Neon Art and Pet Ownership

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If you have a neon art sign, it is important to be aware of animals. A dog or cat can easily ruin your art work by urinating on it. Even if it doesn’t fully coat the sign, one or two spots are enough to ruin its appearance.

Treatment and Prevention of Pet Damage to Neon Art Signs

The best way to deal with animal damage to a neon sign is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Here are some guidelines for preventing animal damage to your signs.

*Never leave your sign unattended. If you leave it outside overnight, bring it inside when you go to bed.

*Rent an apartment with a yard rather than keeping an outdoor pet on your property.

*Hire a professional guard service that specializes in protecting neon signs from vandalism and vandals who may intentionally try to damage them by using the pets. Many of the people who vandalize signs do so because they are drunk or high on drugs, especially marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms.*Don’t allow animals into your storefront office where they might damage the sign while you are away from the business premises.*If you own a pet, keep it on a long leash when walking outside.*Clean up after your pet immediately if he/she has gone pot

I have been a Neon artist for over 15 years and have had my own sign company for about 10 years. I have never had any problems with my own neon art being damaged by animals. If you are worried about pets damaging your sign, you could use a UV resistant coating on your work.

Aluminum is the best material to use when making a sign. It is the most resilient, will hold its color the longest, can be cleaned easy and with regular maintenance will not rust. A lot of people think that glass is better but it will fade faster and can be more fragile when installing on a lawn or pole in the ground. The toughest glass I know of is tempered glass and it is also the most expensive.

I hope this information helps and if you need further assistance feel free to contact me at:

I’ve been a painter for almost half my life now, and even though I still love it, what I really love is neon art. It’s so beautiful! Which is probably why I’m also a pet owner.

The thing about living with pets is you start to see the world differently. You realize that before you were an artist and now you’re an animal owner, but the truth is that you’ve always been both. The same way your pets don’t think about their fur or claws or ears or claws, you don’t think about your paintings and sculptures or what materials you use. But your viewers do; they think about how it makes them feel. They don’t care how much time went into it, they care what it makes them feel like.

You’re not alone in your home; you share it with animals who can be pretty destructive if they want to be (or if they just don’t know better). And that means that sometimes they can wreck your art (even if they don’t mean to).

That’s why I started this blog: to talk about how my pets affect my artwork. They’re animals and they can’t help it!

Neon art, as we know, is a special kind of art that uses neon lamps to create beautiful and colorful designs. Neon art is most popular in Las Vegas where people can see it on the billboards and signs at night. They also love to have picture frames made from neon light. Some of them even write their name on the frame with their favorite color.

Truly, neon art is one of the best things that people can ever think about having in their house or any other place you want to put it. However, most people ignore the fact that having neon art in your house will require a lot of maintenance and care. That’s because it needs a lot of electricity to run which will definitely cost a lot every month.

But there are other ways on how you can save money when it comes to paying for the electricity you use up on your neon signs. One way is by recycling all the waste products that come out from your neon art sign and make sure that nothing goes to waste. Basically, this process involves collecting all your old tubes and disposing them properly so they don’t harm our environment anymore.

The best advertising signs are ones that people see every day and don’t even notice. The sign has to be part of the landscape.

That’s why, when you want to advertise something on a building, you have to work with what’s already there. Neon is ideal for that, because it works in any weather and doesn’t need electricity. But neon is also expensive to buy and install, and requires an electrician to keep it working. And if it’s an ornamental display it may not have any words on it at all–just shapes or pictures.

Finding new uses for old signs is one way to let your business grow without spending money on new ads. Consider this example: A dog breeder wanted a sign in his front yard, but he wanted something more interesting than “Pets for Sale” or “Doggie Daycare.” He had a lot of old neon signs lying around his junkyard, so he decided to use them instead of buying new ones.

What he came up with was a sign that said “Neon Art by Pets.” He put it right next to the road, where everyone could see it when they drove past. All the time he had spent collecting those old signs wasn’t wasted after all–they were just

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