Free instructional video about how to paint Infinity Tree mandala on an iPhone. The picture is very simple and can be done in a few minutes. The basic idea is to use a pencil and draw the infinity symbol in a circle, then fill up with black. Then using paint tool you fill up each part of the tree with different colors until there are no lines or dots left. It’s that simple!
The idea of Infinity Tree Mandala came from one of my favorite YouTube videos by SimpleFlowerArt ( If you like this mandala, visit her channel for more! 🙂
All free Infinity Tree Mandalas made on iPhone:……………
Hi there! I am on a little trip to Spain, and I took my new video camera with me. In this video you will learn how to paint an Infinity Tree mandala on your iPhone.
You can use this method for any phone or tablet, but I chose an iPhone so that you can see all the steps clearly.
It is very simple, but it takes a while to complete. You need patience, which is why I call it a “Zen painting.”
It is fun, and it works best if you are in a quiet place where you don’t feel rushed.
An infinity tree is a type of mandala that has an infinite number of branches as it goes out and away from the center. You can imagine it as a tree where the branches are growing out and away so fast that they give you the illusion that they are never ending.
Trees are often used as symbols of life and growth. Infinity trees represent the transcendence of time, space, and self-limitation.
It’s hard to know when infinity trees first appeared in art. There are examples from ancient Greece, but you can also find them in Celtic, Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic art.
This video will show you how to create your own painted infinity tree mandala on an iPhone or computer.**
English description:
This iPhone mandala painting tutorial teaches you how to paint mandalas on the iPhone. You can also use a stylus tablet and the iPad. Alternatively, you can follow this video tutorial on How to Paint Infinity Trees on an iPad.
A mandala is a beautiful, original way to paint or draw. A mandala is a fascinating, meditative mental exercise.
See the video on YouTube:
Or read instructions at
(A mandala is a Hindu word for “circle”.)
This video will walk you through the process of creating a unique and beautiful Infinity Tree Mandala in an easy step-by-step manner.
The Infinity Tree is also known as a Chakra tree or Mystic tree. The patterns are derived from Hindu and Buddhist mythology as well as other metaphysical traditions and are used to meditate on interconnectedness and the oneness of all things.
You can use this mandala as a personal meditation tool or with your friends and family at home or in the office.
This video will first walk you through the process of downloading a free app that will allow you to draw on your phone and then draw an Infinity Tree Mandala using a simple technique, which is suitable for beginners.
Infinity Tree Mandala — This is a video I did for a class project it is not my intention to sell this as any kind of product I am just trying to help people by showing them how to do this.
The Infinity Tree Mandala is a mandala that looks like the infinity symbol and creates an allusion to the tree of life symbol. This can be used for meditation purposes.
I have included written step-by-step instructions below in case you would like to try this at home. This instructional video can also be used for those who are visually impaired and cannot read the steps.
I have also included a video tutorial on how to use the Infinity Tree Mandalas program on your iPhone or iPad. Please enjoy!