Step 1. Draw a circle.
Step 2. After the circle is drawn, you can start to draw the star. Use your pencil to create a ray that is pointing down and to the right of the circle. The ray should be about three times as long as it needs to be. Erase all lines that are not needed. Then, draw another ray that is also about three times as long and point in the same direction but above the first ray you drew and inside it. Erase any lines from the circle that appear in between the two rays you just created.
Step 3. Continue drawing rays by following this pattern: a ray that is half as long as the last one, inside a larger ray and pointing in the same direction; repeat until you have six rays on your star.
**NOTE** If you want more points on your star, create more than six rays for each set of rays you create when creating your star.*
Step 4.* To get rid of excess lines, erase extra lines wherever they appear after you finish creating your star. Then use a ruler to erase any line that may still be visible outside of the limits of your paper (unless it appears between two rays or points of your star).
Drawing is the skill of creating images, usually on a two-dimensional surface. Its most obvious use nowadays is in illustration and animation, but its uses are much wider than that. Drawing is an ancient art that predates written language: it began with the first marks made by a human finger on a cave wall.
In the 20th century, many schools and colleges started to teach drawing as a separate subject. However, the practice of drawing has been limited to preparing for other artistic endeavors. The purpose of this post is to establish some techniques for drawing that will be useful for many purposes and can be used by beginners as well as professionals.
Tutorials about how to draw are very helpful in learning different techniques in drawing. But no matter how easy these tutorials will seem, most beginners find it hard to follow these steps without making some mistakes or getting lost among all these steps. This tutorial will guide you through some simple steps so you can draw your own star without any problem at all..
There are many different types of stars. The ones we have here are the five pointed star and six pointed star.
The five pointed star is probably the most commonly known star, it is a popular symbol for the police as used on their badges and also as it is featured on the US flag.
The six pointed star is featured in many flags around the world including Israel, Japan, Croatia and Australia. The Star of David has been utilised in many shows and films to represent Judaism and its followers.
A star is a very simple shape to create, but has a smooth flowing line which can be drawn by anyone. All you need to do is draw one line from side to side across your sketch pad to produce the basic shape for both of these stars.
This will then require some fine tuning with a ruler so that you can add some points which will allow you to create your own design or even just follow the steps shown here for each of these drawings.*
Hello, I’m Chris Johnson. I’m a professional artist and art teacher. I’ve been drawing for most of my life and teaching it for the past five years.
I started this blog as a place to post my drawings, techniques, and tutorials for both professional artists and hobbyists.
This blog has many kinds of drawing tutorials: realistic drawing tutorials, illustrative drawing tutorials, digital painting tutorials, portrait drawing tutorials, etc. I also draw live on webcam while answering any questions people might have about drawing.
The purpose of this blog is to help people learn to draw better by showing them how I draw and giving any tips that might help them improve their own drawings.
There are a lot of people out there who want to draw. Some of us have artistic talent and some don’t, but drawing is a skill that anyone can learn with practice. The thing about drawing is that it’s not just the artist who needs to practice; everyone should practice because everyone can learn something about drawing. It’s not hard; you just need to be willing to put in a little bit of work.
What sort of work do you need to put in? Well, sit down, grab a pencil (or pen), paper, and something to draw. Find something you want to draw, and start drawing it. Don’t get caught up in mastering techniques at first; just start drawing things and see what happens. The more you do this, the more comfortable you will become with your materials and the better your drawings will be.
The most important thing when you’re starting out is to keep practicing. You won’t improve if you spend all of your time reading about drawing instead of actually doing it! So jump in and start drawing things today.
Many people are intimidated by the thought of drawing, and therefore never start learning. Others realize they need to draw, but have a hard time learning because they don’t know where to begin.
There are many different ways to learn how to draw, and each person is different in what style of instruction works best for them.
Consider looking through the following books:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards (1979)
How to Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler (1981)
Quick Lessons in Drawing for the Artist Within by Andrew Loomis (1932)
How to Draw Cartoons and Caricatures by Mort Fleishman (1965)
I recommend you keep this list handy and reread it as you progress through each book. This way you’ll know what’s coming up and will be able to go back and refresh your memory when needed.