We at Transformation Art, Inc. have developed a new way to reach your potential: CTIM (Cognitive Therapy Imaging Method). It is based on the latest research.
The basic premise of CTIM is that any problem can be transformed into a situation where you can benefit from it. This is true whether you are having problems with your job, in your relationships, or in any other area of your life. We know that many people find it difficult to believe that there may be something positive they could possibly gain from their problems, but we will show you how it works.
CTIM works because we have discovered that all problems are essentially the same and can therefore be solved in the same way. They are caused by negative thoughts that lead to bad feelings which produce bad behaviors, and these three things form a closed loop. Using CTIM, even chronic problems can be solved quickly and easily.
We know that many people have tried other methods of solving their problems without success, but you should not let this discourage you from trying ours. There is no reason why our method should not work for you any more than theirs did. In fact, our method does work for some people who have tried others first. As long as you are completely open-minded about it and willing
CTIM (Cognitive Therapy Imaging Method) is the institution’s patented therapy, which was developed by Dr. James D. A. Watkins, who has been practising for almost 20 years.
Dr. Watkins’ discovery is that every one of us has an “inner” and an “outer” self. The inner self is the true self and it needs to be nurtured through art, music, literature, sex, food and other things in order to come out into the open and live life to the fullest. Our culture suppresses our inner selves through constant exposure to a barrage of negative images; this causes our inner selves to retreat into a dark hole within us where they take on the form of grotesque beings known as “demons.”
Dr. Watkins theorizes that these demons are the cause of many mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder and so forth. His treatment involves using CTIM (Cognitive Therapy Imaging Method) sessions to change the way we view reality so that we can stop demonizing ourselves and start loving ourselves again. Through this experience patients will learn how their inner selves can become more dominant in their daily lives, thus allowing them to fully accept themselves.’
The CTIM System has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, physicists and artists. Each individual patient is analyzed for his or her unique personality traits and predispositions towards art. This analysis is then used to develop a personal therapeutic plan which combines hypnotic suggestion, CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and the principles underlying the techniques of transformation art. Transformation art is defined as any creative activity which uses tools or technology to modify or transform matter in order to create a new form that follows a particular aesthetic standard.
Treatment proceeds in two phases: the “programming” phase and the “production” phase. During the programming phase we use hypnosis to implant suggestions designed to release creative impulses and direct them towards a given goal. During the production phase we apply all available means – physical, mental and technological – to materialize these impulses as a concrete result.
The goal of the therapy is not realized through the creation of any particular object but rather through the experience of artistic process itself. The fact that objects created through CTIM are often considered works of art has more to do with their context than with their intrinsic nature (which would be artistic regardless of context).
CTIM has already
The CTIM method is an innovative technique that uses the power of the mind to heal the body. It is a new approach to healing that works by combining positive thinking and visualization with post-hypnotic suggestion. Negative or harmful thoughts can be replaced with positive ones, thereby altering the outcome and improving physical health. Each therapy session begins with a session of relaxation therapy, guided by our specially trained staff. The client’s mind will then be opened to a state of receptive suggestibility, enabling it to accept and act on the suggestions given after hypnosis by the therapist.
Post-hypnotic suggestions are presented to the client in a manner that enables them to accept them without conscious awareness of the programming. These suggestions are designed to reprogram their minds with positive thoughts, images and beliefs about their health, well being, and quality of life. Suggestions like “I heal quickly from any disease,” “I am healthy,” or “I am relaxed” are examples of some of our most common programming recommendations.*
We treat every patient as if they were one of our own family members, and we take pride in seeing them return to full health, both physically and mentally. If you are suffering from any physical ailment or disease, we encourage you to give us
The main goal of CTIM is to help the client recover from their afflictions as fast as possible. This can be accomplished by either removing the object or person influencing negative thoughts or actions, or by changing the perception of the individual in relation to that object or person. The treatment plan is designed based on the patient’s symptoms, age and any other factors deemed relevant by their case manager.
A CTIM session is a highly controlled and directed therapeutic process, in which the therapist guides the patient through a series of mental exercises designed to alter habitual thought patterns, or patterns of behavior, as well as to elicit spontaneous self-discovery.
The therapist’s role is that of a facilitator of change; the patient’s, that of a co-creator in an active process. In each session, through the use of physical and mental exercises and techniques, patients are encouraged to break away from their usual habits of thinking and behaving. They are then drawn into an intense relationship with the present moment and what it contains. This close interaction with their environment leads to more focused concentration on areas of concern as they are presented by the therapist.*
*(This information was obtained from: http://nymag.com/news/features/brain-2011-5/)
We are the first to admit that these images are not for the faint of heart. Many of our clients find them extremely difficult to look at. By attempting to transform a grotesque, empty shell into something beautiful and healthy, we take a risk. There is no guarantee that this kind of transformation can happen, but at the very least we can hope for a change that is improbable and often painful: a change in attitude.
Our patients are extraordinarily brave, willing to subject themselves to radical changes in their appearance.