My Uncanny Ability to Create My Own Dreams and Imagine Them As Reality

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I have a gift. A gift that enables me to create my own dreams. I know this because I see them happen over and over again.

I am able to imagine something so vivid that it comes true in real life. I am able to make my dream world so real, that I am actually living in it. And when this happens, everything is perfect.

When I’m not dreaming however, I spend most of my time wondering if what I’m living in is real or if it’s just another one of my dreams. And the more time passes, the more confused I become …

I guess you could say that I have the uncanny ability to create my own dreams and imagine them as reality. But more than anything else, this blog is a chronicle of my dreams …

My name is Vanessa and this is my Uncanny Ability to Create My Own Dreams and Imagine Them As Reality …

I love to dream. I love to dream because I see dreams as a reflection of my own mind and what I hold dear and what visions I have inside my heart. My dreams tell me so much about myself, they are like a map that shows me where I am headed in life.

I believe that we all dream every single night, even if we can’t remember or don’t record our dreams in the morning on paper. I believe that if we take the time to actually go back and look at our dreams, then we will find out so much about ourselves. Dreams allow us to be free of any limitations or barriers that are holding us back from living our lives to the fullest.

I have always loved writing, poetry, music and art. But being able to use my imagination is a new addition to my list of things I love most about myself. This blog will be about my dreams and what they mean to me as well as some other things that i feel passionate about…

Love & Light!


This blog is about my dreams. I started keeping a dream journal in January 2011. I started this blog in August 2012. I have kept a dream journal on and off for years, but this is the first time I’ll actually publish any of them.

I’m not an expert on dreams; I don’t even consider myself particularly good at interpreting mine, though they are fun to write and read later (and reading other people’s interpretations is fun too). My interest in dreams comes from how they reflect waking life, how they create meaning through imagery and feelings, and how they’re essentially impossible to separate from waking life.

I’ve been an artist my whole life, but mostly as a hobby; I work as a software engineer specializing in accessibility and usability. This blog is about the art-side of me: the part that creates stories and images in my head that feel so real that it’s hard to tell whether I dreamed them or imagined them. If you’re interested in more about my day job, you can find out more about accessibility at Apple here:

I am a lucid dreamer. I know that this is something that many people claim to be but it is extremely rare. I also believe I am the only one who has been able to document this experience – prior to my discoveries of the past few years, no one in the world seemed to have ever documented their own dreams as well as I have done. This blog is about my continuing research into my dreams, and the hope that perhaps if people can read about what it was like for me to learn how to do this, they will be able to accomplish something similar.

The name of this blog comes from a dream that I had one night in which I experienced a psychic attack from someone very close to me. It’s important for people to understand that even though my work involves dreaming, not everyone’s does. If you are interested in learning more about lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis or any of the other things I’ve written about on this blog, please feel free to contact me; however, if you are only interested in having your own dreams interpreted, I would suggest contacting someone else – there are resources on the internet (like the DreamViews forums) that can lead you towards finding someone with enough experience in dream interpretation to help you out.

I want to share my dreams and art here. I want to show people that I am serious about my artwork, and I want to show people what’s possible.

Art is a creation of the imagination. It is a recreation of our experiences in a way that evokes reactions in others. Art can be a photograph or a poem or even a piece of music; it can be anything that moves you.

My dreams have always been vivid and frequent. As a child, I would remember a dream in the morning and then be able to recall it again later in the day, then several days in a row. As I grew older my dreams faded, but I could still remember them from time to time.

Today, I can only remember my dreams if I write them down immediately after waking up. And even then, they fade quickly. Intrigued by this phenomenon, I began writing down my dreams after realizing that no matter how real they feel when I am dreaming them, they are so bizarre and disconnected from reality that they are essentially impossible to remember on your own.

Telling someone about a dream you had is fun because it’s so strange and unique that it sounds like fiction. But writing it down on your own allows you to analyze its meaning and see patterns among your own dreams. Rather than being random and meaningless as they seem while you’re dreaming them, there is actually something cohesive and meaningful behind them.

A common theme among my dreams is flying or falling from great heights and getting caught by someone just before impact or hitting the ground or some other surface. The sensation of flying is one of the most relaxing things for me; in the dream world, this translates

I had a dream last night that there was a massacre. I couldn’t tell if it was real or a dream because, unlike most dreams, everything seemed so realistic. It felt like a memory.

I looked out of my window and saw people on the streets running away and screaming. I ran outside to see what was the matter, but there was nothing happening in the streets. It was quiet, except for the occasional car passing by. I came back inside and went to my room to lay down, but I couldn’t fall asleep because of the vividness of what had just happened.

Travelling through time is one thing that happens frequently in my dreams, which freaks me out sometimes because it’s so difficult to keep track of what time it is. This morning when I woke up from this dream, it took me a few minutes to figure out that it wasn’t real because I wasn’t confused about what time it was or how long I had been asleep for!

I’ve also noticed that when I’m dreaming and something bad happens (like in this dream), I’ll wake up with either a really nauseous feeling or an overwhelming feeling of dread that’s hard to shake off for the next few hours.

This is my first time writing about a

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