Rococo Art or Rococo Style is a form of art that was popular in the 18th century, especially in France and Germany. Rococo art started to develop as early as 1715, but it evolved later. Rococo art dominated until the mid-eighteenth century. In fact, Rococo Art is often referred to as Late Baroque.
TIP: Use rococo art paintings for home decor and design, with modern furniture pieces and accessories to add a touch of vintage and elegance to your home. And also check out How To Start A Home Business.
The name “rococo” is French for “baroque,” which came from a Portuguese word that originated from an Italian word meaning “rough” or “uneven.” The term was first applied to artwork that was ornamented and detailed with asymmetrical designs of flowers, leaves, scrolls and shells.
In the case of rococo paintings, such artworks were usually used as home decorations or interior design elements inside elite homes during the 18th century as opposed to other forms of art like landscapes or still life paintings which were mostly used for decoration outdoors. Rococo painting resulted in more simple lines and more realistic forms which proved very effective for interior decorations like wall hang
Rococo art is a style of painting that features elaborate and dramatic decorations. The word rococo comes from the French “rocaille”, which means stone inlay. The decorations on a rococo painting look like they were made by inlaying semi-precious stones into the surface of the painting.
* Rose windows
* Curlicues
* Scrollwork
* Emphasis on curves instead of lines
The style became popular during the Baroque period, but was thought to be too flamboyant for some tastes. It was used less during the Neoclassical period and entirely abandoned by the 19th century. Rococo art paintings are unique in that they are a combination of two other styles, Baroque and Chinoiserie.
ROCOCO ART Paintings to buy for home decorating and interior design:
* “Portrait Of A Lady In White” by Francois Boucher (1755) – $200,000 to $300,000
* “The Toilet Of Venus” by Francois Boucher (1748) – $150,000 to $200,000
* “A Lady At Her Toilette” by Francois Boucher (1759
This is a blog on the rococo art movement and its influence on interior design. You can read more about rococo art, interior design, and paintings by following the links below.
Rococo Art
Designing with Rococo Art
Rococo Design Principles
Hi, and thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Art, and I have a passion for rococo art. I have been collecting rococo art for many years now, and am always looking to add to my collection.
I specialize in rococo art, but also love other forms of artwork from the eighteenth century. The paintings pictured on this site are mainly from the Rococo period of France, but also include some German and Italian artwork as well.
Designed by Jennifer Regan
The Rococo period was named after the French word “rocaille”, which means “rock”. The style is considered to have begun in 1730, with the death of King Louis XV. The name was also used to describe the ornate style that was popular during this time period. Rococo art included a lot of intricate details, and many people believe that it took more time than other art to create.
Truly, rococo art is a beautiful way of decorating your home. It will give your house a traditional look, yet it will be different from what most of your neighbors are using.
Here are some tips on how you can use this type of art in your house:
* First and foremost, you need to decide what part of your house you are going to use rococo art for. You may want to use it as an accent piece, or as a centerpiece for an entire room.* Once you have decided where you are going to place rococo art, you have to start thinking about the size of the piece. A good rule of thumb is that if the artwork is small enough, you can hang it without having to worry about size constraints.* Finally, once you have determined where you are going to put rococo
Rococo art is a style of painting that originates in France. Rococo art came about at the time when the Baroque period was waning. The style was popular and spread throughout Europe during the 18th century.
Towards the end of this period, rococo art began to evolve into what became known as neoclassical painting. I would say that rococo was revolutionary in terms of its exuberance, which has been lost in modern times.
There are three things that stand out to me when it comes to rococo art. These elements can be found in many places including furniture, architecture and interior design. The elements are:
Art Nouveau and Art Deco were two of the most popular design styles of the early twentieth century. These two decorative art styles focused on geometric forms, lines and curves to create a sense of movement. Art Nouveau and Art Deco are also sometimes referred to as “Secessionist” or “Modernist” styles, meaning they are often identified with a particular time period rather than any one country.
TIP: Differentiate between the names and times in which they were popular. For example, Art Deco was a popular name for furniture manufactured in the 1920s and 1930s (although it had been used as a descriptor for a style before that). Designers from this period borrowed heavily from ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Mayan design elements to create an overall sense of “the past.”
Art Nouveau began as an interior design style in Paris in about 1890. It was not until the early 20th century when artists began using this style to create paintings and sculptures that it became associated with fine art.
Today, these historically inspired styles are commonly used when drawing up plans for renovating your home or office space. The art is often colorful and ornate which can add visual interest in addition to adding character to any space you want