Mall Fun Facts

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The mall fun facts blog will be centered around the fun facts generated from the mall itself. The marketing department and I have agreed that we would like to display the fun facts on a kiosk located in the mall for all customers to view. We also agree that this will draw attention to the mall, which will in turn increase traffic and sales.

The mall sells many different items that attract a variety of customers. The mall’s website is already successful generating traffic, with an average of one million views per month. Creating a blog will allow us to reach a broader market, while providing our current customers with additional information about the mall. Additionally, it will help us shape our image by bringing awareness to what we offer and how we can benefit our community.

The blog will include different categories such as “Shopping Facts” and “Mall News.” Each post will feature five facts related to the category along with a link that directs viewers to more information about the topic at hand.

Mall Fun Facts and Figures:

– The Mall is the world’s largest shopping and entertainment center.

– The Mall has a total size of 3 times the entirety of the island of Manhattan.

– The Mall is the largest air-conditioned space in existence, with a total area equal to 1.1 million acres. This is equivalent to 46,656 football fields.

– The Mall complex has both a jail cell and an onsite mortuary within the complex.

– Over 1,000 buses are required to help transport shoppers from their homes to the mall each day. On average, over 9 million people visit the mall every day, making it one of the most heavily trafficked locations in the world.

– The Mall is so large that it even serves as a time zone boundary for surrounding areas; West Chester Township and New Britain Township have daylight saving time, but all other surrounding townships do not because they are located in Eastern Standard Time at the 12 mile marker outside of the mall’s boundaries.*

– It takes approximately 2 hours to walk from one side of the mall to another at a walking pace.*

– There are no less than 3 hospitals within 5 miles of this location*.

*For reference points only**

The mall has been around for a long time, and it has collected a lot of stuff. Somewhere on the top floor is a piece of paper with a list of every item in the mall, including the ones that aren’t officially sanctioned. This list is never seen by human eyes.

So there is an official list of everything, and an unofficial one that is all over the place. Once in a while someone will notice an unauthorized object and try to get it removed, but more often than not, it just sort of fades into the background because no one notices it anymore.

There are some interesting things about this list. The list itself does not exist; what does exist are versions of the list. These versions have slowly changed over time as objects have been added, edited or removed from the mall. The version that any given person sees depends upon their location in the mall, how far they have walked since leaving their home base and which way they are facing at any given moment.

The unofficial master list is typically only updated by employees who need to know where everything is located in order to do their job properly or maintenance workers who are replacing something. It would be impractical to update this list in real time because when something within the mall changes its location changes too. The

The mall is an outdoor art gallery.

The walls of the mall are covered with giant murals advertising brands like Apple and Nike. We don’t notice them because they’ve been there so long that they have become invisible. They are like wallpaper — but better. Wallpaper is for people who hate art; these murals are for people who love art but don’t want to pay for it.

In fact, the quality of the art is high, because advertisers want to show off their products in the best possible way. For example, Apple puts up a lot of dazzling displays in its stores, with iPads and iPhones and iPods floating in midair. These are not computer-generated images; they are real products shot from multiple angles with expensive cameras and lighting equipment. Would you rather see a blown-up poster or a three-dimensional scene created at great expense by professionals?

The mall holds an annual contest for local artists, who compete to paint one of the blank walls near JCPenney’s. A lot of people vote online, and the winner gets his or her mural in front of thousands of eyes every day for a year — plus a $5,000 prize. That’s a pretty good deal for an artist! The contest has been going on

Art is a funny thing. It can be found in many places and on many walls, but what truly makes it art? Is it the skill of the artist or the message that he or she is trying to get across?

Art can be created for many different purposes. Art can be created for an artist’s self-expression. It can also be created to make money. A street artist may only create art to communicate a message to those who see it. One fine example of this is the political cartoon. This type of art is used to express opinions and feelings about current events that are going on in the world today. All types of art have meanings and messages behind them, whether they are meant to or not. They may look like they just have pretty colors or patterns, but there is more information behind them than meets the eye.

Thanks to technology, artists have more outlets now than ever before. The internet has made some very talented people famous overnight because they have posted their art online and someone has discovered their work and shared it with others. There are a lot of websites dedicated specifically to showcasing artists’ works from all over the world. Some popular sites that showcase artists’ works include Deviantart and Redbubble . These sites allow artists to post their works

Art is a huge part of our culture and it is displayed everywhere. In New York City, most people don’t notice the artistic displays on billboards, signs, or ads in the subway. However, some people have taken notice of the art in everyday life and have transformed it into something more interesting. For example, local artist Chris Cairns has transformed an advertisement for the Gap Kids store into a painting of a girl holding a balloon in front of an ad for the Gap Kids store.

There are many more examples of this sort of thing in other cities. An artist named Paul Soulellis has decorated an entire wall with images from ads found on advertising posters in New York City subway stations and he has also used images from catalogs that were placed on benches across the United States. There are also many artists who have included artwork in their clothing designs. One famous example is Marc Ecko who incorporates graffiti into his clothing designs.

With so much artwork around us we often do not take time to realize that we are surrounded by art everyday.*

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