Sad Art is a blog featuring digital artwork by Derek Churchill and available to view at .
Sad Art features a variety of works that include fan art, commissioned work, concept art, and more.
All work displayed is available for purchase as well as commission work.
If you wish to purchase or commission any of the displayed works please fill out the contact information on the contact page located on the right hand side of this website.
My name is Derek Churchill and I am a freelance writer. Writing is my passion and I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I have had articles published in various publications that you may or may not have heard of, including the Huffington Post and The Examiner. However, if you want good freelance writing, hire a writer!
Writing can be a fun experience and I love the creative aspect of it. In fact, most of my work has been for clients that were actually happy with my work. Yes, there are times where it’s not fun being a writer like when having to write about things you don’t enjoy or know much about. However, that doesn’t mean that all writers are bad at what they do!
I think people associate writers with being lazy because they would rather just go online and look up something than spend time doing research on the subject matter they need to write about. It’s easy to say “I’ll just Google this” or “I’ll just Wikipedia this.” But then when you’re done writing it turns out you did your research wrong! It’s better to hire someone who knows about the topic you need help with than to end up looking stupid in your article.
The sad art of the writer is that writing, when it is good, is invisible. The reader should be too caught up in the story to notice the words themselves. That’s a challenge for writers and sometimes an exasperation. A good writer may reread his work and find it to be a wreck, a jumble of mixed metaphors and awkward sentences, cliches and failed jokes. It’s not just that he can do better; he did better at first, but then, in revising it, he made it worse.
Trying to make it better, he has made it worse. Now it is too messy to read.
Writers often hate their own work when they are done with it. They think that if only they could start over and do it right this time, they could make something great. But no matter how much you revise your work, it will still contain traces of yourself. You can’t write without leaving clues about yourself behind on the page.
Grammar mistakes are hard to avoid because they come from inside our heads before we have had a chance to check them against reality or other people’s descriptions of reality. If you want good freelance writing, hire a writer: someone who understands what rules apply in which contexts so that
Painters and sculptors who are just starting out aren’t going to make a lot of money, but they can still make a living. They sell their work to people with money. Maybe they help someone who is rich and famous but can’t quite express themselves artistically. Maybe they get a job designing something or working at a gallery. (This is how I got my start.) This kind of thing requires talent, but not a lot of it, and there are so many artists and so much art that you don’t need to be very good to find someone who will pay you fairly regularly.
The only reason writers can’t do this is that there are already plenty of writers around, so there’s no one for them to take money from. Instead, freelance writers try to make money by selling their output to people who want to read it rather than hang it on the wall. But if you’re trying to sell something to someone who does not yet want it, you need more than just good work; you also need marketing skills and connections. And most people with those skills focus on marketing themselves instead of writing articles for other people—because getting an audience is valuable in its own right.
But if you want good freelance writing, hire a writer: https://twitter
Some people have the gift of writing: they are able to put their thoughts into words so effortlessly that no one reading them can fail to understand. Unfortunately, most of us are not so blessed.
Writing is hard work. It requires a great deal of energy and persistence. And it is very easy to make mistakes.
If you want good freelance writing, hire a writer. You will not regret it.
Concerning the nature of creative writing, Stephen King once said “It’s either fiction or nonfiction. I don’t believe there’s any such thing as creative nonfiction.” If you are to write your own blog, then you will have to work on your own writing craft and style. It’s not that hard though. You just need to find out what you want to say and how you want to say it.
However, one thing is for sure. You will never be able to be very perfect on how to create good blogs if you don’t have your own blog. You need to learn how to create a blog first before creating a good one.
What makes a good blog? First, it must have a good title. A good title is something that appeals directly to the interests of its intended audience, says something about the content of the blog without being too long, and gives the reader a sense of what they’ll find inside the blog without being too vague. The title should convey enough information for the user to decide whether or not they are interested in reading more.
Second is having a very good description of what your blog is about. The description can tell readers whether or not they wish to read your blog daily and should describe in detail what most readers