Banksy is a controversial artist. His work is both praised and condemned by different people and organizations. Some believe that his art act is a revolt against capitalism while others think that it is a way to earn money quickly. Even though Banksy art is worth millions of pounds, some argue that his works are in fact just reproductions of other artists’ work.
Trying to solve this puzzle and determine whether Banksy art is original or fake, I’ve been looking for further details about his life and work for months now and I’ve finally come to the following conclusions: Banksy has created over 100 pieces of art so far, many of which have become famous worldwide. However, in certain cases these works of art look strikingly similar to the previous ones, or even identical. For example, when comparing Banksy’s “Scaffold” with that of Blek Le Rat’s “The Bribe”, it’s almost impossible not to notice the striking similarities between those two paintings. Even though the “Scaffold” was painted approximately 10 years after “The Bribe”, it looks like it was made by the same person.
On top of that, Banksy admits that he sources some of his art ideas from other artists as well as from books he reads.
There is a common belief that Banksy’s art is all fake. The purpose of this blog is to present information, along with my own opinions and interpretations of this information. Please note that I am not an expert on Banksy. Instead, I will provide links to experts or other resources for further research.
I have read many articles and watched several documentaries about Banksy, including the BBC documentary “Banksy Does New York.” I also read his book “Wall and Piece” and watched his film “Exit Through the Gift Shop.” In addition, I have done extensive research on Banksy on the internet.
I will be happy to hear from readers about their thoughts and opinions on this topic. Please comment with your thoughts below.*
Banksy has been accused of faking his art. Banksy’s identity and location are not public knowledge. There is a lot of controversy over the authenticity of his work because of this.
In the past, Banksy has been known to set up dummy pages on Facebook and other social media outlets, revealing nothing about himself, but posting images of what he has done. The locations of his art have also been leaked to the media but there is still speculation about whether or not he’s been caught.
(source: wikipedia)
Is Banksy’s art really worth all the hype it gets? I’m not a big fan of Banksy, but I like to think that my appreciation for art is more than just the raw amount of fame an artist has. When I look at some of Banksy’s pieces, I see something that’s nicely done and pretty clever. But is it really that much better than some of the other street artists out there? I mean artists who don’t have any recognition at all?
I’m not trying to bash Banksy here, I’m more questioning if his success is well deserved. There are so many talented artists who don’t seem to get even a little bit of the respect or attention artists like Banksy get. So let me ask again, does Banksy deserve the hype?**
Banksy is a European/English artist who has gained notoriety in the last decade. He has a reputation as an artist that is against the system and that has been able to make a name for himself with his provocative art. His art often involves stencils and graffiti, but he also uses oil paintings, sculpture, and other forms of media. Banksy’s work can be seen on both sides of the Atlantic and the art world has taken notice of this prolific creator. His work has been displayed in exhibitions all over the world, including Los Angeles, New York, London, Miami, and Australia. For example, there was an exhibition called “Barely Legal” in 2006 which had more than $800 million in sales.
Easily one of the most controversial artists working today, Banksy’s work is often considered vandalism by authorities and others not familiar with his work. But those that are familiar with it consider him to be an important voice for art and free speech. Banksy’s work is not meant to just be viewed for 10 minutes on the wall of a museum or gallery before being sold off to some collector. His pieces are meant to last and be seen by many people so they can make their own decisions about his political views and societal critiques.
Banksy’s work has many different motives, and as you can see from his work, he is very smart. Banksy’s pieces are generally made with stencils, and the process of making them is called “cutting.” In order to make a stencil for a piece, Banksy has to first make a copy of the image he wants to use. He then traces the image onto paper and cuts it out. The stencil is then applied to the surface where Banksy is going to create his picture. A layer of spray paint is then sprayed over the stencil in such a way that it seeps through the holes. The excess paint that doesn’t seep through is then wiped off. This video shows how it’s done:
After applying the stencil, Banksy creates his art by painting over it.
Banksy uses this technique because he wants to be anonymous when creating his art so that he won’t get arrested or have to pay fines. It also gives his work its signature style. The idea behind this style is that graffiti art should not look like graffiti art -it should look like something else entirely, so that people will not know what it is or who created it until after they have already seen it and walked away from it
Banksy is a graffiti artist whose politically-charged art can be seen on walls from London to Bethlehem. He has been nominated for the Turner Prize and exhibits internationally, but questions about his identity have remained shrouded in secrecy. The New York Times called him “the world’s most elusive street artist,” and his anonymity has been protected with meticulous attention to detail.
But what if Banksy is a front for an international graffiti conglomerate? A bad joke, or the next Warholian hoax? In March 2008, an e-mail was sent out claiming Banksy had been killed in a car accident in Britain. The prank was taken seriously by many, including The New York Times, who ran an obituary. How did it happen that this unknown artist gained fame so quickly? And why aren’t we able to find any biographical information about him?
A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from a person who claimed he worked closely with Banksy, and who wanted to share some things with me. This individual said that Banksy is not one person, but rather a team of people who collaborate on various projects and maintain anonymity through carefully coordinated public relations efforts. He also said that Banksy’s work is heavily influenced by French artists Blek Le Rat and