How To Know if An Artist is Sober Or High?

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I have always been a fan of psychedelic art. I have also always been a fan of “underground” art. When I was a kid my favorite books were the ones with the errie, trippy covers that no one could explain to you but everyone knew was special. I had a Bob Dylan poster in my room and an old album cover framed on my wall that no one could tell me why it was so cool.

Your parents hated it, your friends thought it was weird, but you loved it because you couldn’t put your finger on what made it so cool.

Why is this relevant? Because as an adult I am still drawn to this type of art, and as an adult I can now recognize the difference between sober art and high art.

There are many artists out there today creating psychedelic art, but there are not many creating sober work that has the same effect on us as high art does. This is due to the fact that most artists are either high or sober when they create their work, and when they create sober work it doesn’t have an impact on us as much as their high work does.

How do we know if an artist is sober or high? The answer is we don’t really know unless they tell us or we ask

“I grew up in the 60’s, so I was exposed to a lot of great art made by certain types of people. I’m talking about artists that used drugs as part of their creative process.

As a young artist I was always wondering how to know if an artist is sober or not. Many artists have gotten drunk or high and then painted their best stuff. Then some have become alcoholics and drug addicts, which in turn has negatively affected the art they produce. So what can we tell from the art itself? Recently I did a post on how to tell if an artist is sober or not based on the art they produce while they are sober, which you can read here.” – Source:


How can you tell if an artist is sober or high, when they’re working on a piece? Are they on drugs when they create their most famous pieces? Do they use drugs to inspire them? How do drugs affect their art? And what effect do drugs have on the artist’s life and career?

Do artists use drugs to help them create masterpieces, or do they just like to party and get high? Is it impossible to create great art while high, and if so, why do some people insist on doing it anyway?

Some artists say that taking certain substances helps them be more creative. Could there really be something in this idea? How does drug usage change over time for artists, and what kind of art are these artists creating during each phase of their lives?

In this article I am going to explore the different phases of an artist’s life as well as the different types of art that they create while under the influence of various substances.

A different kind of art appears when a person is drunk or high. This under-recognized art form is psychedelic art.

Psychedelic art is more than trippy colors and shapes. It often has intricate details and patterns that appear to move, shimmer, or shift. It can take on a wide range of forms from 2D to 3D, from naturalistic to surrealistic.

In this blog post I’ll go over some of the characteristics of psychedelic art and the artists who create it. I’ll also discuss how you can tell if an artist is high or sober when looking at their work.

The term psychedelic is used as a catch-all for all drugs that change or alter perception, including cannabis, LSD, DMT, Mescaline, and others. An artist who is high on any of these drugs may create psychedelic art without even knowing it.

So why do people who are high on intoxicants create such different types of artwork? And why are certain drugs associated with certain styles? To understand this we need to look at how different drugs affect the brain.

I am often asked whether or not an artist is sober or high. This is not an easy question to answer. Artists are masters of deception and can fool the novice. However, there are telltale signs that can help you determine if an artist is on psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, DMT, mescaline, or 2C-B.

Tattoos: Tattoo artists will often get a tattoo that represents their state of mind while high on psychedelic drugs. Some examples include:

“‘This Too Shall Pass’ in latin across the knuckles” – this tattoo is popular among tattoo artists who use psychedelics to help them through dark periods in life such as divorce, death of loved ones, etc. It symbolizes that life goes on and changes are temporary.

“A picture of a mushroom cloud with the words ‘Last Trip’ underneath it” – this tattoo is popular among tattoo artists who are getting sober from psychedelic drug addiction. The mushroom cloud represents the fear one feels when coming down off a psychedelic drugs and the feeling of detachment from reality during a trip. The words “last trip” represent coming to terms with sobriety and no longer being afraid of tripping.”


An artist is someone whose creativity manifests itself in a medium. This person can be an actor, athlete, author, businessperson, doctor, engineer, entrepreneur, inventor, journalist, lawyer, musician, painter or other professional. Artists are interesting to talk about because they often exhibit erratic or unusual behavior due to the creative process.

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There are many different types of art and artists. An artist can be a painter (like Vincent Van Gogh), a sculptor (like Michelangelo), an actor (like Brad Pitt), a singer/songwriter (like Bob Dylan), a writer (like Edgar Allen Poe), a small business owner (like Taylor Swift), an author (like John Grisham) or anyone else who is able to creatively express themselves using a medium. The most famous artists throughout history have been painters and musicians.

An artist is someone who creates art. Art is any tangible product that is both original and imaginative. This includes paintings and sculptures but also includes songs, movies and books and even inventions like the automobile or computer. The artistic process involves creating something which has never existed before for the purpose of entertaining others or expressing oneself emotionally and/or intellectually.

Artists use many different tools to create their works of art. Most artists

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