One of the most interesting aspects of the design process is the initial concept, when you are trying to come up with something that is striking, memorable and unique. The design process can be a long and arduous one, but once you get it right, it can make all the difference.
We will be taking a look at how to create a simple hand drawn logo in this tutorial. This is an excellent way to start your design portfolio if you are just getting started in logo design or graphic design in general.
Recently, I was tasked with creating a logo for one of my clients. I enjoy creating logos because it is one of the few graphic design projects that can be done completely by hand. In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a simple hand-drawn logo in Adobe Illustrator.
I made sure to keep this logo extremely simple. Simple logos will look their best when printed at small sizes (i.e. on business cards, letterhead and envelopes) but can also look great when scaled up (i.e. a billboard or t-shirt). To follow along with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Adobe Illustrator (or any vector graphics program.)
There are many ways to go about making a logo. Most of them are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Here’s a simple way to make a logo:
1. Draw your logo by hand.
2. Scan it and color it digitally. Or have someone do this for you, especially if the logo is complicated and you’re not confident in your drawing skills. 3. Make a few simple adjustments to the file in Photoshop or Illustrator (change the brightness, add a border, change the color saturation)
4. Save it as JPG or PNG at 150 dpi
5. Download and install Fontifier ( 6. Choose a font you like 7. Add the font to your computer 8. Type out all the letters of your logo 9. Save it as a vector file (AI or EPS) 10. Send it to the designer 11. Order some T-shirts with your new logo on them 12. Get famous!
Details: It’s much easier to make changes to type than hand-drawn art, so this method is well suited for logos that will require revision (which is most of them). If your drawing skills are very good and don’t need any help from Photoshop or Illustrator, then you
In today’s world of corporate identity, it is hard to believe that a logo was once considered an integral part of a company’s advertising campaign. Today, logos are used so often and for so many purposes that it seems like they have always been around. Logos have become so complex and intricately crafted that you have to wonder what the first ones looked like.
As it turns out, the first logos were simple, hand-drawn symbols with simple meanings behind them. These logos were created long before the typewriter was invented and long before computers took over our lives.
The history of the hand-drawn logo goes back to the beginning of civilization when people first started trading goods with one another. In fact, some historians believe that the very first mark used to identify a trader was a simple drawing on clay tablets used to keep track of transactions made. These drawings were usually nothing more than stick figures (sometimes even just one stick figure), but they were enough to convey a simple message: “this is me.”
What types of things did people trade? They traded food, clothes, tools, weapons and anything else that might be needed by their fellow villagers. There were no large corporations at this time; a person’s entire livelihood depended on his ability to produce goods and
How to make a simple logo
1. Think about what your business is about. What does it do? Do you sell products or services? Are you trying make people aware of something like a charity or a cause? Think about what you are selling and what it feels like to you.
2. Start sketching the ideas that come to mind based on the points above. Don’t worry too much about getting the sketch exactly right, just get some ideas down on paper. Use whatever medium you feel comfortable with and that gives you access to a wide range of marks and effects – pencil, pen, crayon, watercolour are all good options.
3. Choose your favourite sketch and scan it into your computer (or take a picture if you prefer). Import it into your favourite image editing software and use filters and layers to refine the image until it looks just how you want. You can create nice effects by adding textures or playing around with colour schemes.
4. Get your business cards printed up and start networking!**
I feel quite proud of my logo, but it is not perfect.
The only thing I would change is the typeface. It is a free font called “Oswald” and while I like it, I think the lower case letters are too close in style to the capital letters, which makes it hard to read at small sizes. But that is something to learn with time.
The main reason why I produced this blog was to try to describe as well as possible how I made it and what tools I used, so that you can make one yourself if you want.
When it comes to logo design the process is pretty simple. I’ll go through the steps below, but if you have any questions please contact me and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Step 1