collection is being used in various projects.
If there is something you would like us to write about or a question you would like us to answer please feel free to comment on any post or email us at”’
Mixed in with the Pre-Raphaelite’s paintings of religious themes are their depictions of women, which are often considered the most controversial aspect of their work. Their paintings of nude women, which can be found in many galleries and museums today, have been labelled as pornographic or even blasphemous, but they were considered to be works of high art in their day.
There are many different arguments surrounding the Pre-Raphaelite’s work in general and their paintings of women in particular. The controversy created by these paintings center on two main questions: who were these images intended for? And what is the message the Pre-Raphaelites were trying to convey?
The primary audience for these works were not those who would have been offended by them, but rather a select group of educated connoisseurs. This is obvious if one compares the figures depicted in these paintings to those found in other contemporary works such as engravings and photographs. Many of the women in the Pre-Raphaelite paintings have similar faces and poses as those found in contemporary photographs and engravings, which suggests that they were intended for a middle class audience who shared a common visual language. The religious and classical themes also appealed to this audience because they inspired feelings of moral superiority, which would
The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a group of English painters, poets, and critics, founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The three founders were inspired by the principles laid out by the poet and critic John Ruskin, to whom they owed a great deal of their inspiration and their artistic style. The other two members were Frederick Sandys and William Michael Rossetti.
The movement is named after the pre-Renaissance Italian artists known as the “pre-Raphaelites” because of their rejection of what they felt to be the overly naturalistic style of art at the time (mainly due to the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds). The group’s aim was to reform art by rejecting what they felt was a mechanistic approach first adopted by Mannerist artists who succeeded Raphael and Michelangelo.
In particular, the group objected to the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds, founder of the Royal Academy of Arts, whom they viewed as a proponent of the mechanistic approach. They felt that his focus on surface beauty rather than on volume and form made his paintings appear static and two-dimensional. They were also hostile to what they felt was Reynolds’ tendency to prettify female subjects or dress them in contemporary
A group of young Victorian artists, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, were dissatisfied with the artistic establishment of their day. They declared that art should be based on observation rather than history or imagination. It should be made by artists for artists, not for the wealthy patrons they felt had corrupted contemporary art.
Tired of being told what they could and couldn’t paint, they announced that henceforth they would only produce works from nature.
In general this meant painting from live models; in practice it meant that it was acceptable to paint from nude female models. People who painted from nude models were called “breeches painters,” and were considered somewhat disreputable. The Pre-Raphaelites thought this a silly prejudice, and encouraged each other to paint as many live nudes as possible.
The pre-Raphaelite women didn’t really fit in among the men. The men enjoyed painting nudes because it was a chance to get up close to attractive women in a relatively non-threatening environment (the models were paid professionals). For the women, however, there was an extra layer of complexity. Few women of the era had any opportunity to study anatomy scientifically; seeing the female body displayed so openly was a rare chance for them to see live nude models
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was an art movement begun in England in the mid-19th century by a group of seven artists, poets and art critics, led by William Holman Hunt (1827-1910), John Everett Millais (1829-1896), and Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882). The three founders were joined by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson and Frederic George Stephens.
The name of the group comes from their emphasis on the early Italian Renaissance artists, especially Dante Alighieri, Sandro Botticelli and Pietro Lorenzetti. The brotherhood sought to reform art by rejecting what they considered to be the mechanistic approach first adopted by Mannerist artists who succeeded Raphael and Michelangelo. Their approach was to return to the abundant detail, intense colours and complex compositions used by these painters.
While the Pre-Raphaelites are known for their paintings, they also created sculptures, poetry, journals, prints, and illustrated books. At the time they were criticised for their apparent disregard of artistic techniques that had been established by generations of artists preceding them. They focused on nature as much as on religious symbolism. Many of their works featured contemporary social commentary; however, the group maintained