How to draw a circle correctly

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In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a professional logo by drawing with simple graphics tools.

A logo or symbol is an important part of any business. It’s very important that your logo represents you and your company in the best way possible.

Your logo can be a complex image or just a simple circle. Let’s take a closer look at how to draw a circle correctly using basic tools like pencil and paper.

Tutorial: How to draw a circle correctly

I’ve decided to use Photoshop for this tutorial because it’s easier to use it for the whole process. But you can also use any other graphics program like GIMP, CorelDraw or Paint Tool SAI.


Since there are a lot of websites that show you how to draw a circle, I have decided to add my own version. This tutorial will be based on the principles of using “the compass and the straightedge,” as shown below:

The purpose of this blog is to show you how to create a logo based solely on using the compass and straightedge. We will first begin by learning about circles.

Note: The steps shown here are not absolute, and can be altered in order to achieve a desired effect, but they will help you with creating logos that look professional and clean.

-Choose what kind of logo you want.-Decide if you want a flat design, or one with perspective.-Decide whether or not you want smooth corners. A lot of logos have square corners, and I prefer them as they stand out more. On the other hand, curved corners can make a logo look more friendly, which might be what you’re going for.-Choose your color scheme. For example, if your logo is for a car company, it might look good with two colors; one representing the car itself (red), and one representing motion (blue).

There are many methods of drawing a circle, but the best way is to use concentric circles. The steps below will help you to create a visually appealing circle logo.

STEP 1: Start off with a pencil and paper.

STEP 2: Place your pencil on the top left-hand corner of your paper and draw an arc from the left-hand side to the bottom right-hand side. Make it as large as you want your circle to be. Then, place your pencil at the bottom right-hand corner of your paper and draw another arc from right to left up to where you want your next circle to be. Continue doing this until you’ve drawn enough circles to form a complete circle.

STEP 3: Join all of the dots using solid lines that follow the curvature of each circle. If you’re having trouble drawing your circles evenly spaced, try drawing them one at a time and making sure that each one touches the last one. The more perfect your circles are the better!

STEP 4: Now go back over it again and fill in any gaps between the circles and any excess line that isn’t curved around a circle so that it’s easier to see what you’re doing.

(Note: this process is broadly applicable to many types of logos and can be used on most PC and Mac drawing programs)

The first thing you need to do when you want to draw a circle is make sure you have the right tool. The right tool for drawing circles is a compass.

You probably have a pencil in your hand, so before you draw your circle, go ahead and put the tip of your pencil on the paper. Draw a line. Now put the eraser of your pencil on the paper and draw another line. Do you see what I’m getting at? You just drew two arcs. An arc is part of a circle. So if you’re going to draw a perfect circle, all you have to do is connect those two lines with a straight line

You already know that this won’t work perfectly. The problem with any arc – no matter how small – is that it’s not entirely contained in the circle that contains it. There are two ways out of this problem: Either you can enlarge your circle until it encompasses the arc or you can shrink your arc until it fits within the circle. But which should you do? If your arc isn’t too big, shrinking it will be easier than enlarging the circle. So let’s try that

Most people draw a circle by starting with a point, and then drawing a line for the vertical side. But this is wrong. It produces an ellipse, not a circle.

The correct way to draw a circle is to start with two points, and draw the diameter between them.

If you know how to do that (and I’ll assume you do) then you can use it to draw any size of circle you need. Just find two points on the circumference of the circle you want, and connect them by drawing the diameter between them. Then fill in the rest of the circle.

“The basic elements of a logo are circles, lines, and curves,” says Ken Carbone, a designer who has created logos for Best Buy, the NBA and others. “It’s all about balance.”

For example, a logo with three colors arranged in an equal triangle balances perfectly. “If you take the logo and turn it upside down, it still looks balanced.”

He continues: “A logo is not supposed to be right side up or upside down — it’s supposed to work both ways.”

There are many ways to draw a circle and many tools to help you do it. While the best method is your own hand and the best tool is your brain, that hand can get tired and that brain can get bored. If you want something different or better than what your brain can come up with, this post might be for you.

This was a fun project as it got me back into Illustrator! I started by doing some research on logos and their meanings – I don’t have any previous logo experience, so I wanted to learn some of the basics before proceeding. This post will be broken into a few parts: 1) Research 2) Design 3) Refinements 4) Final Product


I spent most of my time doing research on logos, looking at several books available to me in the library. I found that there were two types of logos: abstract and symbolic. I also learned that both types could have a variety of meanings associated with them, but that there was often one meaning that stood out over others. For example, Nike’s swoosh means speed and performance because that’s what they’re all about – making sure whatever athlete wears their gear performs well.

All of my research pointed me toward an abstract logo – not exactly surprising

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