The purpose of my website is to provide tips and hints to help students get the most out of their college education. I want to do this while helping students learn what they need to learn that will help them later in life.
The best way you can prepare for life after college is by taking a good major in college. There is no such thing as a bad major, even though there are some majors that are easier than others to get through. The trick is to pick a major you can get good grades in and enjoy at the same time.
Learning how to take classes you like and do well in them is an important skill for life after graduation. Learning what you like is also an important skill because it will prepare you for future careers.
What are some tips on picking a good major? One tip I can give you is to pick a major based on what it might lead to in your future career field. For example, if you want to be a lawyer, then taking classes in geography about land use would be important and useful information for a future job as an attorney.
Trying taking classes that deal with the sort of law you will want to practice as an adult might make your college experience more interesting and help you decide if being a lawyer really is something
Here are three tips for picking a good major in college. First, do what you love. Second, don’t worry too much about money or prestige. Third, be practical.
The first tip is the one you’ve heard before. The second and third are the ones that are less well known but will make you happier after college.
So what does it mean to be a good major for college? I’ll give you one example, and then an explanation.
A good major for college is a major that lets you become good at your job.
Being a “good major” sounds like it might be an obscure or technical concept, but it’s actually quite simple. A good major is one where you can get all the education you need while also honing skills that are valued by employers in your field of interest.
The best majors are ones that teach students how to get and give value—not just in school, but also after they graduate.
If you take classes that are valuable in your chosen field of interest, and if you do them well enough to show employers that you’re worth hiring, then even if the classes weren’t required by your school and the credits don’t transfer, it still counts as a good major.
If you’re a student looking to pick a major, it can be a daunting task. You want to pick something that will set you up for success in your career, but you also want to choose a field that you enjoy and are passionate about.
As the largest online community of college students and alumni, we at College Confidential have seen thousands of questions from students asking for advice on what they should study in college. One of the most common topics that keeps coming up is how to choose a good major. Many people have their own ideas about what constitutes a good major, but it can be hard knowing if your chosen major is actually going to lead to success in the long run.
One way to determine what kind of major is best for you is by thinking about your own personal traits and values. That’s because one of the most important factors in determining which major will best suit you is your own personality type. So take a look below to find out if your personality matches with any of these majors that are currently enjoying the highest level of job security, starting with the most popular majors!
College is the time to figure out what you really love. Do what you love, and the money will come later. I’m not saying that if you are passionate about art, you should become a painter even though there’s no money in it. But I am saying that if you do become a painter, you shouldn’t quit your day job until the passion has become profitable.
When choosing a major, ask yourself: “How much money will people be willing to pay me to do this?” If the answer is “not much” don’t major in it. It’s not worth having a hobby that doesn’t pay.*
If you know exactly what career you want before college, then maybe pick a major based on that. But for most people, knowing what they want to do for the rest of their lives is impossible before they’re 30 or 40. People change their minds about what they want to do; often they find that what they thought would make them happy turns out to be a disaster, or something else comes along that’s even better than the original plan.
You need to prepare yourself for change and flexibility. So in college, focus on skills (things like writing and math) that are useful for anything–not just one particular job or career.”
So what should you major in? Well, obviously my answer depends on your career goals. If you want to be a dermatologist, you should probably major in biology. But if you want to be a hedge fund manager or a Broadway star or an actress, then I would advise getting a degree in Fine Arts. And there are many more options than that. Here are a few of my favorites:
Most technical writing jobs involve explaining how to use complex products or systems (computers, cars, medications) to other people. Mainstream media tends to focus on the negative aspects of these jobs, but they can also be pretty fun. For example, if you get to write about technology for the stage (e.g., Playbill), you will have the opportunity to learn about both theater and technology!
Tech writing is also one of the few careers where you can make good money without having a college degree. Many tech writers are self-taught or began as editors or proofreaders before moving into this field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual income for technical writers is $70,540; however, like many other fields, it is significantly affected by location: tech writers in California made $90
You may think college is the best four years of your life, but as soon as you graduate, you’ll realize how much you miss it. It’s a transition period between childhood and adulthood. There are so many new things to learn, make friends with and experience during this period.
Most students enter college without knowing what they want to major in. This can cause problems later on when they have to decide on a job. So, how do you determine what major to pick? Here are some points that might help you: