I’m not a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory but I was intrigued to learn about how one of the characters on the show referenced mandala wall art.
The article is an interview with artist, Doug Mankhe, whose mandala themed wall art was selected to be the background for Raj’s room in a recent episode. I found it interesting because I have a friend who is into mandala artwork and she has some hanging in her room.
It’s been fascinating to me to see how much art, music and fashion that I’ve never heard of can end up on popular shows and movies or be mentioned by celebrities. It seems like such a random process but it happens all the time.
I liked this article because learning about how popular art ends up on television shows and movies is something that interests me. It’s really cool to learn more about how it happens so I will definitely be reading more articles like this one in the future!
Calvin Hennick is a man who creates mandala themed wall art. He has created pieces for both the BigBang Theory set and musician Adam Levine. He talks about his work, which can be found at his site: www.calvinkleinart.com
Calvin Hennick is a man who creates India themed wall art. He has created pieces for both the BigBang Theory set and musician Adam Levine. He talks about his work, which can be found at his site: www.calvinkleinart.com
The mandala art he creates can be found all over the United States, as well as international places like Canada and Australia. His work is displayed in homes, businesses, recording studios, and even tattoo parlors and spas.”
There’s a fine line between being inspired and being derivative. As Howard Overman found out, it’s all in how you represent yourself.
Howard Overman, who we profiled last year, is an artist and the owner of mandala themed wall art company Mandala Designs. His work is beautiful, colorful and expansive, but don’t take my word for it. Take his:
“I’m trying to take something very complicated and turn it into something very simple,” he tells The Creators Project. “It’s very much like life itself.”
Because Overman is so intent on getting his work right, he prefers to work with clients who share his interests. When CBS approached him about creating some wall art for the Big Bang Theory set, they were surprised at how picky he was. At first, he declined the job because he didn’t think their vision of space was cool enough (which is funny because who has a cooler vision of space than NASA?). But when the network came back with a more cosmic concept—one that involved aliens building a Dyson sphere—he was immediately interested.
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“I’m always looking for new ways to create, and I’m always looking off the beaten path,” says artist Dave Cole.
He first starting making mandala art when he found himself “sitting in the middle of a whole pile of magazines and papers, and had the idea that if I cut them all into circles, I could make a mandala out of it.”
Since then, Cole has been producing mandala-based art for about five years. He’s created everything from shirts to coffee mugs to furniture, working with items ranging from leather to stained glass.
TJ Scott of The Big Bang Theory commissioned Cole to make an original piece that could serve as a prop on set for Raj Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar) and his love for Hindu art. The result was an intricate wall hanging in Raj’s apartment.
“I do have some celebrity clients,” admits Stokes, who has been painting for more than a decade. “I don’t usually like to talk about them but I’m proud of my work that has appeared on the set of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and I’m happy to talk about it.”
Stokes first started painting mandalas over a decade ago as a way of improving his focus for work. He was working in corporate IT at the time and he found it challenging to stay focused on the task at hand. He felt like he was always getting distracted by his surroundings so rather than fight those distractions, he embraced them and began drawing mandalas.
“At first it was just something to do while sitting at my desk,” says Stokes. “I would draw a circle with a pencil, one line at a time, until there was nothing left but the blackness inside of the circle.”
Mandala-themed art has been used in a variety of settings, including the design of the main characters’ bedrooms on the hit television show The Big Bang Theory. Each piece is made with painstaking care and detail and is guaranteed to bring beauty and inspiration to its surroundings.
Dalai Lama XIV (born Lhamo Dhondrub, but later changed his name) began drawing these intricate designs as a way to pass time while he was in exile. He quickly discovered that he had a passion for creating them, which led him to seek out teachers and mentors in order to learn more about their meaning. When he became the leader of Tibetan Buddhism, he became one of the most prominent public figures in the world.
This incredible achievement has been recognized by many different people from around the globe, including other religious leaders such as Pope Francis I. In addition to this honor, Dalai Lama XIV has received countless awards for his humanitarian work, from organizations like the United Nations.
Alex Rose is a visual artist, who lives in Los Angeles and travels often to India. Mandala art is his passion. And he has found a niche as a professional artist creating mandala themed art for interior designers and home decorators.
Mandala art is the name given to the geometrical patterns that are used in Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a symbol of the universe. Alex Rose, who has been meditating on a daily basis for more than 16 years, has created his own unique blend of East meets West in these wall hangings.
“I’m always looking for ways to expand my awareness,” says Alex Rose, “and I feel mandalas have such a rich history that I wanted to explore them further.”
The idea to learn how to make mandala came from his father. When he was very young, he recalls drawing round shapes on paper and then coloring them in with red crayon. This is what led him to create his first mandala painting at the age of 7. More than 20 years later, he has developed this into his full-time career as an artist.