Native American Art by George Chapman

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Native American Art by George Chapman: A blog about the artist George Chapman and his artwork. I have a strong interest in Native American art, artifacts and history. I have studied and collected Native American art for over 20 years.

The Aztec are a Native American group that resided in what is now the southwestern United States. As with many Native American groups their culture is rich in ancient art and traditional artwork.

Throughout this website, you will find examples of Aztec art. Many of these pieces were created by George Chapman. Some of these works include pottery figurines, baskets and art on cloth.

Aztec art has been so influential in the world that it can be seen all over the world. Even today there are many artists who use Aztec designs in their artwork.

As I grew up in New Jersey, I became aware that my family was of Native American ancestry. My mother’s father had been born on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Although he had left the reservation when he was a small boy, he returned on occasion and my mother remembers visiting him there.

Toward the end of my college career, I discovered that a distant cousin of mine had done extensive research and collected much material concerning our family history. This cousin is an artist who helps to preserve the culture of the Plains Indians through his work. I visited him a number of times when I was on vacation from college and we discussed our family history and he gave me a better understanding of the culture in which my ancestors grew up.

Today we live far removed from our past, but most of us have some awareness of where we came from. For me this awareness has grown over the years as I have learned more about my family history. In contrast to many other tribes, the Lakota have always been a people who valued their heritage, and their long oral traditions help them to maintain their identity and keep them aware of where they came from.

Since our family lived near Philadelphia for many years, there are few examples of native art in our house. But as

About a decade ago, I came across some books on the Aztec art. I was captivated by their brilliant use of color, using them to create a fantasy world. I have long admired the art of ancient cultures and decided it was time to make images of my own.

Aztec Art refers to the art created in what is now modern Mexico, including painting on canvas and walls using natural pigments, sculpture in stone and wood, gold and jade jewelry, pottery, and a wide range of other art forms. Aztec art can be divided into three periods: the pre-Classic period (before about A.D. 900), when most art forms were still in development; the Classic period (A.D. 900–1519), when most of the artistic achievements were made; and the post-Classic period (after 1519), when Spanish influences are apparent.

Artisans working in stone and wood were organized into guilds such as those of sculptors and carvers, with separate divisions for different parts of their work—for example, for stone carving versus wood carving or wood carving versus modeling figures from clay.

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